What's Happening?!(ch. 10)

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Im sorry if its late,Warriors!But there will be some action in this chapter!Not exactly fighting,but....

Oh cmon,dont act like you dont know what Life as Mobs is about.The thing that happens this chapter revolves around the whole series!Anyways,im not gonna ruin the chapter for you,so just...



Darkclaw's POV

After a long talk about how we could get Sky back(which I wasnt really apart of since I fell asleep the minute Jason said 'Lets start'),Jason and Rose went out to get weapons and left me and Ty alone again.He was on the floor now,sitting with his back against the wall.I meowed,making him look up.I leaped off the closet and walked to him.I laid down,resting my head on his lap while he gently stroked my fluffy fur.

"So Darkclaw,about the orbs...."He said after a while.I was half asleep,so I jumped up."W-wha....Oh,the orbs.I still got em."

"What should we do with them?"He asked."I think I might keep them.Maybe use them.Or see what they turn me into...."I mewed,lost in my thoughts.I could become something else,like a dog or a lion!I was interuppted when Ty almost screamed out "No!I dont want you turning evil.Not now,not never.I think you should give them to me and Jason.We could use its power...."

"For what though?C'mon please I just want to k-"I was interuppted by faint screams.Deadlox didnt seem to hear them,since he narrowed his eyes at me."Whats wrong?"He asked suspicously."I hear....screams.Coming from the village."I said.He grabbed his Budder sword and we ran outside.We climbed up to the roof of our house and looked into the distance.He didnt see anything,but I did.

"What do you see?"He mumbled,loud enough for me to hear.Slowly,I began to describe the events:

"Fires.Lots of them.Blocks flying through the air,Explosions,and people running.And lots of Lightning...."

I turned to look at Deadlox,and his eyes were widened.We leaped off the roof and ran to find Jason and Rose.I followed the trail,with Ty beside me,and we soon found them.

"Jason!Rose!The village is being attacked!"I called.They were behind a rock,I wish I knew why.Jason ran around holding some Diamonds,Emeralds and Butter."How'd you get that stuff?"Ty wondered."We went mining a bit.There's a cave back there."Jason replied quickly.I saw Ty grin and narrow his eyes,then we walked back to the house.I walked next to Rose,while Ty and Jason were behind me.I heard them talking to each other quietly....

Ty:Sooo what were you guys doing behind that rock?

Jason:I already said it!Mining.

Ty:Maybe more than mining?

Jason:What do you mean?

Ty:You were kissing her,dude.I could tell by the look on your face.

Jason:*blushing*No I wasnt!

Ty:Ok,then you were making out.Bye now.

Just then,Ty appeared next to me.I heard Jason mumble "Ty,you jerk..." and laughed a bit."You know I heard that whole thing,right?"I whispered to Ty.He shrugged and smiled at me."I have ways of telling what people were doing by their facial expressions.Its just a talent,no biggy."He said coolly.I laughed and we continued walking.


Jason's POV

How the hell did he know?!Thats not fair!The minute I catch him and Darkclaw doing that I swear Im gonna....

Nevermind.Anyways,as soon as we got back to the house,I stored all the resources we collected in a chest and sat down at my bed again.I looked through one of the windows and saw Ty and Darkclaw talking.Deadlox had a serious look on his face as he spoke.Darkclaw finally sighed and nodded,then they came into the house.

I turned away so it seemed like I wasnt watching them,then Darkclaw walked up to me.I looked at her as she said "Hey so uh,there's something I need to tell you.Its about those orbs you thought we left in the Mineshaft..."I gasped as she pulled out the 2 orbs.I looked at Deadlox angrily."You knew about this?Why didnt you guys tell me sooner?"He sighed."I found out she had them just yesterday,so calm down."

I calmed down,and looked at the orbs in Darkclaw's paws.I picked up the Dark Blue and White one and walked outside.I looked at the village."Darkclaw,what do you see?"I asked her.She looked at the village,then turned to me."Fires are out,explosions are gone,and all of the village is safe,except some of the people are injured,but not majorly.I do sense more attacks,though.And very soon."

I frowned and turned to face them."I have feeling that there wont be anymore attacks..."My frown turned into a smirk as I lowered the orb to my chest.Deadlox gasped and Darkclaw's eyes widened."Jason DONT!"They cried.It was too late.

I slowly began to float.Because of my old transformation that turned me into a Skeleton,I didnt feel much pain,but this was different.Way different.

Once again,my suit and skin melted,but this time my whole body melted,leaving nothing but bones that quickly turned Dark Blue.My arms spread and 2 heads grew on them.2 heads?!"Whats happening?!"I cried.They werent just any 2 heads.They were 2 of the helmets of my suit!My eyes began to glow white,and my legs disappeared.My original head was my face,except I wasnt wearing any helmets.

I stopped floating,but not as much.I was just half a block from the ground,and my voice began to echo."W-what am I...."I mumbled."Not evil!"Ty laughed.I smiled at him,then floated over to a lake and looked at my reflection."Hmmm...I could get used to the new look."I said.Deadlox appeared next to me,and Darkclaw came a bit later."Jason!Check out this picture."She held a photograph up in front of me.

It was a Dark Blue creature,with white eyes.He was floating,and had 3 heads,all the same.Everything about him was Dark Blue.I looked at Darkclaw."Whats it called?"I asked in my new echoing voice.

"Its called a Wither."She replied.

I looked at myself in the stream again,then back at my 2 friends."I think Im gonna give myself a new name,like what Herobrine did."

"What will it be?"They said at the same time.

I thought for a moment,then looked up at them with a grin.

"How about.....WitherMU?"I said happily.They looked at each other for a moment,then looked up at me."WitherMU it is!"They responded.


See?I told you what happens in this chapter revolves around the whole story!


Anyways,hope you all enjoyed.Dont forget to review.

Sooooooo yeah,Peace out Warriors!

Life as Mobs 2:Legend of SkybrineWhere stories live. Discover now