Ch.13 That's Kind of Expected.........Especially for You

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Hmm I really want key lime pie. I feel sick yet not.........Anyway!!!!! Look up the book here on wattles if you wanna read a hilarious vampire comedy type romance. It's called "He was looking for a princess instead he found me." by flying-person.

Hahahaha I love all that stuff about smurfs and aliens.

I love Austin Carlile!

(Don't ask I just had to add that. He is adorable and really inspirational)

Squidgy! Squidgy! Falalalala Squidgy! Squidgy! falalalala Squidgy! I love you so!


PS: this is really bad because of my hiatus/writers block.


'Good morning beautiful' I smiled, he called me beautiful. He truly is adorable, why did I have to be so stubborn? Oh that's right, I don't want to be hurt.

I don't know, do I send Zac a text back, or do I wait and talk to him at school? I've never experienced this before seeing as I've never dated. Well unless you count the times I went out with my best guy friend back in Nashville "dating".

"Claire whatcha doing?" Erik questioned. He had on a black button down shirt and was trying to put a tie on. He had his fingers caught in it which I couldn't help but giggle about.

"Nothing, need help?" I giggled. I decided I'd send Zac something, instead of waiting. If he thought I was too clingy, then I don't know.

"Yes please." He smiled graciously, "Your my saviour."

"Yeah Yeah Yeah. Now come here." I waved him over. "So what are you and Samantha planning on doing for your 1 year anniversary today?" I asked absentmindedly. I slipped the tie expertly through the loop and made it into a perfect tie. The slim red tie and the black button down looked really awesome together. I nodded my approval while he just mockingly raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know. I'm thinking about taking her to her favorite restaurant Saturday. She's been bugging me about it and that red sun dress that she kept asking everyone to buy her." He smirked. "She does look adorable in it." He sighed dreamily. His eyes got wide in that dreamlike state and he wondered out of the room like the love sick puppy he was.

"Well there's something to tweet about." I chuckled to myself. 'Local idiot has now fallen under the persuasion of love.' Instantly I checked the clock noticing I only had 20 minutes left so I hurriedly threw on the first things I could grab and rushed downstairs. "Let's go puke." I laughed at Aiden and ran out the door. Erik joined me a little bit after, rushing into the passenger seat. "What....?"

"I need to get the tire fixed later today." He answered me.

"Whatever." I shrugged and opened the back door for Aiden.

"Claire I wanna see Zac again." Aiden blurted out of no where. That's honestly kinda funny, but I guess he would ask for him since he seemed to latch himself against Zac when he came over to dinner that one day.

"Well your in luck, cause he's here right now." Erik smirked.

"Wait really?" I asked. I whipped my head around, looking out the back window. Sure enough a Blonde Hotty was climbing out of his car. Decked in his usual, of black skinnies and an aropostale t-shirt he looked extremely perfect; but he had a nervous look on his face, that only made my stomach hurt. Could it be about my text? Did he think I was too clingy? He walked up to the car and lightly tapped his knuckles on my window. I slowly let the window down, because I'm cheap my car doesn't have automatic windows.

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