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quick little a/n I mention the song 'Stuck on a Puzzle' by Alex Turner I highly suggest you listen to it while reading this because omg.

I woke up to Harry talking. I kept my eyes shut because I wasn't able to fully open them yet. "Yeah, we're good. Tell Niall to calm down and that I'm taking care of Lou." he paused waiting for the other person to talk. "Yeah, I know he probably would punch me in the nose if he was here. I know I fucked up Li... Just please don't tell anyone I kissed Louis." I tried hard to keep my eyes shut. "Yeah ok bye." I heard Harry hang up the phone and lean over to kiss me on the cheek. My eyes opened immediately. My cheek was burning as his lips lingered over my skin. "Morning love." he said brushing hair out of my eyes. "Hi." I smiled sitting up. 

 He leaned over to press a chaste kiss to my lips. "Get up, we are going out." Harry said as he plugged his phone into the speaker next to my bed. 'Stuck on a Puzzle' by Alex Turner started to play. I stood up and before I knew it I was being spun around. Harry's hand was only waist and the other was holding my hand out next to our bodies. We danced around the room giggling as he spun me around and then had to duck under my arm when I went to spin him. We stayed like this; dancing until we got tired.

We decided to pack lunches and go to the dock. It was sunny and the weather wasn't that cold. My black sweater was all I needed to keep me warm. We sat on the bench eating our sandwiches in peace. I was caught off guard by a piece of lettuce hitting me in the face. I looked over to see Harry laughing. "OK THAT'S IT STYLES!" I yelled setting my sandwich down. I watched Harry smirk and take off running. "No fair, I have tiny legs!" I yelled running after Harry. The lanky boy ran in zig-zags which made it much harder to catch him. I watch him run behind a bush then drop down.

"I got you now!" I said as I rounded the bush. A squeal left my mouth when I felt someone pick me up by my waist. "No, I got you Tomlinson." Harry smirked as he set me down. His mouth was turned into a smug smile as he pushed me backwards until my back hit a tree. I watched him duck his head to capture my lips between his. My hand instinctively went up to tug at the hair on the nape of his neck. He groaned into the kiss and I moved my other hand up to see if his heart was beating as fast as mine was. My palm went over his heart and I felt it racing against his rib cage. 

Harry quickly pulled away and doubled over in pain. I looked over him to see Liam scolding Niall and a soccer ball laying on the ground near Harry's feet. "You can't just throw footballs at people, Niall!" Liam said in a stern voice. I laughed loudly and Harry glared at me. Niall was laughing and flashing me a thumbs up. Liam was rolling his eyes at Niall. I loved my friends.

WOW why do I keep writing short chapters, oh wait bc I'm trash. :) Anyways, vote and comments. 

All the love, 


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