Ch. 15 Dia de los Muertos

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Yes as a matter of fact this chapter is called day of the dead. Do I care? nope. lolz

It's November 1st in the story so why not use the day as the chapter name right? get what I'm getting at? no......ok well if you take Spanish in school maybe you would......or if you're awesome then hopefully you would too (because i just told you what it says lol) :) love you peoples



"You ready to go?" Zac asked, poking his head into my room. I jumped when I saw him and almost lost my balance, trying to put on my heels. He smirked and grabbed hold of my waist.

"Don't scare me like that again jerk!" I smacked his chest playfully and stuck my tongue out like a 5 year old. I know real mature right?

"Sorry," he laughed and kissed my forehead and spun me around to get a better look. He nodded in approval which only made me raise an eyebrow. Zac and I had been dating for almost 2 months now, and his dad was taking us out for dinner. We've been going strong since that first day, not to mention fighting like an old married couple every chance we get. My mom still doesn't approve, saying he will ditch me the second he finds someone better than me. Though at the moment I couldn't care what the old hag says. Erik was still the weirdo I'd known him to be since the first time I truly met him. Who would have thought he would change though? Not me.

"Dad's waiting outside." He smiled and entwined our fingers together. I nodded and started to follow him out the door.

"Oh crap, I almost forgot." I let his hand go and ran back to my room. I grabbed my favorite film camera and pulled him into my room.

"Say cheese," I smiled and took a picture. The second the film came out I looked at it and couldn't help but smile. He was giving me that look, the look Sam always said was adoration. He had a lazy grin on his face and I was so cheerful looking too. When I thought I could almost cry from the happiness someone interrupted me.

"Hey-" Erik started but when he looked in he noticed us admiring the photo. "Well isn't this just adorable. Young love."

"Aw shut up Erik." I said, my cheeks started to blaze.

"Hey no need to get embarrassed." Zac chuckled. He grabbed my hand, kissed it, and led me out the door again.

"Your brother said goodnight," Erik called to me.

"Tell him I said the same!" I called back and closed the front door. We walked down the path to the driveway, where his dad was waiting. When I saw the middle-aged man let a casual smile slip on my face. This man knew how to make you laugh.

Mr. Meyer has to be the most easy going 50 year old a girl could know. He looked a lot like Zac too. With his golden curls on the top of his head, his lean figure, and glowing green eyes. He always seems to be ahead of things, but also has a consistency to forget what he's doing. Zac seems to be the same way, so I guess the phrase 'like father like son' seems to work well here.

He waved when he saw me. Zac opened the back door and helped me in before getting in himself. Then when our seat belts were buckled he took off down the road.

"You look lovely tonight Miss. Thompson." He said.

"Thank you Mr. Meyer." I replied. I looked over at Zac and noticed him fidgeting with his hands.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

He looked over and produced a smile. "Nothing." I nodded deciding not to pursue it any further and laid my head on his shoulder. He played with my hair until we got to the restaurant.

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