Ch.12 Headrush

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So this is chappy 12 :D warped soon!!!!!!!!!!! I got my OM&M shirt and tickets for it can't wait. I have to meet Austin Carlile no matter what. And Jack Barakat even if it means killing a man ;) teehee jk jk

Anyway I need your opinion all you people who read and lurk without posting anything. What are your views on Claire, how about Zac? are you team Zac or? How about Erik, just give me some insight on how you feel about them and your favorite character and why. it'd help most definitely with developing other characters for other stories. thanks you

Now on to the story. (I wrote this beginning about 2 weeks :/ before finishing)



"I'm not dreaming am I?" I asked Adam for the tenth time today.

"No your not dreaming." He chuckled. He'd gotten used to it after the third time, probably because I was so out of it.

"Oh." I smiled, "It feels too much like a dream."

"That's because your a love sick puppy." He pointed out and flung my phone at me. I just noticed it was ringing. "It's been going off for a while, I think everyone's probably wondering the same thing."

"Yeah, I didn't expect anyone to be ok with Claire except you." I shrugged.

"Well considering both of your histories......" He said raising an eyebrow. I couldn't help but agree with him, It's probably weird for everyone to see us like this. I'm willing to show them just how un-weird it is though.

"Yeah?" I asked finally picking up the phone.

"It's about damn time, jackass!" Someone screeched on the other side. I had to hold the receiver away from my ear as I cringed from the scream. There's only one person in this world I know that can screech like that and that same person gets way too possessive. Their also the last person on this Earth that would agree with this.

"Kirsten......" I sighed and sent Adam a look. He just started laughing, basically mocking me because he knew this would happen.

"Baby, you were just joking right? You were messing with her?" She said almost too fast to comprehend. "Your just going to throw her out like all the rest?"

"Listen Kirsten," I sighed again, this was going to be the highlight of my day. I rolled my eyes at Adam and he got up motioning he was going to get something to drink. "We were just a thing, nothing more than a thing." I told her.

"You mean she's just a thing? Right?!" She sounded scared.

"No Kirsten. She's not the thing. She's my girlfriend, I love her, and respect her. You....."I got cut off when she scoffed.

"You are such a liar! You don't even know her. She's a bitch and ugly and you say you love her?" She was into the seething part, crap I'm not good at this.

"I lie but I don't lie about how I feel about Claire. I have loved her for a long time now, I just didn't know it was her." I smiled to myself as I said this.

"You fucking prick! Your such a man-whore!" She spat at me.

"And your an idiot." I shrugged forgetting she couldn't see, because she was on a phone. "Your just as much of a whore as I used to be."

"Last time I checked I only slept with you." She said. My eyes widened when I noticed she was right, well shit this complicates things.

"Uh......." Adam walked in then and I gave him a pleading look. "Did Kirsten ever sleep with anyone else?" I whispered.

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