Chapter 9 - apologies & facts

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The car ride home was about an hour, and we had only passed up 20 minutes when I decided to speak up.

"I'm sorry Chase. I shouldn't have been so stubborn."

"It wasn't all your fault. I over reacted. But I know they will like you, just give it time. Please. I don't want to see you sad and hurt." He said softly as we turned down another dirt road.

"Chase?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah babe." he answered.

"What did your dad mean by 'in a few months'? If he wants to resign, why doesn't he just do it?" I questioned.

"Shit." I heard him mumble to himself.

"When an alpha wants to back down from his position, he has to give it to someone with their mate. You can't just be dating. You have to be committed. And to be committed, I have to mark you." He sighed the ending.

"What is marking?" I said out of curiosity.

"To mark you means I claim you as mine and its a warning to other wolfs to stay away from you because you belong to me. So we'll basically have a special bond." He replied.

"How do I get marked?" I asked nervously.

"I have to b-bite you." He whispered.

"That's it?" I scoffed.

"It not like a small nip. I have to sink my teeth into your neck, when I mark you our pack symbol will appear on your wrist. Kind of like a tattoo." He shot apologetically.

"Oh." I said tenderly.

"Would that be okay with you?" He asked, stealing a glance at me and shortly returning back to the road.

"Of course! I want you to be alpha. I want you to be happy!" i smiled.

Once the words left my mouth did I start to think about them. He was going to mark me. I will be his forever. That's a little selfish on his part. No! No it's not, Rhyan! He's your mate. And when he takes place as alpha you will be there to help him the entire way through. You have to be there for him.

Once we pulled up in front o my house, I insisted that Chase come inside and meet my mom.

"Mom? I'm home." I shouted, closin the door behind me.

"I'm in the kitchen." She responded.

"Come on." I said quietly, lacing my fingers with Chase's.

I led Chase into the kitchen only to find my mother hovering over the stove as she heated up pans to cook.

"What are you doing?" I scoffed at her.

"I'm about to cook misses smarty pants!" She sassed.

"Are you trying to burn down our house?" I laughed.

"Ha ha." She said sarcastically.

"Mom, this is Chase. Chase this is my arsonist mother." I smiled.

"It's nice to meet you!" He smiled as he shook her hand.

"I swear, you accidentally light one turkey on fire and you're labeled for life!" She goofed a she shook his hand.

"Actually, you did it three years in a row." I corrected.

"Hey!" She snapped.

"Well I was hungry, but seeing as SHE'S cooking, I think we should go out." I suggested.

"Alright." Chase bubbled.

"Mom, would you like to go eat with us?" I asked, Chase wrapping his arms around me an pulling me into his chest.

"I would love to." She smiled, quickly flipping off the stove.

Once we arrived at YEN CHING, (a Chinese restaurant ) we made our way to our seats. We easily ordered, as this place being my mother and I's favorite place to eat.

"So," my mom broke the silence. "Rhyan, a you know i just started my new job at the Police Station as a counter worker."

"Yeah." I said.

"Well this man came in today to get his gun permit and he asked me on a date." she smiled.

"Tell me about him." I smiled.

"He's about average height, brown hair, buzz cut, he has a daughter around your age and his name is Gavyn." She smiled a our waitress brought us our food.

"When do I get to meet this lucky man and his daughter?" I asked.

"You actually go to school with his daughter. Her name's Bianca. She's in your grade. Do you know her?" She smiled brightly.

I knew Bianca. She was a very nice person when she wanted to be unless you got on her bad side. She was very dark completed since both of her parents were born in Africa. She had a beautiful personality and a body that most would kill for. But all-in-all, I guess you could call us friends.

"Yeah. We're good friends." I said, shaking my head vigorously.

"You said his name's Gavyn? Is his last name Reed?" Chase butted in.

"Yeah! How did you know?" She asked.

" he's a family friend." He answered numbly.

I saw how awkward Chase felt and I rubbed his knee reassuringly. What's with his sudden change in mood.

"Are you alright?" I whispered to him as soon as my mom excused herself to answer the phone.

"He used to be in our pack until he went against the alpha and left with his family to be in another pack right outside of town.They've been so against our pack ever since then." He mumbled.

"Oh." I responded.

"Whatever you do, promise me that you'll stay away from them as best as possible. I don't want you to get caught up in this. If they find out that you know anything about us, or that you're my mate; all hell will brake lose." He demanded protectively.

"Great news!" My mom cheered as she sat back down.

"Gavyn and Bianca are going to be staying with us for a while!" She said giddily.

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