Ch. 42 - tryouts and callbacks

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The next morning I woke up and remembered the deal I made with Chase. I slid out if bed and into Chase's room to shower and get ready for my day.

I dried my hair, curled it, and pinned my bangs back with a shiny silver hair broach. I rolled on mascara and decided to wear a small silver heart necklace that my great grandmother gave me.

I got into the closet and slid on a tight black v-neck, a tank top jean jacket that came to my belly button, and dark washed skinny jeans along with black chucks.

I left the closet, and bumped into Chase. Oh my gosh! All he had on was a towel! He was not going to make this week easy at all.

I averted my gaze from him as he smirked. I darted out of the room an into the kitchen as I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"Morning beautiful!" Cheyenne bloomed as I strutted into the kitchen. I nodded a I bounced onto the counter and sat Indian style in front of the chair next to Cheyenne.

Lauren slid me a pack of pop tarts which I happily accepted. I began munching on my breakfast, when Chase came sauntering into the room and sat at the chair I was in front of.

He leaned in to kiss me, but I shoved my half eaten pop tart in his face.

"Ah ah ah! Remember mr. Alpha, no touch week." I smiled as I got so close that I could smell his POLO cologne.

"Hunter can I ride with you and Cheyenne to school?" I asked, turning to face them.

"I don't care." He mumbled, shoving the last of his food into his mouth. We all three finished our food, grabbed our bags, and left the pack house.

"Mind telling us what 'no touch week' is?" Cheyenne asked as I slid into the backseat of Hunter's car.

"It's like from when we did volleyball. How every-other month we would have no touch week. Well I think the closer Chase and I get, the more we argue. So this week I'm going to sleep in the room next door and we aren't aloud to touch each other." I explained.

"What was 'no touch week' in volleyball?" Hunter asked as we turned a corner.

"Every school that had a volleyball team wasn't aloud to touch a volleyball for a whole week. If you did, you got suspended for the rest of the season." Cheyenne responded as we entered the school's parking lot.

"Ohh." Hunter stretched out. I chuckled as we entered the building. I made my way to my locker and then to first period.

My first two period went by fairly quickly and now I had to face Chase and NOT touch him. Not a hug, kiss, not even a flipping hand shake!!

I sat in my usual seat in the middle of the aisle by the windows. Chase shortly appeared and sat next to me.

"Hey." I smiled, opening my book.

"You realize you're killing my wolf right?" Chase asked! Eyeing my right shirt.

"I didn't realize. I just wore it because I like this outfit." I smirked.

"Mhm." He mumbled through his teeth. "So how are you getting home the rest of the week?" He asked.

"Well today and Thursday I have volleyball tryouts since I'm captain of the reserve team. Oh! And I have cheer tryouts next week." I smiled warmly.

"Okay?" He asked.

"So i'll get rides from team mates. Probably either Lauren or Cheyenne." I said.

"Lauren doesn't do sports." He said questioningly.

"She does when you force her to. And when her mate's on the football team. You've played on the team with him babe." I said happily.

"Yeah, Tyler." He said as the teacher appeared in the classroom and began class.

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