Ch.5 Loving Is A Crime

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A/N Soooooooo this was interesting, me lovely's I shall forever more love to write this story only because I'm actually getting somewhere with it

oh oh oh! and if you haven't yet start reading my other story Her knight in shining armor. I'm working on getting rid of my writers block on it at the moment but it's all good homey bros :P

Anyway Vote! Comment! Fan! Enjoy!!!!


PS: The story I'm currently done reading Playing Evelyn is the bomb! I loved it! and I just say I recommend you to read it. it was in the watty awards too :)


These past few days have been a pain in my ass. One minute I'm trying to devise a plan and the other I'm falling hard all over again. I've been keeping a close, watchful eye on Zac and so far I haven't noticed anything out if the ordinary. Except a few times when a girl, mostly Kirsten, would flirt or rub against him or something. He would brush them aside and tell them "I already have an angel." Which would instantly make my cheeks blush and for my assumptions to be proven further.

The best part of being able to devise a plan and watch him a lot without seeming a stalker, was when I was in detention with him. And let me tell ya, detention is boring, all they make you do is sit there, don't talk and work on weird little extra credit assignments. Oh! and don't get me started on the art fair! There is so much stress involved with that. Miss. Gardener wants us to come up with a 3 different portfolios, one by ourselves, and one with the help of each other. So not only do I have to be in the art fair with him, I have to practically be his partner.

So now its Tuesday and I was supposed to be doing my work, but I really couldn't get into the concepts of government when Zac was so close to me. "Hey what do you think of this picture?" Zac asked me. He unfolded a piece of photography paper and handed it to me.

"Um I think it's photo shopped." I pointed out while whispering. The colors weren't real exactly, they were missing out on the sunlight that was around it. He put random people's faces on for the two people embracing and one of the faces was his. The other was a random girl smiling brightly, the sunset didn't catch around their heads like it did the rest of the picture either.

"How did you know?". He whispered back. His face was sort of pouting, but it made him look absolutely adorable. He got the droopy little puppy dog affect going on and I couldn't help giggling at that image. "What are you laughing at?" His pout got worse.

Something told me I shouldn't tell him that I just imagined him with puppy dog ears and a tail. Though he did look kinda cute that way. Woe woe woe! I did not just say Zac Meyer is cute! I am going insane, yeah that's it insane! "Nothing." I finally replied masking my horrified expression.

"Well how did you know then!" he asked getting frustrated.

"It's not right, the colors, the frames of the heads, or anything else for that matter." I gave him a weird look as he stared determinedly at me. "Why?" I asked.

"This is where I want to take the love of my life when I find her," he started. "I mean I already found her but when I find her find her." he said with a slight smile on his face.

"You sound so," I stopped, trying to think of the best thing to say. "sure of yourself." I finally said after a few seconds of pondering it. A smile had crept on to my face and I couldn't stop my racing heart. I swear he could probably hear it.

"That's because I am sure of myself. I promised her I would find her and I promised myself I wouldn't stop looking until I found her." His smile got brighter. "Honestly I think she would like you, you two seem to have a personality connection." He whispered that part.

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