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 I walked through the hallway pushing past a couple making out against the lockers. I gave them a disgusted look and quickly ran in my class room as the boy shot me a death glare before continuing to shove his tongue down that poor girls throat. It's been almost a week since Harry and I kissed. He hasn't called, texted, or even talked to me. He avoids me during school. I'm not making an effort either. I'm on step three, I have gathered my thoughts; Harry is a fuckhead and I'm beyond mad at him. I see him at lunch sometimes, now he sits with Liam and I sit with Niall. I miss him. I miss him more then I missed chocolate that one time I tried dieting. I missed him but wow he was a bad person and I was so so so mad at him.  

I was pulled out of my thoughts by my teacher Mrs. Wells asking me to take a stack of dictionaries to the supply closet. I nodded and picked up the stack of books. There was so many I couldn't see over them. I had to look around them as I walked through the halls. I turned the last hallway before I felt my my body and the dictionaries hit someone, sending me and the books to the floor. "Oh, shit I'm sorry!" I said quickly and my heart dropped when I looked up. Harry's piercing green eyes were giving me a sympathetic look. I turned my attention to the books so I didn't have to look into those amazing eyes. I picked up half and noticed Harry got the rest. "I'll help you carry them." he said quietly and I nodded. 

 We made our way to the supply closet in silence. I wanted to scream every profanity in the book at him but I held back. He opened the door for me and I went in mumbling a thanks. I set the books down and noticed Harry had finished stacking the books and was now blocking the door. "Move Harry." I said through gritted teeth. "Don't be mad at me." He said quietly as he played with the small moon hanging off his chocker. My mouth dropped open. "Are you kidding me?" I said letting a fake laugh slip past my lips. I watched him study my face before his eyes fell to the floor. "You kissed me then called me a fag. And on top of all the you didn't call or text me after. You've been avoiding me this whole week. Your suppose to be my best friend and now I'm not even sure who you are anymore. You're not Harry. You're just another homophobic ass." I said quickly. I felt the tears but I refused to let him see me cry. "Louis.." He almost whimpered. His green eyes turned glassy and red around the edges. "I-I'm not gay." He said as if he was talking to himself. "Then what the hell are you Harry? Best friends sleep in separate beds, they don't cuddle or kiss. They don't look at each other the way I look at you!" I was screaming now. I hadn't noticed I was getting closer as I said the words. He looked down to wipe tears away. I took this as an opportunity to slip past him. I quickly walked back to the class I didn't look back incase I saw Harry. Once I was back in class I told Mrs. Wells I needed to go to the nurse. She nodded and I ran out of the class room. I was fuming. I felt like I could punch a wall I was so mad at Harry. 

I jogged out to my car quickly so no teachers or students could ask questions. I ended up driving around town until I decided to go to the park. I walked down the same path I always did. It didn't feel the same without Harry here. There was no camera shutter, there was no giggles, there was no cigarette breaks with him. It was quiet and still. The sky was grey and there was no wind. Most of the leafs were falling off of the trees. I sat on the bench of the dock like I always did when I was with Harry. I looked out over the water. I saw birds flying and squirrels jumping from branch to branch. I was so zoned out I didn't notice the foot steps that were approaching. 

 I jumped when I heard someone clear their throat. I snapped my head toward the sound to see Harry standing behind me. I jumped to my feet and tried to walk around him. I felt his large hand grip my wrist and bring me to his chest. My face was pressed into his shirt and I pressed my hands into his stomach in attempt to push him away from me. "Louis please." He said as his hands ran up and down my back. "You hurt me.." I whimpered. "I know" He sighed into my hair. My fringe was getting pushed into my eyes and I was crying without realizing. This totally messes up my steps. Harry pulled away from me and his hands when to cup my cheeks. 

 "You beautiful human." Harry said wiping tears from my cheeks. I closed my eyes so I didn't have to make eye contact with him. "Lou.. Look at me." I snapped my eyes open and looked into his green eyes. He was crying too. His red eyes contrasted his green iris' amazingly. He was wearing a maroon sweater that was too big so he had sweater paw. I looked down at his ripped jeans so I didn't have to look at him. "I love you Louis." A sob shook through my body. I felt his lips press against my temple. "I know you love me back." he said with a loud sigh. I felt a tear drip onto my fore head. "You hurt me." I said again. I don't know if I could forgive Harry for this one. 

Aw babies. Hope everyone is doing good. Thanks for reading. :)

All the love,


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