CH.16 Bros....and dress shopping.

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OK so here goes nothing the big climax not the minuscule one about their love life hehehe can't wait because it's gonna be messed up! mwahahahahaha!

oh and this will be partially a filler partially not because it will be boring at first and work it's way to getting to a climax which will span over a few chapters hopefully.

I've tried epicly hard to get this picture of the bridesmaid dress Claire is wearing but it wouldnt work no matter what. I tried copying the url, making it a .jpeg, emailing it, etc. nothing is working so if you have any pointers then by all means do help :) thanks



**Warning** This is a PG-13 story but there are alcohol and drug scenes, cussing, and fighting in this chapter if you skip over I will give a lowdown in the next chapter.


*Zac's POV*

"Oh Zaaaac." Came a singsong voice. I groaned outwardly as Adam poked his head into my bedroom door.

"What do you want nard?" I groaned, but kept my eyes on my phone whilst I was texting Claire.

"Nard? Really? I'm hurt." He grabbed his chest and held a pained expression on his face.

"Quit being melodramatic Adam." I rolled my eyes yet somehow still kept my eyes on my phone.

"I always thought it was bros before hoes?" He asked while plopping down in my swivel chair next to my computer desk (with no computer might I add).

"How do you know that's who I'm texting?" I raised an eyebrow. "I very well could be texting my.......uh.......grandma?"

"Your grandma's dead dude, you went to her funeral what......5 years ago?" Adam smirked and gave me a disbelieving look.

"Whatever." I mumbled but kept typing back to Claire. It's not my fault I love talking to her. Honestly if she wasn't out with her family for the weekend, I'd be where ever she was.

"Zac!" Adam shouted and pulled my phone out of my hand. "Stop being clingy."

"I'm not clingy." I argued.

"You're whipped, clingy, and acting like a girl." He pointed out.

"Shut up!" I got up and pushed the side of his head making him get up off my chair and fix his hair, "I'm not acting like a girl."

"Whatever you say." He rolled his eyes. "Let's go over to Dylan's house, he's bringing the boat and water skis out to the Lake."

"That sounds fun." I shrugged.

"Yeah a lot more fun than laying around talking to your girlfriend." He smirked.

"I don't know about that, but I'm game for water skiing." I rummaged through my clothes, found my brown swim trunks, and changed quickly. After that we went running down the street seeing as how Dylan only lives two blocks from my house. As we ran I couldn't help wondering what Claire was doing at this exact moment.


"Mom I'm so not wearing that." I wrinkled my nose in distaste. She had pulled out a pink dress that looked like it was an 80's prom dress more than a bridesmaid dress.

"Yeah it's hideous right?" She frowned. I only nodded while I kept rummaging through the dresses. Erik was on my left doing the same, and my soon to be step dad and my little brother were off on some 'quality time' together. Yes we were all gone about two hours from home searching for bridesmaid dresses with only one bridesmaid present. I still think it's funny we moved here a while ago and now they just decided to get married. Though it's a whatever moment to me anymore, because I get Erik as a stepbrother and I'm good with that.

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