Ch.3 Anything but This

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I awoke in the morning at my desk with my math book being used as a pillow. I rubbed my eyes and checked the clock that stood on my night stand. What it read startled me, 7:10, I was late and I was never late. I hurriedly grabbed a pair of faded blue jeans and a long sleeve red turtleneck. I applied some make up to my eyes ran a comb through my hair and ran downstairs. "Come on Aiden you'll be late for school!" I shouted from the hall that led to the stairs.

"I'm coming!" was his reply.

"ok I gotta go so you make sure to get on the bus and make sure mom gets up too." I told him while giving him a hug. "I'll pick you up from school like always." Then I ran out the door and into my car. Forgetting about 'surfer boy' in the time being.


"Come the frick on!" I shouted while hitting my steering wheel. I was currently in the middle of state; a busy street, and waiting for the light to turn green. it couldn't get any worse than this could it? I mean come on anything but this! I'm so gonna be late and then have to walk infront of a bunch of people to give my excuse to the teacher. On top of that I'm probably going to be thought of stooping down to Zac's level. Oh man I just remembered I had to turn in a book to the library today dang it.


"Your late Claire." Mr. Adams pointed out lazily to me. I really don't like him as a homeroom teacher but whatever. He's said to be 25 and slept with almost all the girls in this school. Which I could see why they would like him.....kinda. He's got a slight build and deep chocolatey brown eyes. His brown hair is wavy and he has tanned skin all the time.

"Um yah..." I said awkwardly. I could feel the stares of everyone in the class on me especially Zac's.

"Don't let it happen again or I may just have to keep you after class next time." He smiled suggestively at me. Oh ew I'm surprised no one has reported him or anything yet, because I'm about to.

"It won't Mr. Adams." I said before turning toward my seat. As soon as I sat down Zac pestered me with his unending questions.

"Stooping low this time eh Claire?" he asked me. I just rolled my eyes and ignored him...well tried to that is. "What made you late anyway?" He kept pestering.

"Shh ok?" I demanded looking at him sternly.

"Fine fine." He turned around in his seat and kept his eyes glued to his text book. When he did that it made my life less stressfull and I could carry on with doing my work peacefully. That is until Mr. Adams surprised us all with an interesting project (note the sarcasm).

"Alright class before the bell rings, I have one more thing to tell you. There is a project on a certain type of government due in two weeks. I'll give you all your partners and government types tommorrow. So I'm just giving you all a forewarning." He then smirked a smirk that said your all doomed, which we probably were.

"Just great" I rolled my eyes just as the bell went off. Getting out of my seat and out of the room was the fastest thing I'd done in a while. I hate history and to make it, I wanna shiver at the thought.

I made my way to math class hoping Ms. Hart didn't say, do, or think anything that would make me internally groan. I felt a hand wrap around my neck, " Hello beautiful." Zac smirked.

I pulled his arm off of me and rolled my eyes "What do you want?"

"Well I'm just gonna tell you straight.......I'm hoping we're partners in history." He smiled brightly. Fake for sure.

"Yah sure." I rolled my eyes again knowing it was a lie.

"Hey hey don't knock it till you try it" He winked then ran off to join Adam and a suspicious bleach blonde bimbo.

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