Ch.21 Such a Wreck

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OK so next chapter!! I really hope you guys understand my author note and don't take it to heart.



"This is unacceptable!" Mr. Stien growled. He stood up from his desk for the hundreth time. "Fighting in my school! How could you?"

I stared at him in shock because his face seemed to change different shades of red. He was furious, not only at me for fighting, but because I did something, that I had never ventured out to do in the first place. To be honest I had always expected highschool to be boring and slow. I had hoped it would be boring and slow, but obviously falling for the resident jerk wasn't part of that plan. So here I am, getting screamed at by the principal who only ever said hello to me in the hallways or gave me a detention every once in a while for interrupting a class with Zac. Now that I thought about it, he was always the reason. He was the reason I had a few detentions on my perminant records. He was the reason I got into a fight with Kirsten and am now facing suspension. He was the reason my high school career hadn't gone quite as expected. He was the reason my mom didn't exactly trust me as much as she used to. I needed to rid myself of Zac if I wanted my life to get any better. I felt like such a wreck.

"What is so important that you can't listen to me Miss. Thompson?" Mr. Stien asked. His voice was still loud. His face was screwed up in a mask of anger. I could hardly look at him anymore, my fear was rising.

"I-I'm sorry," I whispered. I felt the tears rising in my eyes.

"Well you should have thought about that before you got into a fight with Kirsten Sea." He furrowed his eyebrows more if possible.

"I didn't mean to." I tried to tell him but he wouldn't listen, like any other adult.

"Of course you didn't mean to." He interrupted me.

"Will you just let me explain!" I finally shouted out in a fit of rage. "I'm not in my right mind right now! I know what is right and what isn't! Do you think I like getting into fights? I only did it because she swung first. I'm sorry but I won't apologize to her either." I finally let a few tears slide out. I looked up at him to see shock. Shock that I had risen up to him, I seem to do that a lot lately. Zac probably brought that out in me too. He made me speak my mind and I didn't like it. I wanted to go back to my normal boring quiet self.

"Alright." He said, shocking me even further. He sat down in his chair behind his desk and grabbed something out of a drawer. "I know you don't act rashly like that very often. I understand that they only fights you get in are with Zac, but I can't let you go unpunished." 

I nodded agreeing fully. If only she went punished there would be hell to pay with the school board. "I know." I sighed.

"Now then," He sighed as well and placed the paper on the desk allowing me to see the title of the pink slip. "I never thought I would be doing this to you, but the lowest punishment allowed for a fight such as your's is a week of suspension." 

I hung my head, and slipped down my chair, acknowledging my punishment. "I understand." 

"This better never happen again Claire. I thought you were a good student. I don't want to have to change my mind." He gave me a stern eye. I nodded again and slowly rose from my seat. I grabbed the paper he just finished filling out and started walking out.

"Please let Kirsten in on your way out." He added before turning away from me and grabbing another slip out of his desk like the one he had handed me. I knew I had been in the wrong, but there was a small part of me that wished he would have gone a little bit smaller with the punishment. I don't want to have to make up a week's worth of school work. Oh well, it isn't like my mother will be letting me do anything anymore until graduation from college anyway. She was gonna kill me when she got home and listened to the message from the school about my suspension. 

I walked out of the office and down the hall where Kirsten was sitting. I pointed to the doors and she got the memo, smirking at me as she went.

"Oh poor baby," She snickered. I felt the anger start to rise back in my body.

"You know what Kirsten?" I growled. "No matter what you do, I will still have a better life than you ever will, but congratulations." I paused to get my barings before anyone came back to yell at us some more. "I'm just going to give him up anyways, he isn't worth all of this shit that you are pushing on me." I don't know why I said it, but I did. I shouldn't have, I really shouldn't. I thought I could love him, but maybe later in life, when I wasn't stressed out of my mind. As I realized this, I felt the tears start to build up in the backs of my eyes.

I walked away from her as fast as I could. I don't know what came over me, but I had to get the last word. I was serious when I said he wasn't worth all of this. No one is. That may sound sadistic, but if you understood how crappy my life had become since he entered it. You would feel the same way. I kept that thought in my mind as I grabbed my stuff from my locker and walked out of the school. I wouldn't be back for a week and I wasn't going to care either. Or maybe I would, but I wouldn't show it.  I got in my car and sent a message to my mom saying I would be able to get Aiden from school so she didn't have to get off early. Which I was hoping for, I didn't want to deal with her too soon.

I hopped in my car and backed out of my parking space, then I drove off but not before sending Adam a text telling him he would need to get a ride since I got suspended.

*Zac's POV*

"Do you think Mr. Stein is yelling at her?" I asked suddenly worried. I couldn't take the thought. Claire was so fragile and after fighting with Kirsten like the way I had heard, then she would definitely be at her peak.

"Zac she'll be fine don't worry." Erik smiled. "She's a big girl, she can take care of herself."

"But she's been in there for a while." I grumbled. It was already lunch time and no one had seen her, I didn't want to fear the worst because Stien usually sided with her anyway. I hadn't seen Kirsten though either, which made it easier to grumble in peace.

"Well..." Erik dragged it out, like he had been hiding something from me.

"What Erik?" I shot him daggers.

"She just sent me a text last period saying that she got suspended for a week." He finally let out. "I wasn't supposed to tell you. I called her straight after and she just didn't want to speak to you right now." He explained.

"Why not?" I asked, feeling a pang in my chest.

"I don't know, but her have her space for a day or two." He shrugged. Suddenly Zac didn't feel hungry anymore. As a matter of fact, I didn't feel very hungry to begin with but Adam had insisted I at least get a sandwich.

"Fine, I'll think about it." I said and got up, leaving the cafeteria. I decided today wasn't my day and left the school. Remembering I didn't have a car right now I started jogging, feeling like I needed to go to the park where I first kissed Claire. As I ran a cold wind shivered my bones and I pulled my jacket closer to my body. November wasn't my favorite month. I couldn't wait until spring, when it was warmer out and I could take Claire out to the festival, right here in this park. Then my heart dropped, as I realized she probably wouldn't want me anymore. I collapsed down on a bench on the path, just staring ahead of me. Why did I have to be so stupid? I should have listened to everyone when they said I would regret everything I did when I met the one. Claire was; as cheesy as it sounds, the one. I always felt my heart flutter faster when I was with her, my stomach would be full of butterflies. I would find myself thinking of what to say around her, wanting to make her happy. I love her. It was as simple as that. I love her and I needed tell her that soon, before my time was up, before I lost her. I couldn't imagine my life without her anymore, it was almost surreal. I kept staring into the distance, the only thought running through my mind was 'I love her'.


Hope this ending wasn't too cliche, Imma have the next one up sometime later. This one is extremely short sorry! 

Funny story! I started writing this in third person because lately everything I write seems better in third person but yeah I had to change it all and got really annoyed with life lol anyway hope you enjoy!

Sorry if this story sucks :/


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