Chapter 1

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Picture of Gabbie and Rocky on the top.

Hope you enjoy the story!

At exactly 5 pm on 28th may Gabbie Danielle Blue and Rocky Alan Blue where born to Pacifica and Tony Blue. Gabbie and Rocky, as they called they're little angels, were not very identical even though both of them had their mom's hazel hair and their mom's green eyes.

Growing up Gabbie and Rocky were the best of friends but after middle school Gabbie got busy with her friends and Rocky with football. In first grade Gabbie had no friends other than her brother until she met, Sandy Cooperstone who then introduced her to Tara Anderson and obviously they have been inseparable since then.

Well let us travel to the present, or as I say the recent past as what we live in changes every blink of an eye and the more you think of the present it is actually the future or the past. I think that's enough of my nonsense, everyone says I blabber a lot but I never believe them.


Gabbie woke up to her annoying 80s hipster music alarm. She usually loved mornings but since today was the first day of her junior year she wasn't exactly thrilled. Rocky on the other hand was happy about going back to school. He had big plans for this year especially about joining the school's football team.

As usual Gabbie took an hour to get ready while Rocky finished up his breakfast, he was disappointed due to the lack of bacon (Pacifica believes in healthy food during school days). As they were to leave for the bus a bright red car almost crushed them. "Sorry guys, I'm still new to the driving thing." spoke an angel like voice in Rocky's point of view. That's right; he was head over heels for his sister's best friend Sandy Cooperstone. Her big blue eyes with blond hair, almost sand like, were the most beautiful thing ever but sadly no one knew but the people around him he never noticed (I know what you're thinking but I don't think it's what you're thinking).

"Sandy I do not wanna be late for my first day of high-school! OMG I'm so exited!." Said Cassi, Sandy's younger sister. "Girls don't fight we're getting late for school." said a beautiful girl with a very soft voice and hair chocolate brown with eyes chocolate brown. Tara Anderson is the sweetest girl ever and sometimes I feel she is with the wrong company, then again she has secret deep within.

As they jumped into the car a conversation about, "how annoying diet soda is", was on the go as Rocky sat in the front seat thinking about his life. All he ever wanted was to be happy, and he always thought he was but something was missing. "Looks like time will reveal it to me", he thought. But that's not how it works; time doesn't reveal it just runs.

As they reached school the group moved towards the assembly while Cassi moved towards her friends in the freshmen locker side. Tara looked at herself in her mirror and fixed her hair that had gone haywire due to Sandy's rash driving. Sandy brushed her hair, she loved her hair more than anything in the world, and Gabbie ate a gummy bear, she always ate gummy bears when she was tensed even though she didn't have a reason. Rocky was just looking out of the window until Jessica McFellen came, with her sly, cat like green eyes and perfect blonde hair (she tells people it's real but in reality she's a brunette), and asked him to sit with her. He couldn't say no to the hottest girl in junior year even though Sandy was in his heart he needed to get his popularity up big time.

Jessica McFellen, she was Spectreville high's biggest "Regina George". The skimpy, sticky clothes with high heels as high as the Burj Khalifa (I kid, I kid. Sometimes...). She was the type of girl who bribed the discipline-in-charge to let her wear clothes that were against the dress code. That's right, she did what she wanted and got what she wanted. And right now, she wanted Rocky Blue.

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