Meeting You.

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Craig's P.O.V

Almost everyone has seemed to found that particular person.It's all romance and shit,who wants to see all that?Almost every guy was with a girl in school,but not me.As usual,we were all in class until Mrs.Garrison announced we had a new student,and everyone's attention focused  on the door that was starting to open.

 Y/N's P.O.V

I walked into the quiet classroom my heart pounding against my chest as all eyes looked at me.Nervously,I gripped the ends of my (h/c)hair and tried not to look at anyone.

Mrs.Garrison: Hello (Y/N).Welcome to your homeroom class.I'm Mrs.Garrison,your teacher.Can you please tell us about yourself?

I cleared my throat and stood up straight.I told them about my hobbies,and favorite foods, they seemed to be interested.Then my eyes looked at a boy with a dark blue hat and pale skin.He had rested his head on his hand looking bored,even if his facial expression showed nothing but blank.You smiled brightly and completed your intro.

Mrs.Garrison: Thank you very much,please take a seat next to Craig.Craig,raise your hand.

The boy known as Craig,didn't raise his hand.He only pointed up his middle finger making numerous classmates laugh.I took my seat by him,and looked ahead.Many seconds later,I felt my eyelids get heavy as I drifted off to sleep.I was then awoken suddenly by a shake on the shoulder.I looked to my side and saw Craig.

Craig: Wake up,your gonna get detention.*rolls eyes and turns back to seat*

Me: Th-Thanks,I needed that.

Craig: Whatever...

I felt my cheeks flushed red.He didn't have to be rude.The bell ringed,and I made my way out the classroom before I ended up making a mistake again.

Craig Tucker x Reader (OLD AF VERY CRINGE)Where stories live. Discover now