Sky,No!(ch. 4)

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Hey there,Warriors!Darkclaw here.Welcome to the next chapter of Life as Mobs 2:Legend of Skybrine. There is going to be 2 chapters of this today so I will stop at chapter 5,or maybe Ill continue,Idk.I will also make a new chapter of Transferred to Paradise and stuff.Idk,Im probably going to make myself a schedule.So both me and you guys know what chapter of what I have to write next.Ill make it after these 2 chapters,Mkay?Alrighty.Enjoy,Warriors!


Jason's POV

We were running through the Mineshaft until we saw a hole in the wall(DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT).We walked through and saw Deadlox and Darkclaw,in a room filled with obsidian.We walked over to them."Check this out,dude."When they moved out of the way,I gasped.A podium with 3 floating orbs on it!"Oooh,Cool!"Sky shouted out and began to run towards the orbs.Deadlox managed to put his arm up just in time for Sky to run into it and fall to the ground."NO ORB FOR YOU!"Ty shouted.Darkclaw burst out laughing,and Ty smiled at her."Seriously,Sky.Dont touch them."I said in a stern voice.

I inspected the orbs.They had different colors and different abilities.I couldnt figure out which though.I looked at Deadlox,Darkclaw,Rose and Sky and decided to head towards a corner and talk.We all grouped up,except Sky."So,whats gonna happen to the orbs?"Deadlox began."Well,we could try and take them to the surface,but we need special gear."I replied."How about....a container?A bag,maybe?"Rose guessed.We all nodded."That could work."

Just then I heard Sky chuckling.I looked at him and gasped.He had the big orb in his hand!

"SKY!WE TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH THE ORBS!"I shouted.He looked at me,then the orb began to float in front of him.It lowered to his chest,and just disappeared inside him.He gasped,then looked around."D-did that thing go inside me or-"He was cut off as he started screaming in pain.He hunched over.His shirt began to turn a cyan type of color,and his pants turned plain Blue.His red shoes went grey,but before I could describe anything else,the lights when out.I heard Darkclaw yelp in fear,and Deadlox gasped.I looked around.It was pitch black!

Then suddenly,I looked back to where Sky was to see yellow eyes glowing and staring at us through the darkness....



Anyways guys,hope you all enjoyed.Dont forget to review.

So yeah,Peace out Warriors!

Life as Mobs 2:Legend of SkybrineWhere stories live. Discover now