Ch.2 Happiness On A Computer Screen

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"Hey buddy how was your day?" I asked my brother Aiden, as he got into the car, Spider Man bookbag in hand.

"It was great, we made pictures of our families today!" His eyes lit up with amusement, his smiling face was so cute.

"Oh really? do I get to see this picture you made?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He nodded furiously and got into his bookbag, taking out a piece of paper from it.

" See? See? Do you like it?" He jumped up and down with excitement and I laughed at his youthfulness.

I looked at a picture of a 2 story house that was a light blue color, he had me holding his hand and mom standing to the right. We were all smiling like a happy family, more or less like we did before dad died. "It's totally beautiful Aiden, that deserves the fridge door of fame." I chuckled. He really did do a great job on it, not using stick figures like most kids his age usually do.

"Mommy has to see it first!" he exclaimed and I nodded to keep him satisfied. If only he knew she probably wouldn't be home for a while that just made me sigh as I backed the car out of the parking lot. We were on our way home and I couldn't wait. "Claire Bear put on kidz bop!" He smiled up at me using my nickname him and my mom called me.

" Eh, fine" I laughed. The way he smiled made me think he had some masterminded plan being plotted.


We were almost home just a stop sign away from crossing to our street. Aiden and I were singing at the top of our lungs with the kidz Bop version of 'baby' by Justin Beiber. I wasn't paying attention as I sped past the sign forgetting it was there. I had just enough time to slam on the breaks before we got in a head on collision with another car. "Aiden are you alright?" I widened my eyes at him.

He smiled his best reassuring smile and nodded. "I'm alright Claire bear don't worry ." when I saw that he was telling the truth I took a deep breath and got out to say sorry to the other driver.

" Oh my I am so sor-" I was stopped when I noticed exactly who the bleach blonde middle aged woman was. "Mom! what do you think you were doing?!" I yelled at her.

"Yah yah don't worry about it, you should be lucky though this isn't my car this is Mark's". She waved off what I'd just said.

"I thought you weren't coming home anyway?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Am I not welcome to come see my children?" she asked me with an innocent smile on her face.

"We all know that's why your here." I rolled my eyes and slipped into my car then.

"See you at the house sweetie pie." My mom drawled in her strong accent.

I followed her there and as soon as we made it to our cozy two story house I felt better. I clicked the button to let me into our garage and slipped my car in nice and easy. Aiden didn't speak the rest of the way because he knew I wasn't in the mood for it. "Why don't you go show mom that drawling." I suggested in a whisper, if I were to raise my voice any louder he would know I was stressed and I didn't need the little guy to worry about me. He's just barely 6 so too young to be in this atmosphere.

"Ok" was his only reply as he rushed out and into the side door that led into the kitchen. I hoped mom would like it even if she noticed what I did too. I sighed and rushed out to the back yard and to my garden. I made it the summer we moved here which was 4 years ago it encompassed a big oak tree that I'd climb in all the time and I loved it here. All the beautiful reds, yellows, and oranges, gave it a homely feel to it. I layed on the path and thought to myself about everything. The sun's rays made this cool fall day feel nice as I continued to lie there.

My mom has been weird and unentheused (A/N might be spelled wrong) ever since the divorce and my fathers untimely death, by cancer no doubt. But ever since we've moved to Maryland I've been looked upon to be the strong leader of the house. If only I really was a strong leader who didn't have a care in the world.

I stayed like this for only a few more minutes until I knew I had to be going inside soon. I had mother to talk to, and a friend I knew could cheer me up as well. I opened the door and headed to the kitchen. "Mom you don't have to do that." I said as I noticed all the pots and pans.

"And why not? Can't I make a nice dinner for my children?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Fine but if you need any help then just call for me ok?" I said as I retreated from the kitchen up to my room. As soon as I got in there I turned my laptop on and went to my favorite website. It's called 'Music is life' (A/N fictional of course) where you can go listen to music and meet knew people. Which is exactly what I did, even though I was shy at first. I met a guy who's name on here is Surfer Boy and he's the most nicest guy I'd ever met. He's funny, likes all kinds of music, knows exactly what to say, and can get my mind off of everything. He makes me smile all the time and I was happy to see that he had sent me a message.

(messages between me and Surfer Boy)

Surfer Boy: Hey how was school?

Fallen Angel: It was horrible and I even almost wrecked my car with my mom's

Surfer Boy: that really sucks :P but hey I had a bad day too I got in some serious trouble because of things.

Fallen Angel: that super sucks :/ but I'm glad you find pleasure in that jerk.

Surfer Boy: yep yep.....hey can I tell you something?

Fallen Angel: Sure

I awaited his reply but then ended up having my mom yell for me to get downstairs and help her. So I told him I had to go and never got to see what he had to say that day. Turned out I ended up doing most of the work and when we were finished my homework was practically calling to me. Something told me I should have checked to see what he had said but I never got to see and that saddened me. I ended up falling asleep while doing my math homework and I kept having dreams about what he could have said that whole night.


Yah well hope you liked it :)

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would mean a lot to know people like my stuff that I write ~ Ash

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