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After Ray and Felicity had dinner, they came back to S.T.A.R. Labs. We look at the robot bee on the monitor. "Unbelievable. This bot's got a 360-degree vision system. I mean we're talking multiple microcameras all coming from various angles at the same time. Which means -", "It can see all around the room at once. That is amazing." Ray and Cisco say the last word at the same time. "Disturbing." Caitlin says and I nod in agreement. "It's next-gen hardware that's nowhere near the market." Dr. Wells says. "So we're not dealing with a metahuman." Felicity says. "It's just a mad scientist." I say still looking at the robot bee. "Cisco, you said the second victim, Bill Carlisle, was a robotics engineer. Let's cross-reference his previous employers with Kang's." Dr. Wells says to Cisco.

"Allow me. Mama's been away from the keyboard for far too long." Felicity says walking over to the computer and I laugh.

Felicity starts to type on the computer and me and Barry walk over to look. "They both worked at Mercury Labs." Barry says and I nod. "Let's call Joe. I think it's time we paid a visit to an old friend." Dr. Wells says to Barry and he grabs my hand and we walk out. We call Joe and tell him to meet us at Mercury Labs. When we get there, we head up to Tina's office. "Twice in one year, Harrison. You really are vying for comeback scientist of the year." Tina says to Dr. Wells. "Always a pleasure, Christina." Dr. Wells says to her with a smile and I look at Barry and see him look down and I squeeze his hand and he looks at me. "To what do I owe this visit? Did you find my tachyon prototype, or are you here to blackmail me for another one?" Tina asks us. "Do you have another one?" Dr. Wells says and me and Barry look at him coldly. "We came here for information." Joe starts to say and pulls two pictures of the victims. "Bill Carlisle and Lindsey Kang. Former employees who were recently murdered." Joe says to her handing her the pictures.

"My God. I wasn't aware." Tina says and looks at the pictures.

"Stung to death by robotic bees." Dr. Wells says.

"You're looking for Brie Larvan."

"Brie Larvan?" Barry asks.

"A quite brilliant roboticist who once developed miniature mechanical bees for agriculture use. Kang and Carlisle warned me that Brie was weaponizing the bees for military use so I terminated her."

"Well, it seems that you would be on her hit list too, doctor." Joe says.

"You've got to let us keep you safe." Dr. Wells says and Tina scoffs.

"I'm all too familiar with your inability to protect things, Harrison. I can take care of myself. Good day, gentlemen, lady." she says and I look at her then at Barry and we walk out. We start to walk to Jitters, because Felicity had called Barry, and I just tagged along because I didn't want to walk home alone, and I got chilly. Barry takes his coat off and puts it on me. I smile at him and slip the coat on. When we get to Jitters, we see Felicity on the chair with her head lying on her arm. "Hey. Ok, so we found our queen bee. Brie Larvan." Barry says to Felicity. "She's a roboticist." I say to Felicity as me and Barry sit on the other chairs. "Joe's running a trace on her location. So far, nothing." Barry says and I nod. "Good." she says and she looks down at her hands and notice that Ray wasn't around. "Where's Ray?" I ask Felicity out of curiosity. "Oh, he's working on his suit with Cisco." she says and I smile.

"I like Ray. He seems like he's a really good guy." Barry says.

"He is a good guy." Felicity says.

"Not to mention one of the super hot billionaires." I murmur under my breath, but Barry looks at me and Felicity smiles.

"What? You know that I love you, Bar." I say getting up and sitting on his lap and pecking his lips.

"Yeah, I know." he says with a smile and kisses me and we pull away and look at Felicity.

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