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I woke up to Harry stirring next to me. When I opened my eyes he had his hand holding up his head as he stared down at me. He gave me a smile that showed both dimples and I couldn't help but smile back. "Don't you have better things to do then watch me sleep?" I asked as I pulled the sheets up to my nose. "I couldn't think of something I would want to do besides look-" 

Harry was interrupted by the door being flung open and some one screaming at the top of their lungs. Harry and I both screamed loudly and jumped toward each other. I looked over to see Anne, Harry's mom, standing in the door way. The middle aged women was bent over when her hands on her knees. She was cackling with laughter as me and Harry tried to control our heavy breathing and fast heart rates. "I so got you guys!" She said in-between fits of laughter. "You nearly made me pee!" H exclaimed looking at his mother. I giggled once my heart rate had gotten under control. "Sorry boys, I haven't been to bed yet and I get silly when I'm sleep deprived." Anne said after straightening up. "Get some rest, mom." Harry was sounding more like a mom then she was at the moment. I laughed at the thought.

"Have fun boys." Anne said winking as she shut the door to Harry's room. "So," Harry started as he turned toward me. "what do you purpose we do on this fine day?" I just shrugged. "Might go see Zayn." Harry's features went flat. His eyes went cold. His smile dropped into a frown. "You saw him the other day." Harry said with a scoff. I grabbed his chin so he was looking me. I kissed his lips gently and smiled. "Someone is jealous." I giggled getting off the bed. "Go hang out with your boyfriend." there was no hint of sarcasm or a joke in his voice. The sentence came out harsh and I couldn't tell if it was intended to be or not.

I grabbed my shirt off the floor and slid it on. After I put on my shoes I went to give Harry a hug but he didn't hug back. "Haz, whats wrong?" I asked looking at him. "Just go hang out with Zayn." Harry was acting childish. He even had is stupid noodle arms crossed over his chest life a five year old. "I said leave Louis." He pointed to the door. 

I made my way across the room to the door. "This is the second time you've kicked me out. Next you'll want the key back." I rolled my eyes and slammed the door on the way out. I made my way down the stairs to find Anne blocking the door. "I'm sorry about slamming the door.." I said shyly as I looked at the floor. "He loves you Louis. Don't let him push you away. Just be there for him, he's been through a lot. He'll come around." She gave me a sad smile before she pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back before we said our goodbyes and I left. 

The drive to Zayn was full of thoughts about a dumb boy with dumb curly hair. I didn't understand why Harry was upset that I was going to see Zayn. I shook the thought out of my head as I pulled up to Zayn's apartment. I grabbed my phone out of the cup holder and got out of the car, making sure to lock the doors. Safety first. I looked down at my feet as I walked up the stairs, it was a habit of mine. I didn't look up until I heard foot steps. I looked up to see Liam walking down the stairs. "Li! What are you doing here?" I asked smiling up at my friend. Liam's face was a deep shade or pink. "Oh.. Louis. I'm- just.. I was just going." He quickly skipped down the stairs before I could say anything else. 

I walked into Zayn's apartment. "Start knocking for god's sake." Zayn groaned. I laughed lightly and plopped down on the couch next to Zayn. "I just saw Liam. It was weird; he was weird." Zayn's face turned bright red. My eyes were drawn down to his neck where a large purple hickey surrounded by a bite mark sat. "No fucking way! You and Payno?!" I poked at his hickey. "Fuck off." He said slapping my hand way. "You totally took Payne's v-card!" I laughed loudly. "Shut up! I did not!" Zayn's face only turned redder. "Whatever you say, bud." 

AW ZIAM!! why was Harry so mad? tell me what you think! :) 

All the love,


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