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I woke up on the dock with Harry curled into a ball next to me. His jacket was pulled tightly around him and he had a dead leaf in his hair. I slowly pulled it out of his curly locks and set it next to him. Harry's eyes fluttered open and I quickly looked away.

"Don't you have better things to do then to stare at me?" Harry smirked and chuckled sleepily. "I can't help it, you're pretty." I smiled back at him. "No, you're pretty." he giggled and sat up. I watched as he stretched his arms up and legs out.

"Remind me to never sleep on this again." he said after he popped almost every bone in his body. I nodded in agreement as I stood up. We started walking back to the cars. "Can we go back to yours and shower?" H asked quietly. "I mean not together- like separate. Me shower.. then like you shower or I will then you or whatever." I chuckled lightly at H's clumsiness. 

 I drove Harry and I back to my house, he said he would get his car later. 'She aint you' by New Hallow played through the speaker and I sang along quietly. "SHE GOT YOUR HAIR AND SHES GOT YOUR EYES." Harry screamed loudly. My eyes opened wide and I snapped my head toward Harry. "Are you trying to make me fucking wreak?" I said in a stern tone but the laugh Harry was letting out caused me to smile. His head was tilted back against the head rest and his eyes were screwed shut and their was crinkles by the corner of his eyes. Harry was art and it was as simple as that. He was sculpted by heavens best artist and that was a fact. I wanted to shake the hand of the amazing beings that created Harry Styles because wow. Harry continued to laugh. "You should have seen your face Lou!" I rolled my eyes fondly. "I could have wreaked the car." I said laughing lightly because how could I stay mad at Haz?

 After both Harry and I had showered we sat on my bed criss-cross like children. Harry's long hair was still damp and made his t-shirt have little wet drops all over it. I smiled at him fondly. "Lou.. What happens when we graduate?" Harry said as he picked at his nail beds. I paused. "I hadn't thought about it.." I said honestly. "Do you think we will still be this close?" he asked looking up at me. "I think that if you want me here, I'll be here. So when June comes and if you still want me by your side I'll be there, H." Harry opened his arms and I shuffled to sit between his legs. I leaned forward so my head was on his chest. His arms were wrapped around me in seconds. 'NoLo' by Grace Mitchell was playing in the back ground and I cursed it because I was about to ruin this moment. "And you gotta know low if you want to get high. Don't worry about me it's all better now. You can worry about you, I'm all better now." I sang into Harry's t-shirt. "Are you better now?" Harry said in a serious tone. I pulled away and shot him a confused look. 

 "The other day when we were sitting outside at Li's.. you seemed upset about something." he looked down again. "Oh.." I thought for a moment. I needed an excuse. "I was just upset because.. " I was stalling and it wasn't working. "because.. I'm having a rough time in math. I failed the last test we took and the teacher e-mailed my mom." I lied quickly. "Aw LouBear. I could tutor you. Their is no reason to be upset." Harry smiled ruffling my hair. 

 "Smoke?" I asked getting up to open the window. Harry nodded and stood up. I looked down at the drive way from my window. Mom's car was gone and the sun was starting to set. I assumed she was out with friends it wasn't uncommon. I grabbed cigarette for Harry and I. I watched him pop it in his mouth and  light it. Smoke blew out his nose and I was entranced. I quickly dropped my gaze and took my own cigarette between my lips. I took the lighter from Harry's hand ignoring how warm his hand was. I lit mine and inhaled deep. I watched Harry ash his cigarette on the window sill. I did the same. "You know this is when I feel the closest to you." H said wrapping an arm around my waist. I leaned into him. I nodded in agreement. We finished our smoke break just as the sun had gone down. Now we were crawling out my window with my comforter and two pillows. We laid on we roof for a while in silence before either one of us spoke. "I don't want to lose you." He whispered. I turned on my side to look at him. I felt the cold shingles of the roof against my ribs but I didn't mind. "How would you lose me Haz?" my brows furrowed in confusion. "I just don't want to fuck this up." He turned to face me and grabbed my hand. I watched his long fingers slide between my much smaller ones. 

 I quickly sat up and Harry followed, our hands still intertwined. "You won't lose me." I promised as I cupped his cheek with my free hand. Harry turned to kiss my palm and I never felt so much passion for anyone in my life. I was unknowingly leaning closer to him. He looked at me and seemed to notice. I saw his eyes flash down to my lips and I was already breathing quickly. Was Harry Styles about to kiss me

Op cliff hanger !!1bskd I love these to nuggets. They make me so happy and I love writing about them. Thanks for reading. :)

 All the love,


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