Ch. 37 - the festival

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It's finally time. Today is the festival. I walked into the bathroom, washed my body, hair, and shaved my legs. I quickly dried off my body and hair and then moved onto my hair. I decided on a head-band braid.

For makeup, I decided on mascara, and a little blush. I walked out and over to the closet where I found Chase slipping into a pair of dark wash jeans And a button down blue plad shirt.

I grabbed a pair of washed skinny jeans, a plad red button down shirt and red toms.

"You look nice." I smiled as I hugged Chase from behind. He turned his head to face me and grinned as he looked my body up and down.

"I would say the same for you, but you look better than nice. You look beautiful." He said before pressing his lips to my forehead.

"You missed." I said, pointing to my lips. He chuckled and then pressed his lips to mine lovingly.

"Let's go." I mumbled against his kiss.

"Okay." He said, pulling away and lacing his fingers with mine. He fled the house and drove for about 30 minutes till we reached an open field with tons of cars parked in rows.

We got out and once again, intertwined our fingers. We approached the long street with booths and games lined all down the sidewalk.

Chase dragged me to a large black wooden booth where an older lady was seated behind a white table.

"Name, position, and pack?" He asked.

"Chase. Alpha. And Dark Moon Pack." He stated boldly.

The woman scanned over a piece of paper and finally placed a check mark next to his name.

"And I assume you're Luna Rhyan of the Dark Moon Pack?" She asked me politely.

"Yes ma'am." I replied sweetly. She placed a check mark below Chase's name and handed us each a black button. Marked 'Luna' and 'Alpha'.

I pinned on mine an chuckled when I saw Chase struggling to get his on.

"Here." I said, taking the pin from him and snapping it into place.

"Thanks." He said, pressing his lips to my forehead quickly an dragging me of to a game. Balloon darts.

"Here you go Alpha." The young man smiled as he handed Chase 5 darts. Chase easily made them and won me a black draw-string bag with a British flag on the front and red strings.

I smile an placed it on my back. We sauntered down the street playing games when a younger man handed Chase a menu of the foods from all of the booths.

While Chase ate a foot long hotdog, I settled on 3 deep-fried kool-aid balls.

"That's not very healthy!" He smirked as I munched on my second ball.

"Neither is a foot long hotdog!" I retorted. He snickered.

"I'm going to get something to drink. Want anything?" He asked.

"Umm. A water please." I smiled. He nodded and made his way to a yellow and red food stand.

Chase has been waiting in line for 5 minutes now! And the entire time I felt like someone was watching me. I turned my head to my left and saw a boy about 16 or 17 starring right at me.

He had spiky brown hair and bright green eyes that complimented his olive skin. The right side of his bottom lip was pierced and so were his ears. I would be lying if I said he wasn't attractive. I wondered, where have I seen him before.

He smirked and winked at me right before I turned my head to face Chase.

"Thanks." I smiled taking my bottle from him.

"Anytime." He grinned. I turned my attention to the boy again but he was gone. Okay! That was weird.

Once Chase and I had rode all the rides and played over half of the games, it was sunset and we were heading back to Chase's car. I got that feeling again that I was being watched and I instantly felt self-conscious.

When I reached out to open my door, I heard a light tapping behind me. I turned and saw the boy from earlier sitting in the driver's seat smiling up at me.

I punched the window as hard as I could. If he was going to stare couldn't he at least say something? And didn't his momma tell him it was rude to stare?!

He quickly rolled the window down, his gaze never leaving mine.

"Why have you been staring at me all day?!" I snapped.

"I just wanted to let you know i'm sorry and I look forward to our future together." He said in a smooth voice. Wait! Future together?!

"1, I don't know who the hall you are! 2, what do you mean our future? I have a mate!" I barked.

"You'll see soon enough." He finished, rolling up his window and speeding away.

I climbed into Chase's car and just stared ahead. Chase gave me a questioning look before finally speaking up.

"Want to tell me what that was about?" He said a little bitterly.

"I-i'm not sure." I said, knitting my brows together.

"When you figure out, I better be the first to know." He stated coldly. I nodded as we drove home.

Well, that was weird! Some random guy I've never met before was apologizing for something. And on top of that, he thinks we're going to have a future together!!!! I'm not having a future with any other guy besides Chase, and hopefully one day my son! But that's it!!

Once we got back to the Pack House, Chase and I climbed out and marched up stairs. I slipped into a pair if his shorts and a grey tank top, eventually crawling into be and snuggling into Chase's side.

"You love me right?" I asked as we watched the basketball game. Heat vs. the Bulls.

"Of course!" He demanded. "Where is this coming from?"

"I was just wondering. I don't really understand the whole 'mate' thing, but this guy at the festival said he was looking forward to our future together. I don't want to be with anyone but you!" I claimed, a single tear rolling down my cheek.

"I won't let anyone take you from me. If I find this guy, I will kill him in seconds for scaring you and thinking he could take you from me." He said, tilting my hi up so I was facing him.

"I just wanted to make sure you felt the same way about me as I do you." I said, giving him a weak smile.

"You are my mate. I will always love you till the day I die. And trust me, werewolves live for a LONG time!" He chuckled. I smiled and kissing his hand since I couldn't reach his lips.

We continued to watch the game until I fell asleep in Chase's arms. And honestly, I have no problem with that. I loved Chase with all my heart and just being in his arms makes my stomach erupt with butterflies.

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