Ch. 17 - you date who?!

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When I woke up the next morning I looked over and noticed I was sleeping in the same bed as Chase. After staring for 5 seconds, it hit me. I really had to pee! I quickly tried to sneak over Chase when two arms wrapped around my body and pulled me back into the bed.

"Chase let me go!" I demanded.

"No. Stay in be with me." He replied, rolling on top of me.

"Chase! I have to pee!" I said forcefully.

"No. Hold it." He mumble against my hair.

"If you don't let me go i will pee on you and I'll leave and not come back." I said firmly.

"Fine. But hurry up!" He chuckled, releasing his grip on me. I darted out from under him an ran into his bathroom. Once done washing my hands, I walked out and found Chase laying up against the wall on his bed.

"Morning babe." I said, crawling into his bed behind him. He quickly flipped over and faced me.

"Morning beautiful." He smiled widely.

"So. What do you want to do today?" He asked.

"I don't know. It's gonna be the last day I see you for the next week." I sighed sadly.

"What?" He asked.

"Friday I'm having that Girl's night with Lauren, Carly, and Anna. Then Saturday I'm leaving for a week to go to Florida for vacation." I said numbly.

"Oh. I'm gonna miss you.'' He said. He looked really sad when I told him.

"You don't have to miss me." I said as I got an idea.

"I don't undersand." He said, confusion spread across his face.

"Come with me." I smiled.

"Would your mom let me?" He asked.

"It's either you go and calm my nerves, or you NOT go and me kill my mom and Bianca." I giggled.

"I would love to go." He smiled tenderly.

"Yay!" I cheered as I kissed his forehead.

"This is going to be an amazing vacation" I said giddily.

Once I left chase to go home, I felt a prick of nervousness for this vacation. after about 30 minutes of driving, i pulled into my driveway. I pulled my car into the garage and walked into the house.

"Mom?" I shouted.

"In the kitchen babe." She shouted a reply.

I walked into the kitchen and found my mom an Bianca chopping vegetables.

"Hey momma i have a question for you." I smiled as I slid into the barstool.

"What?" My mom smiled at me as she looked up from the tomatoes she was cutting.

"Do you think Chase could go with us to Florida. Please?" I pleaded. At Chase's name, Bianca stopped cutting and looked up at me and glanced at my mom, almost as if she was nervous.

"I don't care honey." She smiled as he continued to chop the vegetables.

"Alright. I'll be I'm in my room if you need me. Oh! And tomorrow I'm staying the night at Lauren's then I'm coming home to pack Saturday an we'll be able to leave when I'm done." I smiled before turning to leave the room.

"Rhyan! I need you to come here for a second." My mom said after about an hour. I walked down the steps and saw my mom, Bianca, and Gavyn sitting in the couch in the living room.

"Yeah?" I asked slowly.

"Have a seat." Gavyn said emotionless. I obeyed and sat on the chair across from the couch.

"When Bianca got home early Wedensday, we noticed that she had a blackened eye, and a bloody nose. We took her to the emergency room and they informed us that she has a broken nose, a fractured jaw, and a concussion. We asked her who did it and she informed us that it was you. Since you caused this, you are grounded. Tonight and Friday." My mom said ashamed.

"Mom! She asked for it! I warned her!" I snapped angrily.

"Nothing she did could equal up to this Rhyan!" My mom barked.

"She made out with Chase and kept touching him. I warned her to leave him alone or else something bad was going to happen. She didn't want to listen so its her fault!" I huffed.

"Go to your room! Now!" She said plainly. I looked over to see Bianca smirking. That little brat!

I stomped up to my room and slammed my door a hard as I could. Why was she taking her side? I need to talk to someone besides them. I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed Lauren's number. After about 2 rings she answered.


"Hey Lauren. It's Rhyan. Can we talk for a second?"

"Yeah. What's wrong?"

"So my mom and her boyfriend Gavyn just grounded me for beating the crap out of Bianca Wednesday. Now I can't come to your Girl's Night Friday!"


"Yeah! Oh, I also got some good news. My mom, Gavyn, Bianca, and I are going on vacation to Florida Saturday an my mom said Chase can go!"

"That's great! I'm gonna miss you!"

"I'm gonna miss you too! An do you wanna tell me something Lauren?"

"Not that I can think of."

"Well what happened between you and Hunter?"

"Oh! We found out that we're not mates. Cheyenne's his mate and Tyler's mine."

"Tyler? What does he look like?"

"Well he's kind of tall, brown eyes, short brown hair, muscular. The sweetest guy I've ever met!"

"Oh. Hey let me call you back in a second. Bye Lauren."


Once she hung up, I failed a few numbers and waited for the answer which came shortly.


"Tyler! You're dating my best friend?!"

"Calm down. Who are who talking about?"

"I'm talking about Lauren!"

"Oh. I didn't know you guys knew each other."

"Yeah! We do! Why didn't you tell me you were dating her?"

"I didn't think it was important."

"Not important?! Dude! What the freak!! I told you hen I started dating Chase!"

"Okay. I'm sorry. I apologize."

"Whatever. Just, promise you won't hurt her."

"I could never hurt Lauren. I don't know what it is yet, but I feel like we're meant to be. It's like I've known her my entire life."

"Yeah. Weird. Well I gotta go. Bye!"


He quickly hung up and I release a breath I had no idea I was holding in.

So my best friend is dating my cousin. Wow! This relationship should be very interesting. Since Tyler and I are the only human mates, and Lauren and Chase are wolves.

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