Well this isnt good.(ch. 17)

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Heyyyy there,Warriors!Darkclaw here.Ive got nuthin to say again.

Just Enjoy.


Rose's POV

While we were walking back to the house,I got a text.Darkclaw was busy tackling every sheep she saw.I read the text.It was from Jason.It read:

Jason:Can u take DC somewhere 4 a bit?Ill explain l8er,just do it.

Me:Why,whats wrong?

Jason:Just....look,ill text u when u can come back,ok?


I sighed and put my phone back in my pocket.What was going on?Did it involve Enderlox?I shook my head and walked over to Darkclaw,who was finishing off the last sheep in the clearing."EAT IT YA STUPID SACKS OF WOOL!!!"She growled.She looked up at me."What?"She wondered.

"Look,we should go somewhere and have fun,ok?How long before Skybrine attacks the village again,do you know?"I asked."Like.....every Monday...Oh what a coincidence.No one likes Monday."She mumbled.

"Today's Thursday......We've got time."I responded,looking around."So what do you do for fun Darkclaw?"I asked her."Hmmm.....Parkour,Kill stuff,Draw,Play Xbox.....Oh!And sometimes when I get really bored,I chase my tail like a dog!"And with that,she showed me a demonstration.I burst out laughing.She finally stopped and gave me a grin."You know,you're the stupidest cat Ive ever met!"I said jokingly.

"HEY.IM NOT STUPID,IM RETARDED."She replied with a hint of laughter in her voice.Thinking about what she had told me she liked doing,I decided to ask her something."How good of a artist are you?"

"Who ME?Im not the best,but my friends say I draw cool things.Mostly cats n stuff...."She mumbled,kicking a pebble."Ha!Did you see that?The pebble hit a Chicken!"She chuckled.I gave her a piece of paper and a pencil."I want to see how you draw."I challenged.She cautiously picked up the pencil and paper and began to draw.

~A little bit later~

"Done!"Darkclaw called out.She handed me the paper and I looked at it.It was a picture of us:Me,Her,Enderlox,WitherMU and Skybrine.I looked at Skybrine and sighed.He wasnt doing anything bad in the picture,he was just standing on a cliff and smiling.

Thats when I got another text.It read:

Jason:U and DC can come back now.But there's sumthin I need 2 tell u guys....

Me:We're on our way.

~At the House~

When we finally reached the house,WitherMU was outside,pacing back and forth with sorrow in his bright,white eyes.We came into view and he looked up."Whats wrong?"I asked him softly.A tear fell from his eye and he looked towards and flat stone placed in the ground.The dirt in front of it looked previously dug out.

Darkclaw came out of the house."Hey,where's Enderlox?"She asked.I looked at the stone,which I now realized was a grave,then looked back at Darkclaw.She seemed to notice the grave too;her tail drooped,her ears laid back and she got a nervous look in her green eyes.

WitherMU began to cry softly,and Darkclaw soon knew what was going on.

She walked over to the grave and slowly knelt down beside it,crying softly to herself.I looked up at WitherMU."I-I think we sh-should leave her alone."I studdered.With that,we walked into the house.

"How did this happen..."I mumbled."It was Skybrine's attack."WitherMU replied,looking down.I looked him in the eyes."What do we do?"

"We have to stay strong,and fight Skybrine.Maybe we can get him back to his normal self again.But in the meantime,we just have to wait."He responded bravely.I sat in my bed and shut my eyes,wishing I would wake up from a nightmare at any moment.


Awwww.Im crying again.XD

To be honest,this series is longer than I expected >_< Holy crap.

Anyways,hope you all enjoyed.Dont forget to review.

Soooooo yeah,Peace out Warriors!

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