Ch.19 The Mall

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Anyway who is your favorite character in this story? Mine would Probably be either Adam or Aiden because he reminds me of my little brother.

Watching IFrankenstien! Es interesante.

Finally got 3000 reads. I don't know about you but that's an accomplishment because I'm not crazy great like those other people.

Anywho enjoy!



"Claiiirrre!" Came a sing song voice.

I shot my head around my door to my room, looking around for the body that went along with that voice. When I found him I threw a pencil at him, which he caught much to my dismay.

"Hey!" Erik shouted in protest.

"Not my fault. I told you I needed to study." I shrugged and swiveled back to my desk (of doom).

"I'm borrrreeed." He hunched his back defeatedly and started to leave.

I watched him for a few minutes as he slowly walked to his room. Then I groaned knowing exactly what he was doing and knowing exactly what he wanted me to do.

"Whatever." I groaned, rubbing my hand over my face.

"Yay!" He jumped in excitement and darted to my room. He then proceeded to jump in the air and land on my bed with a loud thud.


"Mmm...Sorry." I snickered

"Bitch, why didn't you tell me those books were there." He whined again.

"Cunt, why don't you wait for me to tell you?" I shot back.

"I don't like you."

"Yeah well I don't either."

We sat there in silence glaring at each other for a good five minutes. Then just as suddenly we cracked up laughing. We act like this every time we hang out. It's just our normal weirdness and we really don't care.

"For real though," Erik sat up straight and flicked his long sandy blonde bangs out of his eyes. "Wanna go do something? I'm bored here!"

"Go out with Samantha?" I swiveled back to my desk and started going through my papers that were scattered on my desk. I'm a hopeless mess when it comes to studying. My room is always littered in books, papers, and other supplies I think I need for it. It's only Wednesday though and the test is Friday. I also panic, which is why I start studying as soon as I can.

I was with Zac after school all day yesterday, or I would have been out of it then too. That reminds me. We have a date Friday night. This will pretty much be the first time we've gone out by ourselves. We've both been incredible busy.....or grounded in his case.

Gosh, yesterday was great. We just lazed around in his room watching movies all night. He was being all romantic and stuff, and I think it has to do with what happened Monday. I mean on Tuesday when he got to school there was a huge confrontation with Leigh and Adam. Apparently none of the other boys knew about Leigh spreading the rumor, and he did it for a reason still unknown to us all. He hasn't shown his face around the school since then which is odd. He wasn't in any of the classes we all share, so I'm thinking he's pulling a cowardly move and hiding out at home. I have no idea what happened either. Leigh was one of the only guys out if their group who was considerate of others. So him doing something like this was just strange, it made me feel like something else was in play here and I didn't know what.

"Can't." He said whilst stirring me from my thoughts. "She's got some fundraiser to attend with her parents."

"Oh. Well I can't right now Erik. You know how badly I want to get a good grade on this test."

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