Evil Is Good!(ch. 15)

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Heyyyyy there,Warriors!Darkclaw here.Welcome to the next thinger majinger.....


Note:This whole chapter takes place in Darkclaw's POV,ok?


Darkclaw's POV

When I had finally thought of a plan,I went into action:I used my claws to pick a lock on the iron door,and it soon opened with a 'click'.The lack of power caused lights to flicker,allowing me to stick with the dark shadows.

I opened a nearby door to see a whole room filled with people.They seemed to be Skybrine's soldiers.They had a bunch of swords and bows,all enchanted and crafted neatly to the sharpest edge with Diamonds,Budder and Emeralds.

I quickly scurried away from the room and entered the next.It appeared to be a potion room.Splash potions were in one chest and friendly edible potions were in a chest next to it.

I stood with the shadows and carefully opened the chest when the scientist stepped out of the room.It was filled with Deadly Splash Potions,from Poison to Harming and Weakness to Slowness.I grabbed as much Poison and Harming as I could and stuffed them in my sweater pockets.

I left the room and found myself travelling down a long hallway.When I finally reached the end,there was a door.I opened the door-

At the wrong time.

6 heads turned to face me,in a room filled with TVs and desks.2 of them ran up to me,and pinned me to the wall."How did she escape!"One hissed.I struggled to get free,but then something inside me snapped.


Everything around me went blood red,and I could feel my fangs and claws grow out.I quickly chomped deep into one of my tormenter's arms,and he started screaming and yelling while trying to shake me off.

I crunched deeper into his bone until I heard a loud SNAP,and his forearm flew off.I grabbed it and managed to stab through his heart with his own bones.I threw the arm on the ground and ran to the other tormentor.I grabbed a Poison potion from my pocket,pulled his head back and shoved the potion down his throat until the glass broke into shards.I watched him choke as blood poured out of his mouth,then fall on the ground,not even being able to take a final breath.

I slammed into the next one,and he seemed a bit stronger with Iron armor,unlike the last two with Leather.I dragged him to the TVs and smashed his head against about 7 until his face was filled with way too much glass.I smirked and let his body go limp on the desk.

The next one tried to attack prepared,also wearing Iron armor but lunging at me with a Diamond sword.He swung at me,but I quickly leaped under the sword just in time and grabbed his right leg.I pulled him to the ground and stood over him.His armor was no match for my claws.I was soon sinking my claws deep into his chest and stomach,until I could sense his heart was destroyed.

Another came at me like a knight in shining Budder armor.I yowled out in pain as his sword connected to my head and sliced open my nose,leaving a thick scar across my face.Blood blinded me for an instant,but I lunged forward regardless and sank my teeth into the leg of my enemy.He cried out in pain as I ripped the leg off,then finished him with a deep claw that went through his chin and came out his eyes.

The last one seemed tough:He had Enchanted Diamond,Including a sword.I could see a small flame wisk around the blade,but nothing was going to stop me.He decided to attack first,but I quickly dodged by leaping off a wall and landing on his back.I clawed his neck,leaving a deep wound,but flew back as his sword skimmed my arm,causing blood to seep out of the cut.

I leaped back up and bit his hand deep,causing his sword to drop.He was so busy trying to stop the bleeding that I realized I had my chance.I snuck around him,then sunk my claws through his back.He fell on his knees,then on the floor,dead.

I breathed heavily as I looked around.Blood was dripping from the ceiling and walls and creating large puddles on the floor.

What have I done?I thought,realizing that the real me was now taking over.The red that stained my vision turned cleared,and my claws and fangs retracted into normal size.I looked down at myself,only to see blood all over my sweater and fur.Feeling frustated at myself and weak,I fell back on the ground and everything went black.


Yikes,that was intense.

I was waiting for something like this to happen!Its been a while since I wrote something with some descent action.This was just awesome.

It also describes my alter egos true power.This is what happens when Darkclaw goes into evil mode.

Long story short,there are no survivors.

Notice how I didnt say LOL or XD?Thats cuz im serious.I create every fight scene with detail.Thats why I put the warning.So if ya wanna use a fanfic with me in it and you say my eyes go red....

You'd better have some good death scenes in mind.

Anyways,hope you all enjoyed.Dont forget to review.

Soooo yeah,peace out Warriors!

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