Chapter 19

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"What do you mean he's lost in the space time continuum? It's impossible!" Said Jessica.

Tara was really growing sick if the blonde bitch. They had spent an hour explaining their entire story and if she doesn't understand, then she must forget.

"Oh Jessica... I really think you need another explanation." Said Tara as she earned a glare from Sandy and Chris.

"Come inside with me." Added Tara as she lead Jessica into the tunnel, just as they entered a sound of someone collapsing came, everyone rushed in.

"Chill guys! I just karate chopped her on the neck. She'll be out for a couple of hours, Will and Arty take her to the museum." She said

"That's my woman!" Said Chris as he kissed Tara.

"Listen lovebirds! We don't have time. Just stop the mushy mushy and lets move!" Yelled Sandy.

"Why did Gail do this? She put herself into trouble for me! Why would she do that?" Said Rocky as he paced back and forth in the room as the clock ticked on.

"Didn't you do the same for her? You pushed her into the real world and jump into the prison for her?" Asked Marylou

"Why is it that all of our conversations include me freaking out and you being calm and calming me down?"

"Don't change the topic and answer me. Why?"

"Because she's so smart. She deserved to go back and use that big brain to make the world a better place. I didn't want her to be in pain because I...." He left his eyes open.

"Because you love her."

"No I love Sandy"

"You do, but you love Gail more."

"Wow! Way too much twilight."

"Whatever. But you can't ignore your feelings for her, you have to tell her."

Rocky didn't argue, he knew Marylou was right. She's always right, and will probably always be right...


Gabbie and her crew reached the familiar orange background. But now it seemed darker, like a deep shade of Vermilion.

"I have a really bad feeling about this." Said Chris in the middle of panting as all of them ran.

"Come on baby! We don't have much time." Said Tara pulling him towards me.

"Tempus! We're here! And we've got the potion!" Said Gabbie bending down and putting her hands on her knees to catch her breath.

"Alright then. I accept my defeat... You may have your friends back." I said, my anger had cooled down. I wasn't those to take things rather seriously.

With a snap if my fingers Gail awoke from her deep sleep away from her dream land if books. With this I had also opened a door to Rocky and Marylou's prison from which both walked out.

Sandy saw the way Gail looked at Rocky and the way looked back at her. It was then when she realised she was a third wheel.

Sandy walked up to Gail, "Do it." She said with a blank face.


"Finish your to-do list..."

Gail smiled as she ran towards Rocky and jumped into his big and hard yet soft and comforting arms.

"Good to have you back weirdo."

"Same here know it all."

The both of them smiling and staring into each others eyes like they're peeping through the windows of their soul.

Sandy's blood was boiling hard enough to cook a dinner for a family of four but she knew it was the right thing to do.

They were about to kiss when Gail felt a sudden sharp pain in the back of her calf bone. She screamed in the burning pain.

Rocky was shocked to see her like that. He traced the direction of the wound and the person he saw...


My eyes turned red with furry and the atmosphere around turned blood red.

"THIS IS NOT POTION VITAE!!! TEMPUS HAS BEEN CHEATED!!!" I kinda lied. Hey no one can disagree with the creator. He made me, I have to follow him.

"Run!!!!" Yelled Chris and he held Tara's hand and made a move.

Rocky got Gail on back and pulled Marylou in on this as well. Gabbie waited for them as she ran ahead with Josh and Sandy ran along side Rocky.

They got a head start as it took me a bit to pause my treadmill, but I was fast. I am the making of the universe; I can mend, yet destroy as well.


That was the name that made Marylou pale with fear. Those big orange eyes ran through her head over and over again making her woozy.

"Lou! Snap out of it! Do it for Anne!" Yelled Rocky as they ran for their lives.

Another voice of pain and agony ran behind Rocky. It was Sandy, who had just been attacked by everyone's worst nightmare...

The creator.

His big orange eyes glowed with anger making goosebumps appear in everyone.

He had attacked Gail and Rocky but Sandy came in the way to protect him.

Gabbie felt a rather jolt of energy within herself, like someone or something was trying to bust out.

Just as the creator rose his gigantic hand to attack all of them Gabbie stood in front and the large orange beam with her arm in front of her face as she recited her last words. But to her surprise, the beam turned pink as it hit Gabbie's delicate skin. She had just reflected the Creator's attack!

"Josh! Carry Sandy and move into the Emit! If I'm not there in a bit then go without me!" Said Gabbie reflecting another beam

"But-", he said, he wouldn't want to leave his girlfriend with a bunch of psycho maniacs (that was pretty rude of him to think! They were the ones breaking the law!)

"Just go!."

The rest of them cramped into the Emit; Sandy and Gail were critical, there was no time to lose.

"We have to go. We follow her orders." Said Josh letting a tear down his face.

"I don't think so young man! You're all coming with me." They heard the creator say from the outside.

"Not on my watch! I'll never let you harm my friends!" Said Gabbie's voice.

Just then a loud noise of thunder came from the outside followed by Gabbie's scream.

I'm sorry Gabbie. I have to do this... Thought Tara as she pressed the button to send them all back home.


Well, I've been super busy and not been able to update so here's a double update for you guys! And sadly the book is almost over :(

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