Chapter .17

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Around three minutes after I started making out with Rhett... I finally came to realization. I have a boyfriend! A good one too! So what am I doing kissing Rhett?

I lightly pulled away from Rhett, my lips ajar, my breathing off. Rhett smiled and presses his forehead against my own. He held my face in his large hands. I swallow and bite my bottom lip. "I can't do this Rhett..."

"What are we doing?" His smirk is never leaving.

I raise an eyebrow. "Really dude?" He laughs. "What?"

I sigh. "I'm dating Blake."

He shrugs. "And I'm dating Morgan." I freeze completely. Wait... Morgan as in.... The slutty brunette he was making out with the first day I came here?


After my long pause of silence, I shake it off and act cool. It doesn't matter if he's dating her. He can date whoever he wants. It doesn't bother me. It doesn't!

"Then why kiss me?" He smirks, leaning closer to me, our noses touching. "Why not? Kissing relives stress you know. It can be our own little secret."

"What is with you Rhett? You're acting so weird."

He frowns slowly and stares right into my eyes. "Someone has something that I want. And it pisses me off. And I know how you are. You're exactly like me... So I thought maybe you'd just... Help me." I stare at him. He's absolutely crazy.

"Rhett you can't just... Kiss away your problems. Something's going on with you. And it's bothering me. Until you figure it out, maybe you should just-"

He curls his fingers over my ears softly, tangaling in my hair and yanking me agaisnt him. He kisses me harder, and it's like putting me under a spell. I instantly let my eyes drift shut, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him back. I hate admitting it, but his kisses are so much better than Blake's.

After a while, I pull away, feeling guilty. I'm dating Blake. But here I am making out with Rhett.

I bite my lip, staring up at him. "Why me?" He laughs at me. "Like you said yourself... You're not some virgin good girl."

"But I'm not a cheater either." He
Laughs, licking his lips slowly, staring down at me lustfully. "It's not exactly cheating since you have no feelings for me. You're just... Reliving stress. In your own way."

"Rhett, this is stupid. What's the point in this?" He shrugs. "There's many points to this. But what's yours?"

"Why are you trying to confuse me?" He smiles. "I'm simply asking you a question."

I shove him by the shoulders. "Well stop! I'm not doing this-whatever this is."

"It's just sex, Audrey. No feelings attached. Trust me, once you do it the first time with me, knowing there's nothing to it, you'll feel much better."

I raise an eyebrow. "Oh really? So you've done this before?"

He shrugs, slipping his hands into his pockets. "Once or twice."

"So, whenever we're feeling stressed, we just fuck each other?" He nods. "Pretty much."

"And no telling anyone?"

"Not a peep."



Me and Rhett stare at each other. Did I really just agree to this? Having sex with Rhett? While dating Blake?

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