Ch.10 You Should Here the Alibi

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So I decided to rewrite Ch.10 I just feel like it wasn't completely right.

I hated how it turned out first, plus it was rushed and too short. So now I'm just gonna rewrite it again :)

I have no idea how this one will turn out though.


"Claire! Your impossible!" Erik yelled from downstairs. At this very moment I was ignoring him, locked inside my room with my mp3 playing Miranda Lambert's song "White Liar". I felt this song was perfect for my mood at the moment. Erik was lying and went behind my back, to that player's home. Aiden told me, I can get quite a bit our of that little rugrat when needed.

"Claire! Answer your brother!" my mom shouted from the next door over. She had probably been listening into the whole conversation, but what can I say, she's nosy.

"He's not my brother!" I shout back, that's right I'm retaliating. If I have to dig myself 6 feet under just to get them off my case, then so be it. "He pissed me off today." I grumbled more to myself than anyone. I feel like I'm becoming a true teenager, locking myself up in my room, rebelling, and whining about all my problems through songs and poems. Gosh I'm such a drama addict anymore, what ever happened to staying a nobody, Claire? I didn't make the cut to be a nobody this year I guess. That's about the time that I noticed it, the silence. It was quite loud, almost deafening to my ears. Could it be that they all got the hint and left me alone? Think again idiot.

"Look alive sunshine!" I hear someone yell. Almost immediately following that odd sentence someone barges into my room.

"Erm-" I start to say.

"I am your brother and you know it. I've been the closest person to you......" He stopped and smirked. "Besides Zac, of course. Who has been there for you through bad times." He plopped down onto my bed. "I'm sorry that I went behind your back, but I had to do it. It just called out to me." He then started to make a weird impression of his conscious, "It said don't you leave Claire hanging like that. Be a man and stop not helping people the right way." He pointed at his head and said in a high pitchy girl voice. "So I said, 'I guess I need to go talk to Zac and make things right between them'." He put his hand down and stared up at me with his fake innocent eyes. That's right, they were fake alright, he isn't innocent worth crap.

"Uh....." I stared down at him in shock. "I'm confused." I raise an eyebrow. Why did he go all weird acting out his head conversations with me?

"Why ever so confused dear?" He asked yet again in a shrilly girl voice.

"You know what? Never mind." I laughed. "I feel bipolar what about you?" I asked.

"You are bipolar. You go from being in love, to hating in 5 seconds. Then you go from 'Oh Erik your my best friend', to 'I hate you, your not my brother jerk!' in minutes." He said proving a point.

"Yeah well your narcissistic ." I stick my tongue out at him.

"Whatever floats your boat bipolar sister o' mine." He winked at me.

"Leave. You annoy me." I smile. "Hey, wait. How did you get in here anyway? My door was locked." I narrow my eyes.

"Guilty as charged." He smirked and holds up a plastic credit card. My cheeks flush to a red color as my anger returned.

"Seriously you broke into my room with a credit card?!" I spat. "How does that even make sense?" I ask. obviously I've never picked a lock before so I wouldn't know about credit cards opening a door.

"Oh Claire. You have much to learn if your going to live in the same house as me." He winked again.

"Ugh, get out." I point to the now wide open door.

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