Ch. 62 - sad news

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After an hour of driving, we finally pulled up in Kameron's driveway. I looked around and noticed that she had a large barn about 100 feet from her house.

We walked up to the front door and knocked until Kameron came and opened the door. She smiled and hugged each of us. I gladly accepted her hug an wrapped her in my arms tightly.

She finally pulled away and helped us with our bags inside. Her house was absolutely huge!!

"Wooooow." I said as I stayed rooted to my spot by the door.

"How did you find a house this big?" Katelyn asked.

"Well, my mate and I and want to live super close to the pack, but we wanted to stay in the pack's territory. So we found this land and there was a big shed. About 2 years later, it became our house. Everything you see in here, wasn't here before. It used to be one humongous room." She said, motioning towards the stairs that led to the second level.

"Which room are we staying in?" Lauren asked, leading us up the stairs.

"There's only two clean. The one with the bathroom and the one next to it. The other two are dirty." She explained.

"I'll be in the bedroom with the bathroom!" Cheyenne chuckled.

"I'll room with you!" I stated.

"I guess that leave's us to the other room. Is that okay with you?" Lauren asked Katelyn.

"As long as you don't bite in your sleep." Katelyn chuckled. They walked into their bedroom.

I opened the door an was standing in a large bathroom. I walked to my left and was in a smaller room that had a queen sized bed, double wide dresser, closet, cedar chest, TV, and a TV stand in it.

"Which side do you want?" Cheyenne asked.

"The right if you don't mind." I smiled.

"Okay." She replied, sitting her bag down on the dresser as I did mine on the cedar chest at the end of the bed.

"How do you girl's like your rooms?" Kameron asked as we all spread out around her living room.

"They're cute!" I replied, earning an agreeing nod from everyone.

"Well, I didn't get a chance to go to the store to get food. So we're going out to eat dinner and then to the store for foods. Sound okay?" She asked.

"Yeah." We all chorused. We went our separate ways and got ready to leave. I slipped on my shoes and then grabbed my phone in case Chase called.

We pulled up outside Buffalo Wild Wings and made our way inside. The waitress led us to our table and took our drink orders.

"I miss Hunter." Cheyenne pouted. I pulled my eyes away from the Olympics Women Sand Volleyball and eyed her cautiously.

"I miss Tyler." Lauren said.

"You can go see him whenever you want! We cant! Our m-boyfriends left for the weekend!" I stated

"True. Sorry guys." She apologized.

"So what do you guys do? Like, school clubs, sports teams, etc." Kameron asked.

"Well, I do volleyball, French club, and track." Cheyenne said.

"I so track and photography club." Katelyn smiled.

"I do basketball, cross country, track, and soccer." Lauren smiled.

"I-" I started.

"You do everything!" Cheyenne laughed.

"No I dont!" I snapped.

"What do you do?" Kameron asked.

"Volleyball, cheer, tennis, cross country, photography club, French club, Teenpower, student council, diving, swimming, pep club, dance, basketball, and IB representative." I said.

"See! Everything!" Cheyenne pointed at me.

"That not everything!"I defended.

"Close enough." Lauren mumbled.

"So you pretty much have a full schedule?" Kameron chuckled as I scowled at Lauren.

"Basically, yeah. Except after school no Friday's and the weekends." I explained.

"Oh! Look who just walked in." Cheyenne smiled happily.

I turned in my seat along with everyone else, and saw Sam and her mom walk in the door. I grabbed Cheyenne and Katelyn and walked over to their table.

"Hey Sam!" I smiled. She gave me a weak smile back.

"We missed you at volleyball this week" Cheyenne said.

"Sorry." She whispered.

"Where's Kayla" Katelyn asked.

I swear I saw a tear run down their mom's face. Sam looked heart broken before she took of running to the bathroom. I took off after her and left the girls standing there looking gob-smacked.

"Sam!" I said as I saw her in the corner on the floor crying.

"She's gone!" She sobbed.

"W-what?" I asked.

"Kayla. She died Monday around noon. That's why I haven't been at practice all week. I barely made it through school classes." She said, pulling herself off the floor and into my open arms.

"I'm so sorry Sam." I said, a tear slipping down my cheek and into her hair.

"I miss my baby sister so much." She wailed.

"I know, I know." I said soothingly.

"No! You don't know until someone you're close to and love dies!" She said, ripping herself from my arms.

"I do know what it's like." I said with no emotion.

"How?" She asked quietly.

"My cousin committed suicide a couple years ago. He was my best friend. I know what it's like to have someone you love taken from you. Just, know you don't have to go through this alone. You have me, your mom, the team, and your friends to help you through this." I said smoothly.

"Thank you Rhyan." She said as I wiped away her smudged makeup.

"Don't worry about it." I smiled, opening the door and leading her back to her table. I payed my respects to her and her mother and made my way to my table. Everyone looked so sad, so I'm guessing her mom told the girls.

As we payed our bill, I told the waitress to charge all of Sam and her moms charges to my credit card. She obliged an made her way to the workers section.

After everything they've been through this past week, they deserved something nice. Even if all I could do was pay for their food, it was still something. And I would make sure that we do something nice for Sam at the next volleyball practice.

Yeah, I might not have someone I loved that died from cancer at such a your age, but I have had a loved one pas on. And I've had all those kids from the hospital pass away.

I know what they're going through. But I don't want Sam to do what I did and practically isolate herself from the world. She needs to let her pain out and I was more then willing to be the person to listen to her talk.

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