Chapter 10

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Picture of Marylou Ventiquae on the top!

Hope you enjoy the story!
Josh was with his guitar singing a sad song he found on the internet. Just then he heard his phone was ringing on a table on the other side of the room. He didn't care.

Just then he heard Gabbie's voice saying "I need you" that's when he got up to get but it was too late. She had disconnected. That's when he literally just picked himself up a ran towards the phone, but it was too late. She had already disconnected.

That was when he just ran out of the house (her house was just a block away) not caring about how he looked, all he cared about was Gabbie needed him.


Someone rang the doorbell. Gabbie asked if her mom could open it but then realised her parents had gone out for a movie.

She ran up to the door to find a sweaty Josh.

"Josh! You're wearing pink bunny slippers, and missing a shirt..."

Josh's cheeks went red with embarrassment. He was in such a hurry, he forgot to clothe properly (that's just nonsense, how can someone pretend to clothe?) "Sorry I - a- forgot."

She smiled and hugged him with almost all the might she had. Josh was surprised to see Gabbie behave like that after a date with Alex, then he guessed it.

"Horrible date?" He asked

"Yup." She said with an empty face, "Come in. I'll get you Rocky's shirt." She said as she went up the stairs and Josh sat on the sofa.

She threw the shirt on Josh and it fell on his lap. It was a deep blue shirt that said, "#football4life".

He put it in and Gabbie sat next to him and rest her head on his shoulder.

"I'm so lucky to have a friend like you, Josh. You're always there when I need you. The girl who gets you will be so lucky." She said as she cuddled in more.

"Really. I can think of someone." He said as he put his head on hers.

The thought of Josh and Tara hand in hand made Gabbie flaming with jealousy. But she kept it in.

"Really? Who?" She asked as she looked at his beautiful eyes.

"You know her really really well." He said as he held her hand. He thought it was a clue big enough but the thought of Tara and him distracted Gabbie.

"Oh my God! I'm starving, all Alex gave me was a shitty plate of pasta." She said patting her tummy.

Josh raised his eyebrow followed by a smirk that made Gabbie's heart go gaga.

"Is that so ma lady? Time for my perfection in a dish." He said faking a rather well French accent as he grabbed Gabbie's hand and walked into the kitchen.

Gabbie giggled as she followed. She loved Josh's goofiness, it was just like hers. He began making a grilled cheese sandwich like the way they make in cook shows.

"And now mademoiselle, we have...." He said as he looked at the grill toaster with smoke coming out of it.

"A burned sandwich! Now we know how to NOT make it!" He said picking up the black coal like object an tossing it in the bin.

Gabbie couldn't stop laughing. She'd never found Josh so amusing.

"Pizza?" She asked

"Pizza." He replied without his ridiculous French accent.

While waiting for pizza they flicked through channels watching different Spanish romances and several teen comedies.

When the pizza came they settled on "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban".

" Yay!! Go Hermione Granger! " squealed Josh as Hermione punched Malfoy's face.

"You're such a fangirl!" Laughed Gabbie as she gently punched him on the shoulder.

"Hey Hermione is Bae! Okay? She. My. BAE" he said imitating Jessica

"Whatever bitch blonde"

They finished eating and continued to watch the movie. The movie got over at around midnight.

"Gabbie I have to go. It's a school night." Said Josh trying to get loose from Gabbie grip.

But it turned out she was asleep. Josh tried shaking her but all he got was, "Go away evil witch of the west." In a muttering voice.

Josh knew exactly what he had to do, he scooped Gabbie up from the sofa and carried her up to her room. As he put her down to her bed he heard something that made his heart beat a mile a minute.

"I love you Josh." She whispered, but Josh knew she was only asleep.

"I love you too Gabbie." He said as he kissed her hand gently.


"Who does that Josh guy think he is!!" Screamed Rocky as he saw the whole scene.

"He's actually sweet. Gabbie should bake him a pie!!" Said Marylou.

"Come on! He's trying to seduce my sister!"

"So you're mad at Josh for making Gabbie feel better, but you're not mad at Alex for kissing her and making her feel bad."

"Oh I'm gonna break Alex's face alright! But..."

"No ifs no buts, you just don't want Gabbie to drift away from you the way you drifted away from her."

"Stop reading my mind Lou!"

"Rocky, you need to calm down. At least your friends are doing something for you, my sister never did anything for me."

"Wait, so you time traveled as well?"

Marylou sighed. Not at his stupidity but at how she reached the prison.

"Rocky it's not exactly a story to go all hoo-rah about." She said.


"Okay fine I'll tell you. You modern kids and your persuasive skills I tell you."

Rocky shrugged as Marylou lay down on her bed and cleared the throat.

"I discovered something I wasn't supposed to." She started.

Rocky felt the silence in the room to be deadly.

"I was just working on a science project in my senior year a few days before graduation so some college scouts could see my talent, when suddenly I had opened a portal to somewhere. I was so shocked and decided to close it but curiousity got the best of me. I entered it and saw the face of..." She continued but stopped at the middle as though she was going through that horrible memory again.

"Go on Lou. I'm ya with buddy." Lou accent was not having a good effect on the way Rocky talked

"I saw the face of the creator. The creator of the universe." She said with an expressionless face.

"How did it look like?"

"My memory was removed. But I do remember seeing big orange eyes staring right at me." She said

Rocky read her mind and boy was her memory scary. He went over and gave her a hug.

"So gorgeous. Getting over Sandy and movin on to me?" She said smirking.

"You wish Marylou. You wish."

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