Author's Note

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I have a few things I need to let everyone know. 

First off I have lost interest in this story. I know that is the worst thing possible for an author to do, but it happens sometimes and it isn't because I don't like the amount of readers, because dang 3.8K! That's great for my untalented self. 

I started writing this story back in 2012 and I feel stupid for not having stuck to a schedule long enough to keep writing and get it done back then. I was reading this story and I realized how immature and foolish it sounds, there are so many things I wish I could change and rewrite it, but I can't or it would change the story completely. I was extremely immature and untalented and my writing had to suffer for that. I have gained many skills, even taken a creative writing class, and now I am better at writing but I want to cringe from the lack of skills. So yes I have no idea what I am going to do with this story. 

I would be happy to just quit this story, but seeing as I have had 3.8k then I need to at least finish it, even if it is a crappy ending. I am sorry! But the stories I post after this will be ten times better I promise!

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