I don't hate Michael. To start off. But the reality is. He's being a prick.

I'm not even joking when I say this.

A couple of weeks ago, he met this girl. Jenna. I met her too. She was sweet, fun, and chill. Well, that's what I am trying to remember her as anyway. I saw the way she looked at him almost eye to eye. I couldn't help but be jealous of her long, gorgeous legs. The fact that there was no need for her to stretch onto her toes to kiss him. I hated the way she wore a dress with such confidence and such comfort. The way Michael smiled at her with a goofy grin and his arm around her waist. He has never shown that kind of body language towards me. I crossed and uncrossed my arms time and time again as I stared at their obvious connection. I'm up to Micheal's nose, where I have to tiptoe to kiss him or have him bend down the slightest bit to kiss me. While they are able to do it so effortlessly.

I was so deep in thought that I hadn't noticed Luke nudging me multiple times. It wasn't until he pinched me that I finally scowled at him. "Dude. . . what the fuck?" I said turning towards him.

"You are literally staring out into a void between them. Don't you want to at least try to make it not so obvious?" he said in a hushed tone with a smirk. I shrugged while furrowing my brows, using all my power to look anywhere but at them.

"So much for choosing Ashton," Luke whispered sarcastically while smiling at me. I scoffed while making a small jab at his ribs. He laughed and turned his torso away from me. I got up and left the room.

"It was nice to meet you, Jenna. I'll talk to y'all later" If I can't keep it unobvious then I might as well remove myself from the situation.

It's only been two weeks since Ashton and I went on that one date and they start hanging out.

So what do I do? How do I retaliate Michael's new interest? I begin to give over-the-top public displays of affection toward Ashton, which doesn't work in my favor. I shower him with good morning texts and always laugh at everything he says. I would fight to be right next to him at all times. In hindsight, I should've known that I was going a bit overboard and starting to suffocate him.

"Asher! Why are you suddenly so kissy? Believe me, babe, I don't mind the attention. But there is something called a personal bubble. And you're sort of invading it. Ya feel?" Ashton groans out. Although it came out more like a whine. I get off his shoulder, turning the opposite way.

I huff in thought and look up toward Luke. Sadly he was on his phone and Calum was off in who knows what with his headphones.

I then get a text from Luke.

from: Luke Hemmo :)

Stop trying to be that kind of girl. I don't even understand why you're trying so hard!!! It's Ashton. Fucking grow up and be the real you again.

I get up and sit next to Luke.

"Luke, what are you listening to?"

"I don't know. I think Rihanna. I just became lazy and went with whatever came up." he sighs.

I grab his phone and download some music. Playing stuff he rarely listens to. I play Louder, Harder, Better by Galantis, and give myself an earbud. Luke gives me a look of disgust.

"Okay, what the fuck is this?" I giggled turning up the sound a couple of bars. While he tries to stop me, "I'm telling you to turn it down. Not more. . . Gah whatever. . . Why do I even bother with you?" he sighs. And mumbles some more shit under his breath.

It took a couple of verses but he ended up bobbing his head. Even to the point where Luke was happily singing along. We sat together for the rest of the ride until our hotel for the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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