Bad Beginnings,Happy Endings(ch. 20 FINALE)

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Heyyyyyy there,Warriors!Darkclaw here.You read the title right.This is indeed the finale :'( I do have a surprise though.If this story reaches 704 reads (idk im just random XD) then I will completely surprise the crap outta you!XD so yeah.

Enjoy the ending,Warriors.

Btw,this is going to be an extra long chapter!Enjoy!!!


Sky's POV

"And so am I."

We heard gasps and murmurs of surprise around us.We turned to see a hybrid flapping strong wings and landing lightly on the ground,before turning back to his normal self.


I dont think Ive ever seen Darkclaw so happy since we met a few days back.Although her tail,like always,wagged softly and slowly,her ears perked up and her eyes widened in surprise.A smile appeared on her face."Deadlox!"She cried as she ran over and hugged him.

Jason walked up slowly to him."H-how?"He struggled to let out."You guys defeated Skybrine,so I was brought back."Deadlox replied."I think he meant how did your stomach heal so fast."I said,correcting him.

"Oh,about that.It was like the wish I made for Sky,remember when he died?You defeating Skybrine was pretty much like a wish,and it healed me in the process.Duhhh,thats what 'bringing back to life' means,right?"Deadlox said,grinning.

Jason looked at him."Just stop,Ty."We all started laughing.Friends from the crowd began to step forward and welcome us back and thank us."What should we do now?"Darkclaw wondered.

"Lets throw a PARTAY!"Someone cried from the group.


Jason's POV

~Some random time during the PARTAY!~

I was taking a sip of my soda and chatting with Darkclaw and Rose when suddenly Sky and Jordan walked over,holding Deadlox by the arms."Ummm....What can I say?He drank a bit too much...."Jordan mumbled.

"H-hey i-i-im not dr....unk....."Deadlox hiccuped."Save it for the jail house,pal."I said playfully.His eyes widened and he jumped up."A-am I getting a-arrested?!"

We all laughed."Just kiddin,dude.Lets take him home,guys."I replied.

~At the house...TURTLES :)~

When we got to the house,we just put Deadlox in his bed.Thats when Sky tapped me.I turned to look at him."What?"I said.

"Im not as drunk as he is,"Sky began,nodding towards the now knocked out teen,"But Im not as sober enough to walk much longer..."And with that,he fell right to the ground.Darkclaw and Rose rushed in.Rose stared at Sky,but Darkclaw just sighed and said "Alright,Jason,why'd ya kill him?"

I shook my head."He's not dead,he's knocked out."That's when Ty woke up."H-hello?Where am I?Oh,hey guys.What the hell happened?How long was I out for?"

I made my voice sound real sad,and even sniffled."You were out for 6 months,man.You missed Christmas!"Deadlox widened his eyes in fear and leaped out of bed,ran outside and got on both knees.

"Noooooooooooooooo!!!"He cried to the sky.We all came outside laughing."Just kidding dude.Long story short,you got drunk and passed out.You were only out for like 10 minutes."I told him.".......Oh."He sighed.


Darkclaw's POV

"Hey Rose,want to go mining for Budder?I think Sky would appreciate it when he wakes up."Jason chuckled.She nodded and they walked off towards the forest.Deadlox stood next to me and we watched them go.He sighed."There they go,off to make out again."

I laughed and punched him lightly in the arm."Whats so bad about loving each other?"I hissed playfully."Hmmmmmmm.........You're right."He said,smiling.He leaned in and gave me a kiss.I kissed back,then we pulled away and smiled at each other.

"Wanna go watch them?"He whispered."You're still drunk,arent you!"I laughed."IM SERIOUS!"He hissed."You're a per-"I tried to say but he pulled me into the forest.He dragged me,not literally,to the spot where the cave is,but they werent there.

"Aww...."He mumbled."WHAT?!You should be saying 'Yay' or sumthin...."I chuckled.I tried to drag him away,but he got released from my grip and ran into the cave.I sighed,then began walking alone.I managed to find myself at the old ravine where the Mineshaft was.It was covered in blocks,and was almost impossible to enter without a pick,some TNT and maybe a large group of people.

My ears perked up as I heard some rustling in the bushes behind me.Someone was watching me!I took a few steps closer,but was tackled to the ground.My attacker gave me a light kiss-Wait WHAT?

"Miss me?"It was Deadlox."You little piece of....budder?"I mumbled,not really wanting to insult him.He helped me up and looked at the ravine."Do you wanna explore in it?"He said,gently holding my paw.I looked at the ravine and realized that there actually was a way to get inside.I nodded and let him jump in first.Thats when I heard more rustling.

I gave a small laugh and turned."Sky?Jason?Is that you?"I didnt get a response.I checked the bushes,but there was no one there.Suddenly,someone tackled me from behind.I yelped out in surprise then twisted around so I could sink my fangs in his shoulder.He cried out,but it sounded very familiar.

"Ahhhh!Ambush!"He cried and raked his claws in my spine.I threw him off,then got up.I kept my paws up and my claws out.It took a bit longer for him to get up,but when he did,I saw his face clearly.


He shook his head,then looked up at me."Darkclaw!"He cried."Iceyclaw,you scared the hell out of me!I didnt know it was yo-"

"Hey,Darkclaw!Wait,who's this guy?"Deadlox had come out of the cave."Oh,Iceyclaw is one of my best friends.Icey,this is Deadlox."I said,introducing him to Ty."Darkclaw!I was trapped in this world like you,but I didnt realize I would find you!"Icey told me."Well,what were you looking for?What did you think I was?"I wondered."I was looking for an adventure,and I thought you were a Creeper!"

"Oh really?A Creeper with dark clothes and fur?"Deadlox laughed.We all laughed a bit,then Iceyclaw turned to me."Well,it was nice seeing ya,Darkclaw."I frowned."You're not staying?"

"Nah,this world is endless and I want to explore it all.It might take forever,but its my goal.Even though I am the camping type,I like to do that deep in forests,not right next to villages."He meowed.I sighed."If you want to go,then I guess its ok."

"I might be around though.Dont worry,we'll eventually meet again.See you,Darkclaw."He said,walking away.Deadlox walked up to me."He must really be a good friend."I nodded."Where's Rose and Jason,did you ever find them?"

"Oh,yeah.Like I said,they were making o-"I cut him off."DONT say it."He laughed and led me into the cave."Why dont we do that sometime...."I heard him mumble.I flicked the back of his head."Ouch!"He yelped."I heard that,ya know!"I chuckled.

It was quiet for a moment,but I looked at him and said "You know,you're right.Maybe later...."I gave him a wink and trotted off into the cave,not giving him a chance to catch up.

~The End!~

Awwwwwww,what a nice story.And you know,Iceyclaw,including you in the ending was 1 surprise.There are actually 3 surprises!One down,2 more to go :D

But like I said Warriors,If this story gets 704 reads,I will do the next surprise!And the other surprise is a surprise that I want to surprise you guys with XD

Anyways,hope you all enjoyed Legend of Skybrine!Dont forget to review.

Soooooooo yeah,Peace out Warriors!

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