Chapter 13

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I like big butts and I cannot lie, what other brothers can't deny!

Gabbie woke up to her new alarm that she found rather funny to wake up to.

And when a girl walks in with her itty-bitty waist and that round thing in your face you get sprung!

She switched her alarm and walked into her bathroom. Today was the day to complete the last step of the machine then everyone would be off to save Rocky!

"Sweetheart! Today's Thursday, be home in time for the ice cream sundae or dad will eat yours up." Yelled her mom as Gabbie left the house

"Sure mom! I'll be back!" She yelled back as she sat in her car. Her mom had gifted her a car for her perfect As till now.

She couldn't help but feel exited, she was going to be part of an awesome rescue mission like the ones she saw in movies or read about in books.

She met Tara and Sandy in chemistry and they seemed rather happy as well.

"Guys have you seen Gail?" Asked Gabbie.

"Not really. Maybe she's in 666." Said Tara.

Sandy stayed quiet, she didn't want to lie to Gabbie.

"Well whatever. We'll see her after school." Replied Gabbie.

Chem was a bore and so was every single class until lunch, but she did have the company of her new boyfriend Josh.

At lunch all of them met up again and found out Gail wasn't at school, Tara had checked out room 666 and yet no sign of her at all.

"Maybe she decided to complete her invention at her lab." Said Gabbie.

"She has a lab! I don't even have my own room!" Said Sandy, frowning as she has to share her room with her boy obsessed sister.

They ate in silence and head of for their classes. Gabbie and Josh's assignment went really well, but Alex's wasn't bad as well.

Everyone had done a great job so Ms. Ventiquae let them out early.

"Gabbie! Wait!" Said Alex as he ran behind Gabbie who was heading for her locker.

"What do you want?" She said just wanting him to go away and looking around for Josh.

"Listen I know you're with you're geek bodyguard now but I was hoping you wanna hang out with me sometime?" He said with his irresistible smile.

"Listen Alex. I was into you, like really bad. But now I know what kind of a person you are, I chose Josh over you because he knows me, he understands me, you don't even know my favourite colour..."

"Orange!" (Okay, I like orange but she doesn't.)

"No. You see, Alex. I believe you belong with someone as shallow and cheap as you are. Now if you excuse me, people who actually give a shit about me are waiting." She said as she walked off from his weird sad face.

(She did it, she face her past mistakes. The biggest thing you could do in my eyes is face your past while accepting your present. Don't worry about tomorrow, it never comes. But then again, all I do is run.)


Gabbie rang the doorbell of Gail's house.

Mrs. Martinez opened the door and as she saw Gabbie she broke into tears.

"Mrs. Martinez! What happened? Did we do anything wrong?" Asked Tara, she didn't want to be the reason someone was crying.

"No deary. Do come in." She said in the middle of sobs.

"Is all okay? Where's Gail?" Asked Chris earning another waterfall of tears from Mrs. Martinez's eyes and a glare from everyone else.

She handed them a note that was written in Gail's teeny-tiny handwriting.

Mama and Papa,
I love you, I really do. But this place is not for me. Your little girl never belonged here, in fact I never belonged anywhere. I always felt like this, that is why I shut everyone out. The only one who knew about this is Rocky. Mama Papa take care and don't worry this isn't a suicide letter, I'm just saying that I've run away. I will meet you again, someday...

You're little baby girl Gail.

Gabbie was shocked, Gail had bailed on them. What about Rocky? Didn't Gail love him.

That's right, Gabbie had seen Gail's to-do list. She also knew that Rocky loved Gail as well, just that he never knew.

That day when she asked him about his feelings and all he said Gail's name before Sandy's. She just wanted him to figure that out on his own.

"Can we see Gail's room? We might find some clues." Asked Gabbie.

'Of course. It's a good thing Rocky's not here, he wouldn't be able to handle it." Said Mrs. Martinez getting Sandy a little jealous.

They walked into her room and saw it in a neat and tidy condition. Gabbie walked into her closet and Tara and Sandy followed.

"Um... Am I the only one who finds it offensive to walk into a girl's closet?" Asked Chris.

"I feel you buddy..." Replied Josh.

"Will both of you annoying retards please come in before I rip you to pieces." Shouted Sandy, her voice seemed rather distant.

It seemed like she was about 20 feet away. And Gail never seemed like a person to have a huge closet.

"Okay, Okay. Calm your tits Cooperstone." Said Chris as he walked in and Josh followed.

Josh saw a really messy closet. He was glad that even girls live in such a mess, but then realised that it was a mess Gabbie had made to find the lab.

Chris just looked straight ahead and pretended he didn't see a mickey mouse bra on the floor.

Just then they walked into the elevator that Gabbie had left open so they can enter they saw Gail's huge lab.

"She used the Emit before us! So she could save Rocky by herself! She's so selfish." Screamed Sandy even though she knew why Gail did so.

"Come on, Gail would never do that. She just wanted to keep us safe. Plus she left in the morning meaning Rocky would be back by now." Replied Gabbie.

"So what do we do now?" Asked Josh.

Chris looked at Tara and saw she had her idea face on.

"I think I know what to do." Said Tara.

Please don't be what I think she's gonna say, thought Sandy.

"We go after her!" Added Tara


Hey there!

My exams have been killing me and time has not been kind. So until I've got my exams on, I'll be updating on Mondays only.

Keep on reading!

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