Chapter 6

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Picture of Jessica McFellen on the top

Hope you enjoy the story!

"Hey guys" said Gail walking towards her new group of 'friends'.

"Hey there!" Said Gabbie and Tara together while Sandy didn't seem that happy. Gail was the reason Rocky disappeared, why should she be nice to her?

Gabbie's plan had been rejected by Gail as it was too 'unproductive' and 'time consuming ' but she didn't mind. The important thing was that Rocky returns home safe and sound.

"Okay Gail. Tell us the plan." Said Sandy, so she could get Gail out of her sight.

"Not yet. Meet me in the chemistry lab after school. Until then, toodles!" She said as she waved her fingers and ran off somewhere.

Sandy head of to chemistry a little early and Tara went with her. So Gabbie just stood at her locker to she if any tears didn't go down her eyes. She missed her brother a lot.

"Hey Gabbie!"

Gabbie turned around and saw a familiar pair of blue eyes with a touch of grey and soft silky brown hair. That's right, it was her good friend Josh Watson.

Josh moved from Dallas to Spectreville in freshmen year. Big city boy was new to the small town so Ms. Ventiquae asked Gabbie to show him around, and that's how they became great friends.

Sadly Josh always knew he had something special for Gabbie but also knew about her feelings for Alex (there are so many love triangles in this school that soon I'm gonna get confused)

"Hey Josh! Long time no see!" Said Gabbie trying her best to look happy

"All good?"

"Yup. All's well..."

"Alright. Anyways, here's your physics paper that's due next Monday. Good work but use more professional terms for that A." He said handing Gabbie a paper marked with red marks

Josh was a physics genius, he was almost at Gail's level. He always asked Gail for help, but she always gave him the cold shoulder.

"Thanks! Now I can finally get that A!!' She said as she pulled Josh in for a bear hug and head off for chemistry as well.

I wish she would look at me the way I see her, he thought, while heading towards his class.


Sandy walked alone in the crowded hallways. She took the longer route to her chemistry class so she would "walk off" her emotions.

That was when she walked by the sly green eyes of Jessica McFellen.

"Hello there Sandy."

"Hi. Jessica." She said a bit soft, she still felt rather blue.

"How was your study date with Rocky huh?"

"It was...", Sandy froze, she almost told Jessica the secret,"...Pretty good. He's smarter than he claims to be."

"Whatever. I'm here to tell you to stay away from my Rockie-Pockie or believe me these last two years of high school will be worse than the previous ones. Am I understood?"

"Uh-huh." Replied Sandy, she was confused why Jessica was so jealous. He likes her she likes him, what's the deal with Sandy?

"Now sweetheart. I'd love to stay and chat, but I'd rather go to gym class and sweat off my make up than talk to the geek blonde."

Jessica moved over and ordered her followers to walk beside her. The clacking of her heels was running around in Sandy's head. What could Jessica possibly do that could make her life even worse?

Sandy arrived at chemistry when Gabbie was sitting and reading her physics paper while Tara was talking to Chris.

She saw Gail at the back with her laptop out. Gail was always allowed to do what she wanted. Sandy kept her book bag in her seat and walked over to Gail.

"Hey Sandy. You're still not allowed to see, I'm working on it." Said Gail when Sandy was a couple of footsteps away.

"How did you know it was me?"

"Well you're the only one who wears that sweet vanilla perfume your grandmother gave you when you moved her from your farm in Australia."

Sandy was surprised. She only told that to Gabbie and Tara when she was sleeping over that Gabbie's house. Before she could say anything.

"Rocky told me. He talks a lot about you." Said Gail causing butterflies to take off in Sandy's stomach.

The bell rang and Sandy went back to her place. Mr. Andrews gave them their assignments back fully graded. (He was the only teacher who gave graded assignments back in time)

"How much did we get?" Chris asked Tara

"Omg!! We got an A+!!" Tara whispered

They gave each other a high five and then just sat quietly. Tara but her hand down to let Chris know it was okay to hold her hand (very childish thing) and Chris made no delay in accepting.

Gabbie was happy with her A with Sandy but noticed Sandy was looking at Tara's table.

"Gabbie?" Sandy whispered

"Yes Sandy."

"I have a feeling Tara is hiding something from us."

Gabbie turned around and saw the both of them holding hands, "I don't believe it!"


At lunch Tara had to go do some mischief with Chris but was stuck at a silly interrogation with Sandy and Gabbie.

"Do you like Chris?" Asked Gabbie, trying to be as FBIish as possible.

"I don't know. Maybe? It's kinda complicated."

"Are the both of you together?" Asked Sandy attempting the same.

"Again, I don't know"

"If you like him you should say something..." Said Sandy

"Yeah. Now excuse me,I have to meet up with Chris." She said as she blushed and walked towards her locker.

She took a deep breath in as she walked, it was time to get rid of Tara and take out the Troublemaker.

"Hey Tara!"

"Hey." She said as she opened her locker and took out her 'Trouble' hoodie and another one.

"I hope this fits you." She said as she handed a black hoodie that said 'A big mess'. If was a little big on the sleeves but Chris loved it.

"Oh my God Tara you're the best!" He said as he pulled her into a tight hug. They were in that position for a couple of seconds when Tara realised there was only half an hour left for lunch to end.

"Chris let's go. We're wasting time."

"Got it boss!"

"Remember. We film after we know what's in there"

"Got it boss"

They head towards the basement staircase as the guard would be off buying lunch. They slowly head down the staircase and as Tara was about to go on the floor Chris stopped her.

"There are security cameras here, take out the phone" he whispered

Tara took out her phone and opened a software she created to stop any electronic device around her. She switched it on and all the lights and cameras went off.

They walked down a dark and dangerous looking basement hallway Tara showed Chris a lot of vent entrances to classrooms, teacher's lounge etc. And all the way at the end of the hallway a dark oak wood door that said '666' with a big do not enter sign.

"Let's do this" Chris said as he held Tara's hand.

"Let's see what Hollander was so worried about."

They opened the door that they expected to make a creaking sound but didn't. The door has been opened recently, thought Tara.

When they saw the room, words were not able to escape their mouths. All they could do was speechlessly stare.

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