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After the gift giving at S.T.A.R. Labs, I went back home to do some more gift wrapping. I was giving Joe a new watch since he was complaining that his old one was getting wacky. Eddie, a pair of new shoes that Iris was happy to help me with. Iris, a cute bracelet. And Barry, I got him picture of me and him before we left for college. I know that was the lamest gift I could ever get him, but I didn't know what else to get him without giving it away. After gift wrapping, I hear my phone ding and I see that it was a text from Barry saying that there was an emergency meeting at S.T.A.R. Labs. I grab my purse and head out of the house and hail a taxi.

When I get to S.T.A.R. Labs everyone was already there and they're looking at me. "Sorry, I was gift wrapping at home when I got the text." I say and I lean on the wall. "The man in yellow is back." Barry says and I get off the wall and look at him wide eyed. "The one that killed your mom is back in town?" I ask and Barry nods. What would he want in Central City now? "The witness described seeing a yellow blur. Just like the one that killed Barry's mother." Joe says and I look at Barry. "Then we need to get cracking and stop this speed psycho." Cisco says putting a candy cane in his mouth. "That- I wasn't trying to give him a name." he says again and I roll my eyes. "The crime scene at Mercury Labs was on a floor with highly secured vaults. And the witnesses said he was looking for something." Barry says and I look down.

"Whatever it was, he wanted it badly enough to kill for it." Dr. Wells says.

"Doctor, what do you know about Mercury Labs?" Joe asks and we look at him.

"Mercury is one of S.T.A.R. Labs' major competitors until our little setback and then it catapulted to the forefront, led by Dr. Christine McGee, brilliant but egocentric physicist." Dr. Wells replies showing us a picture of Dr. McGee.

"It says here, Dr. McGee has secured half a billion dollars in private funding to develop, and I quote, "prototypes for the technology of the future." Cisco says and Barry looks at him.

"Well I'll be. Tina's messing with Tachyons." Dr. Wells says and I look at him confusingly.

"Superluminal particles." Dr. Wells says and I understand.

"Of course." Joe says.

"So, what could you do with on of those Tachyons?" I ask and Joe nods. I just wanted to know how the Tachyons would work. "Well, I don't know. Become invincible. If you could devise a matrix stable enough to harness their power, you could travel faster than light." Dr. Wells says and I widen my eyes. "He's gonna try again." Barry says and I nod in agreement. "We need to get what Mercury has and use it as a lure." I say. "Exactly right. Cisco, Caitlin, start engineering a trap." Dr. Wells says and they start to get to work. "We'll get Dr. McGee to the precinct and ask her questions." Barry says and I nod. "And I guess I'll get back home and get to gift wrapping again." I say and everyone nods. "I can take you home if you want, Tori." Barry says and then I hear my phone ding and see a text from Jake. "Looks like a change of plans. Mrs. Stone wants me to do a Christmas performance at the restaurant tonight." I say. "I'll take you there." Barry says and I shake my head. "No, it's ok. I'll just get a taxi." I say and hug all of them then leave.


When I get in the restaurant, I see Jake on the piano and he looks at me and smiles. "Hey, Tori." Jake says and I smile at him. "Hey, Jake. You ready to rehearse?" I ask him and he nods. "Mrs. Stone said that she wanted us to do Christmas songs. We both have to find some Christmas songs to sing." he says and I look at him. "You can sing?" I ask him not really knowing. "Yeah. I just don't like to bring it out much." he says. We chose the songs White Christmas, The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, and Baby it's Cold outside. After rehearsing one song, we wanted a little break, so we sat down at a table and talked. "So, are you and your boyfriend gonna do anything for Christmas?" Jake asks and my smile disappears and I look down at my hands. "Actually, we broke up. But we're still friends and we're going to another friends Christmas party. Just not together." I say and Jake puts his hand on mine.

I look at Jake's blue eyes and I never noticed how much they looked like the ocean. I smile and slightly blush at the way he's looking at me. He was pretty cute, but I just got out of my relationship with Barry. If I start dating again this soon he might think I broke up with him for Jake. "We should get back to rehearsal." I say and Jake nods. After rehearsal I was gonna walk home. "I'll see you later, Jake." I say and I start to walk out but Jake grabs my arm and I look at him. "Don't you have a ride?" Jake asks and I shake my head. "Well, I don't mind driving you to your house." he says and I smile at him. "Thanks, Jake, but I can walk. It's fine." I say but he doesn't let me go. "I'll take you home, Tori." Jake says again and I give in to him.

When I get home, I thank Jake for the ride and tell him I'd see him tomorrow. I walk in and look at all the gifts on the floor in my room. I see that I haven't wrapped Barry's present yet. I had gotten the text from Barry before I could wrap his gift. I just hope he likes the thought that I put into his gift. But compared to the gift he gave me, I feel like he'll be disappointed in my gift. After wrapping the rest of the gifts, I start to get ready for tonight. I pick out a mini black cocktail dress and black six inch pumps. I fix my makeup and curl my hair and pin it to the side. I told my dad that I'd be home late and he didn't mind. He told me that he'd take me to the restaurant and I smiled. When I got to the restaurant, I saw Jake in his suit and, I admit, he looked cute in it. I went up to the stand and we did our Christmas songs. I admit I was gaining a few feelings for Jake, but a part of me still loves Barry and I just can't get my mind off of him.

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