Chapter 2: "I like your hair! It looks so puffy!"

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 this is one of the carrotiest chapters omg sorry


Chapter 2: 'I like your hair! It looks so puffy!' 


niall's pov

two months before

"Liam...?" I asked for the tenth time this hour.

He's been locked in his bedroom for about two days without eating, taking a bath or washing his teeth. I think he hasn't even peed.

I can't believe he goes two days without food... I mean wow.

I'm really worried. This is all Danielle's fault.

    She dumped him last week, because of the hate. Not to say anything but, she's the least person I think in this fandom that gets hate. I get more than her and I'm part of the band.

She dumped him for another reason. This is too weird.

     Poor Liam. He's like a bipolar father to us, sometimes responsible but others hanging off of one of the tallest bridges in the world. We love him still though. We'd be arrested right now if it wasn't for him.

Oh and he buys food. Mostly because he doesn't let me buy anything.

I feel really sorry about it though, I have seen a change. His usual reserved self isn't there anymore, he doesn't say good-morning anymore and the amount of "fuck" heard from his mouth has increased 99.9% more. He isn't the same, I found some pot on his room also, I'm too disappointed. I can't believe Liam Payne, the kindest human being in the world, is acting this rebellious the past week. I hope he changes, he should. It's probably the side-effects of the breakup.

He'll get better. I know it.




"Liam!" I yell once again, as usual there is no response, not even a shuffling coming from his room. I groan in frustration and bring my hands to my eyes.

   Yes, I have been here literally all day. I brought my mini fridge here because I would starve to death. It's so hard seeing my best friend this way, it kills me. He was the happiest he's ever been with Danielle and now he's being grumpy and rude. So un-Liam-like, if that's a word though.

  My head hits something hard in a second, I groan rubbing it. The door opened up and I fell onto his room. Liam quickly pulls me in by my feet and closes the door.

"Jesus the ground is hard." I whine rubbing my head in circular motions trying to get distracted from the pain.

"Hey." Liam greeted rather tired. 

He honestly looked awful. His hair is messed up and slightly curly, a big amount of stubble is on his face, his brown eyes are extremely puffy and red, and he smelled like burnt pizza.

Okay no that was Louis that burned some pizza right now but he smelled awful.

He's stil wearing the exact same clothes he wore when a week ago at 11:03 pm he stumbled into the tour bus in Italy and was drunken out of his mind, where he started crying and screaming at the same time and the only thing we heard was "Sh-she killed me, I-I. Danielle. Killed. Me." 

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