Ch.20 Panic

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Gosh we're getting closer to the end!

I'm gonna introduce some old characters back into the story. mhm mhm. In the next few chapters!

I'm sorry for putting this off so long! I know I promised to get it done waaaaay earlier but I fail at life ugh.




"Hey Dad can I borrow your car tonight?" I asked.

"What's wrong with your own?" He answered with another question.

"It hasn't been starting very well lately." I told him.

"Oh?" He looked up from his computer; for the first time, might I add. "I guess we'll just have to get it looked at tomorrow then."

"That's fine, I'm not going anywhere that I can't walk until tonight." I told him.

"Alright," He sighed. "I guess you can use it then." I knew he'd say yes, only because he knew I was taking Claire out and he liked Claire. He says I've changed considerably since we started dating. It's pretty good knowing I've become a better person in only a month. Maybe I was just already back on that track a while before and she just gave me that extra boost I needed. I swear if it weren't for that chat site we would never be where we are today. I constantly thank God that he allowed me to build up the courage to speak to 'fallen angel'.

"You better get going it's already," he paused to look at his watch, "7:15 and school starts in twenty. No?"

"Yeah, you're right," I groaned in frustration. Who ever decided that school was mandatory was by far the most evil thing on Earth. They wanted all of us children to suffer whilst going through 12 or more years of nothing but late night, early morning, stress filled lives. Not just for the kids but the parents too.

I ended up just walking out of my Dad's study, sending a quick bye over my shoulder before I walked out of the house completely. I'd gotten into my car and was just starting it when I noticed that it was only making the starting noise. The engine wasn't turning on making me groan and throw my arms up in frustration.

"Come on!" I shouted in dismay.

"Looks like you best get running!" My Dad shouted. He'd poked his head out the door to give me an evil grin and then just as quickly shut and locked the door. I stared in shock at his weird behavior until he'd opened one of the windows near his study to shout some more.

"Get going boy!"

"Alright alright old man." I shook my head. He's being really nice lately. I'm wondering if the company he was working with finally approved his work.

He started chuckling at my old man jibe, yet at the same time still poking fun at the idea that I had to run to school. Oh well, at least I can eat a lot of junk food and go without needing to work out. The perks of being a 17 year old boy.

I took off down our long paved driveway, ignoring the ringing of my phone as I went. I couldn't afford to be late again, I wouldn't get to see Claire if I showed up late to school. Again. And something tells me that I better not be late today either. After a while the ringing got more persistent, and I couldn't help but pick it up.

"What could you want that could possibly allow you to annoy me with your constant calling?" I growled into the phone.

"Um...we've got a problem Zac." Adam's voice rang loud and clear. Though in the background I could almost make out shouting and the distinguished yells of Erik.

"What?" I asked, suddenly sober.

"Kirsten is back...."

Before he could say anything else I was sprinting down the road. There was no need for him to finish I knew what a potential threat she was to Claire and I. It was only pure luck that her family went on that vacation during the first three weeks of our relationship.

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