Chapter 9

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Gabbie wore a blue jumpsuit shorts kind of outfit with polka dots that she borrowed from Tara which fit her perfectly. It was weird because she was a size 6 while Tara seemed to be a size 2.

Nonetheless she tied her hair in a ponytail and put on her lucky red boots. And put on a little mascara.

(Picture of Gabbie's date dress on the top)

"Hey." Said a voice behind her.

She turned around to see Josh.

"Hey Josh. What's up?" She said smiling, having Josh around made her happy.

"Just came to see how you took before your dream date."

"Come on Josh. I don't even know if it's a date..."

He moved closer towards her, close enough for her to smell his sweet yet spicy cologne. He move his hands behind her and opened her hair.

"You look more beautiful with your hair open." He whispered as she tucked a loose strand behind her ears.

Gabbie felt strange, as she had never felt before. She just stood there looking into his eyes as he did the same.

Gabbie needed to snap out of it, even though she didn't want to.

"Uh... Thanks! Josh." She said as she put an end to the romantic silence. "You're the best friend a girl could ask for." She added as she pulled Josh in for a hug and walked down to the door with him.

Josh knew that he had lost Gabbie to Alex, but at least he knew she was happy and that's all that mattered.

He hugged Gabbie again as he wished her luck for her date. Gabbie suddenly didn't wanna go and stay in Josh's arms forever, but she knew that wasn't an option. She thought Josh liked Tara.

"Bye Josh! See you tomorrow!"

He waved with a smile on his face, but inside he cried his heart out. As she walked he let a tear down and walked away. But what he didn't know is Gabbie turned around to look at Josh, but saw him walk the other way.

Alright! Time for the date I've been waiting for since freshmen year, she thought as she walked towards Alex's house.


She rang the bell as butterflies raced around in her stomach. She sent another order through her brain for them to shut up, but alas who do they listen to.

The door opened to a very handsome and dashing Alex Mariner who was wearing a white T-shirt that said "Save the whales" with regular black skinny jeans.

"Hey there Gabbie. Do come in." He said as he gestured a welcoming sign to Gabbie.

Gabbie walked in to a beautiful marine blue house with a lot of pictures of family ocean voyages and baby Alex.

"Your house is amazing!"

"Thanks, I chose the colour. Our family loves the Ocean." He said with his eyes gleaming

"How interesting!" She said as she stared into his gorgeous eyes.

"So are you done with the script?" He asked changing the topic.

"Yup. I had a little help from a friend." She said as she remembered asking Will for help in room 666.

He read the script and was shocked.

"Gabbie this is marvellous! It's like you literally asked William Shakespeare for help!" He said astonished

"Yeah. That'll happen the day our school basement is haunted." She added but Alex thought of it to be a sarcastic comment.

They practised the script a couple of times until Alex asked Gabbie for dinner

"I made this pasta myself. My mom says I'm an amazing cook." He said all excited about his meal.

"Okay mamma's boy. Bring it on." She said.

He brought a plate of red pasta an placed it in front of her. It didn't look that appealing, but hey even sloppy Joe doesn't look appealing, but boy is it delicious!

She picked up her fork and place a couple of the pasta pieces in her mouth. Even though she expected a wonderful blast of taste, she got an acidic splash of way too much salt and tomato puree. It was the most disgusting thing she had ever eaten even though she did have horse meat once (of course she didn't know, but she did get food poisoning afterwards)

Her face almost made a horrified, disgusted, almost about to puke face but instead she used Ms. Ventiquae's amazing acting tips and made an amazed face.

"This pasta is... Awesome!" She said as she slowly get painfully swallowed her food.

"I'm sorry but I remembered I'm dieting so I can have anymore of this. I did love it though." She lied as she pushed the plate away horrified by the thought of eating another bite.

"It's okay. I have to diet as well, if I want this muscular body I have to avoid certain foods." He said picking her plate and putting in the fridge.

They practiced once more and then sat down in the porch just talking. Of course Gabbie was so exited she finally was hanging out with Alex Mariner!!

"...Yeah but I think Jessica is gorgeous. She's with your brother right? I mean then you must be friends."

"Yeah we are." She said rather bored.

Suddenly Alex was leaning in a bit too much. This is it!!! She thought as she slowly closed her eyes and puckered up. Alex's mouth literally shoved into hers with his tongue going round and round making her wanna puke He pulled away and carried her in his arms.

He climbed up the stairs and put her down on his bed where he kissed her again (he was a really bad kisser).

Gabbie was pretty clueless, she was really naive and didn't understand what Alex was trying to do until he tried to remove her dress.

"What are you doing?!"


"You're using me as a sex doll!!"

"Gabbie. Listen."

"No you listen. I waiting since freshmen year to go on a date with you, to kiss you and when it finally happens it turns out you're just using me to have sex with!"

"Sweetheart aren't you innocent. This was all just a game. A game to get into your pants." He said in and an obvious tone

"Well I'm sorry for having you kiss me. Have fun doing the assignment by yourself." She said as she tore her script in front on his face and threw it on the floor and stomped his foot.

"By the way, your pasta tastes like shit! Just like your personality!"

She ran off but could hear him say, "What! But mum said... It can't be!!" It sounded like a five year old boy whining over a broken toy.

Suddenly tears fell from her face, hot but filled with cold blooded emotions. She needed to talk to someone, anyone. She needed Rocky, but he wasn't there. Just then she knew exactly who to call.

"Hey Josh?"

"Hey there!" Just as she was about to reply, "Just kidding it's voicemail, please leave a message after the beep!"

"Hey Josh. I need you, come over as fast as you can. Love Gabbie", she said in the most calm way she could. But sadly it sounded very emotionless.

Oh Tempus! What are you up too? She thought.

(Excuse me! I'm not up too anything, I can't exactly control your life because I control time!! These humans are gonna get it from me. But then again, I can't break the rules, the creator would be mad alright.)

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