Ch. 60 - very unexpected

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"Rhyan?" Bianca asked. "What happened to you?" She asked, crouching down in front of me.

"Y-you're boyfriend happened to me." I stuttered.

"What are you talking about?" She asked. She barely placed her hand on my boulder and I immediately hissed in pain.

"Is it your shoulder's?" She asked.

"Why do you care? We haven't gotten along since you moved in here?" I asked, my voice coming out defeatedly.

"I-I don't know. M mom taught me that even the meanest people need love and affection." She said quietly.

"I appreciate it, but I don't need your help." I said.

I climbed to my feet and tried pulling my bag onto my shoulder, but when the strap touched my arm, I dropped it onto the floor.

"You do need my help." She smirked, picking up my bag and sitting it on my bed. She walked me into the bathroom and sat me on the counter.

She left the room and came back a few seconds later with a large first-aid kit in hand. She sat it next to me and opened it to reveal a lot of medicines and wraps that I've never even heard of.

"What's that?" I asked as she poured. Thick green gel on her hand.

"It's for werewolves pups. They're just like humans until they turn 15. It will heal your bones faster." She said as she forced me to remove my top.

Carefully, she touched the cold liquid into my bare skin. I jerked my arm back in pain.

"Sorry, I kinda forgot. Bite this and. Dont. Move." She said, handing me a wash cloth.

I placed the cloth in my mouth between my teeth a she rubbed the gel onto my arms tenderly. I bit the towel so hard, I thought my teeth would fall out of my mouth.

"Okay. Your arms should be better in an hour. Until then, I going to put this wrap on it. If someone touches you, the wrap prevents you from feeling it." She explained as she held up a white cloth like gauze.

I nodded in response. She wrapped up my shoulders and helped me off the counter.

"I don't suppose you're like the doctors office and give people suckers when they get done, do you?" I asked, causing her to chuckle.

Shockingly, she pulled out a blueberry dum-dum sucker and handed it to me.

"Since I helped you with your arms, could you help me with something?" She asked uncomfortably.

"Sure." I said as I sucked on my sucker.

"Don't think low of me, but i'm pregnant. I don't know why to do, but I heard that you volunteer at the hospital." She said.

"The CHILDREN'S hospital. An who's baby is it? Please tell me it's not David's!" I pleaded.

"It's not. It's my mate's. he's human and I don't know what to do! I've never been around someone who's pregnant or around babies!" She said, almost in tears.

"Calm down! I know we just started being nice to each other, but I guess I can help you through this?" I asked, more like a question.

"I'm not asking you to be the godmother or anything! I just want you to help me through the pregnancy. " she said a little calmer.

"Okay." I said flatly. "Since you helped me with my arms, i'll help you with your demon baby." I said, earning a glare from her.

"What took you two so long?" My mom asked as Bianca and I entered the kitchen. I had left off my cardigan and pulled my shirt back on before we left my room, an Bianca was carrying my bag.

"When he left, we kind of ended our relationship on bad terms, so I went up and apologized." Bianca stated.

"Are you two good now?" Gavyn asked.

"Yupp!" I answered as Bianca pulled me into a sideways hug, avoiding my shoulders.

Chase gave me a knowing look and I just mouthed 'later' to him. He nodded and we all sat back down.

"Where did David go?" Bianca asked, not really caring.

"He said he had to get some last minute homework done." My mom answered.

"Bee, I don't think you should continue seeing this boy. He seems like bad news and is giving me bad vibes." Gavyn said to Bianca.

"Okay." She said without a care in the world.

After dinner, Chase and I left my mother's house and headed home. The drive home was spent to the music from the One Direction CD I put in before we left. I held Chase"s hand in mine and played with his fingers and palm until we got home.

As soon as we got into the bedroom, I rid myself of my clothes and slid into a black sports bra and a pair of Chase's black and red basketball shorts. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and washed off my makeup.

"So, do you wanna tell me why you and Bianca are now friends? And why the HELL you have bandages on your shoulders!!" He asked, emphasizing the word 'hell' as I curled up into his side under the covers.

I told him everything from when I got into my room, to when I entered the kitchen. He looked furious as his jaw clenched shut tightly.

"Well, saw something!" I demanded, scooting so my back was resting against the head board.

"This weekend, some of the pack members and I are leaving for a while." He said calmly.

"How long is 'a while'?" I asked.

"We're leaving Friday morning and we'll be Back Sunday night." He explained.

I just got back not that long ago, and he's already leaving me? No. No, I'm not letting him.

"No" I said blankly.

"It wasn't a question." He said firmly.

"Chase, I just got home! I don't want to spend any time away from you!" I practically shouted.

"I'm not going to argue with you. This is to protect you. Friday morning, you and Lauren drive to school. You, Lauren, Katelyn, and Cheyenne are going to stay at Kameron's house with her until I get home." He said firmly.

"But-" I said before he cut me off.

"No more talking. You have school tomorrow and you need to go to sleep. He said, turning off the lights. I slid under the covers and nuzzled into his side for warmth.





FAN 😘😘


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