Darkclaw,NO!(ch. 14)

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Heyyy there,Warriors!Darkclaw here.I scared myself playing a first person game that involved KILLER SHARKS,so now im writing stories for you guys!And for Rose....*glances at her* Where's mah chappies XD Anyways,thats all I gotta say.



Enderlox's POV

"Well,We're Screwed."I muttered as Skybrine threw the fireball down at us.Darkclaw and Rose leaped out of the way,and the fireball sent me and WitherMU flying.We landed not too far.I snarled and flew towards Skybrine.I tackled him to the ground and gave him hard punches to the face.Right when I thought I knocked him out,he got back up and threw a fireball at my stomach.

I hunched over in pain,and coughed up blood.He kicked me hard on the side of my head and I fell over.Everything was blurry,and I could see a white light....

I soon heard Jason growling and yelling,then Skybrine flew over me and landed on the ground just a few blocks away.He stirred,but didnt get up.WitherMU flew over to me,along with Darkclaw and Rose."Enderlox!A-are you ok?"WitherMU studdered.I coughed up more blood,then looked at him."I-Im fine,just a flesh wound..."I said,trying to make them feel a bit better.Darkclaw knelt down and looked at my stomach.

It was ripped open,and covered in blood.A tear fell from her eye,and she looked at me."You're not fine.Quick,we need to help him before Sky-"Darkclaw was cut off when a tan but bloody arm grabbed her and she soon disappeared.We all gasped.

"Darkclaw,NO!"I yelled before I blacked out.


Darkclaw's POV

I woke up breathing heavily and checked my surroundings.It wasnt familiar.I was in a cell,with a camera on a wall watching me.I looked at my paws.They were stained in blood.I felt a drop fall and hit my shoulder and I looked up to see what it was.The ceiling wasnt leaking.So what was dripping?I felt my ears and realized that my right ear,which had a V-shaped tear in it was gone.


There was nothing in the cell except for me and the camera,along with a TV above the camera.I got up and tried to slam against an iron door next to me,but it wouldnt open.I kept trying until I heard a loud voice.

"Would ya stop trying?!Its obviously not gonna budge!You're locked in and its gonna stay that way!"

The tv turned on and I soon saw Skybrine's face.He smirked and chuckled evilly."Get me outta here!"I snarled.I banged against the door as hard as I could,but to no avail.

"Forget it.Oh hey,look what time it is!"

I glared at him."Time for you to get a watch?"He laughed then stopped."Say that one more time and you'll get your face smashed in."

I gulped and a tear fell from my eye.I wanted to go back home.I crouched in a corner and hugged my knees."S-so what t-time is it?"I sniffled.

"Time for me to go attack the village again!"

"You cant possibly do that!They just rebuilt it!Please dont hurt the village!"I cried.He didnt listen.Before the TV switched off,he said "Maybe if you're lucky,Ill find your friends and show them that you're caught!"

I buried my face in my paws and cried.I didnt want to see anyone get hurt.Especially Rose,Enderlox and WitherMU.They saved my life in that forest!I wanted to be able to save theirs.I sighed and stayed crouched in the corner,thinking of a plan.




Anyways,hope you all enjoyed.Dont forget to review.

Ill post the next chappie in a few seconds or minutes or something....

Sooooo yeah,Peace out Warriors!

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