Ch.4 Split Personalities? I Think So

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A/N ok imma try harder to make them seem like worst enemies and like overly cheesy lovers on line I just gotta think and work harder is all it'll all work out sometime or other I hope :)) enjoy


My mood had been plummeting the whole day, starting from when I woke up to now in lunch. I'm cleaning up tables right now with Zac of all people because he can't seem to understand not to spill your tray on someone else. It was a disaster and today's spaghetti was all over my favorite White camisole. To add to my burning hatred he got his 'drama queens' to spill their salads ALL over me so I have french and Italian dressing all in my hair. At that point I couldn't take it so I picked up my tray and dumped it all over him adding someone's strawberry yogurt to the mix. Boy was it a mess and I smirked a devilous smirk as soon as I got done, wiping my hands together like I'd just gotten done with an accomplishment. But that was about the time Mr.Stein popped out of no where and appointed Zac and I to detention for a week.

That's what I'll end up doing starting next week, which just brings such joy to my heart (note the sarcasm). "Hey babe what do you say when we get done with this we go get a bite to eat?" Zac smirked at me.

"Hey A-Hole why don't you come here so I can slap that smirk off your face." I gave him a disgusted look.

"I like it when you get feisty." He teased. God I can't take him anymore.

"Zac shut up! just shut up! I'm getting sick and tired of you and your stupidness right now! You cause me so much more stress than is nessecary so just stop!" I seethed. I turned around and dropped my rag back in the bucket and marched right out of the cafeteria. Sometimes he pushes me so far to where I wanna rip his head off and drive it through a stake. And right now was certainly one of those times. I bumped into a girl who had fire in her eyes as soon as I stepped out the door.

"Hey bitch where do you think your going?!" She spat in my face.

"I am going to class." I said steadily, surprised at how together my voice was after that outburst.

"Not so fast!" she grabbed my arm as I tried to side step her. She dug her nails into my forearm and smirked as I winced in pain. "Go and apologize." she narrowerd her eyes at me. Hate and murderous intent clear in her eyes, I don't even know this girl yet she seemed to like digging her perfectly manicured nails into my skin.

"Why should I?" I asked trying to stay calm as my anger soared. I had no idea why she thought she had any authority over me, nor did I know why she was trying to make me apologize to Zac of all people.

"Obviously you don't understand a thing do you?" She snickered. Her blonde curls bounced as she wipped her head in the direction of the cafeteria. "Zac is seriously a great guy and you went and dumped all your food all over him!" She said venom clearly there still. Did she just say Zac was a great guy?

I blinked obviously disbelieving her, "Um exactly how is he a great guy? He's the one who started it ya know." I walked away from her hoping she'd leave it at that. That, was too good to be true though, I felt her pull at my hair bringing my head back in a painful position.

"Woe woe need to fight over me ladies." We turned to see Zac smirking at us. The blonde still had a hold on my hair and I don't think she would have ever let go either, until he came over and pried her fingers off of me. "Let's be civil now." He said and then dropped his hand to instantly meet the eye of Mr. Stein.

"What exactly had been happening here?" He asked with a very stern voice. He gave me a sympathetic look one I knew ment he was on my side.

"Mr. Stein I thought I told you, you shouldn't choose favorites." Zac said teasingly like he always did.

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