Chapter 15: 'The Payne train is back.'

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Chapter 15 || Mareen's POV


'So.. Let me get this straight. I cannot stop being Liam Payne's fake girlfriend thing?' I ask for what seems like the tenth time. I still can't process these words. I thought I had it all planned out, I was going to let it go and audition for more footwear commercials. Although I think I'm done with those, they are the reason I'm in this mess anyways.

'Mareen shut up and let's go.' Noelle said getting pissed. 'It was very nice meeting you Mr. S but I think Mareen should get some rest and pack for the tour. Thank you for your time.' She said shaking his hand. Simon and her are already best friends, he told her to call him Simon but she insisted on Mr. S since "it sounds cooler".

'Goodbye Simon.' I say sighing and stepping out of the door.

'I'm sorry Mare..' Niall says scratching his arm and with a puzzled face.

'It's okay Niall.. It's not your fault. It's mine for not reading the damn contract.' I say laughing a little about my stupidity. I don't know how many times my mom told me always to read something before signing it so you can't get into celebrity dating messes.

Although she has never said that, so I blame her.

It is true, I do need some rest.

'Do I help you pack Mare?' Noelle asks scrolling through her phone uninterestedly. We walked out of the elevator and stopped in the big lobby of the building.

'Yeah sure.. Niall do you want to come?' I ask scratching my hair.

'No thanks. The boys and I need to do some rehearsing with the new songs. Have a good packing day though, you should overpack, it will make your mind more clearer and less stressed. Bye!' he says kissing Noelle's cheek and then mine. He walks out and waves one more time and winks at Noelle.

'Let's goooo.' she pulls my arm.

I have a feeling this will be a stressful, eventful evening.


'Okay Mare, so we need about five basic clothing so you can mix and match it with-'

Noelle has been explaining to me how to pack for about thirty five minutes or so. I still don't understand why she takes clothes so serious, I mean I'm good with whatever I find fast that matches.

'So since it's lots of days and I think we're going shopping we'll bring four big bags for the both of us because Alex already packed. So I already picked all my clothes and I placed them in one of the bags. Now you'll take your whole closet since you don't have many clothes.' she says shoving everything of my small closet into a big dark blue suit case. I ignore the rest of what she says to me and keep texting Niall about random stuff.

'Mareen! Are you even listening to me?' she asks crossing her arms. I nod saying goodbye and she rolls her eyes. 'I'm teaching you what I learn everyday at collage and you just ignore me? Are you going to ignore me like you did when I taught you how to wear makeup?' she asks.

'Probably.' I say simply. She groans and I laugh at the memory.


'Okay, so I texted you the things you're going to buy here at Target. Then you'll practice by yourself and show me. Okay?' Noelle says inside of the car. I say okay and she drives off. I open my phone and search for the text she sent me.

Now that I'm 17 I can use makeup so I asked Noelle to teach me. She explained to me where everything goes and what everything does but I ignored her, like always.

I walk into Target and pass the makeup section which has always intimidated me for some reason. I take a deep breath and walk in. First in the list is foundation. I search for Maybelline as Noe told me and grab a big tube thingy about my skin color.

After grabbing everything she told me to, I pay the things and let's say they weren't cheap. I text her to come pick me up and about ten minutes later she comes. We head to her house and I begin showing her what I bought but she doesn't pay attention so I begin putting the stuff on.

I take a big blob of foundation and apply it on my face messily. It's two shades darker than me but hey, I could care less. I take a blusher thing orange colored and take a big brush and apply it with big circles on my cheeks. After applying concealer, eyeshadow, eye pencil, eyebrow thing, and bronzer it is time for highlighter.

I take the pink marker in my hands and begin highlighting my face. Suddenly I hear a gasp behind me and it's Noelle.

'What?' I ask confused.

'Mareen... You look like a clown..' she says looking at me with disapproval.

'But I did as you told me!' I say searching for a mirror. When I see myself I look like Snooky combined with Kim Kardashian. I look like I got a tan and joined a pink tribal thing. I look like a Halloween costume.

'Oh my God..' she says staring at me. 'Mareen, when I said highlighter I didn't mean what you use for books.. And foundation is the color of your skin not Michael Jackson's!' she says laughing at me. I couldn't help but laugh too. I guess makeup isn't for me.

*Flashback over*

'Why are you laughing?' she asks closing the suitcase.

'Nothing..' I answer simply and stand up. 'Aren't you tired?' I ask chugging down a water bottle.

'Nah. Not really..' she lies. I know her too well.

'Go ahead and leave. You'll need some rest. The flight is in two days at 12 pm and we're going shopping early in the morning because of the late Christmas shoppers.' I say throwing the bottle away.

'How do you know?' she asks.

'Niall just texted me.' I tell her while throwing my puffy hair in a bun.

'Okay. Text me tomorrow morning so I'll wake up. Night Mare.' she says casually and leaving the room. Once I hear the front door close I curl up in a ball and begin to cry. Why me? Why couldn't some other girl be chosen for a job like this?


*Pizza delivery* I text Noelle. She's probably sleeping and I already woke up, picked up Alex, bought pizza and decorated a Christmas tree.

'Did you seriously text her that?' Alex says laughing.

'I always do. It always gets her awake for some reason.' I say laughing. She doesn't answer the door so I casually walk in the house. Her parents are always on business trips and I know where she hides her spare key.

Alex and I walk in and sit down on the big couch. I hear snoring coming up from her room. That's weird, she never snores that loud.

'I'll bring the pizza to her room.' I say to Alex. She nods and continues watching SpongeBob.

I knock on her room and no response, only a loud snore. I give up and walk in finding her on the bed without snoring. Where is the snoring coming from?

I walk closer to the other side of the room and find a blonde boy covered in sheets snoring.

I walk closer to Noelle and lightly shake her. She groans and opens her eyes. 'Mareen what are you doing?' she asks with a morning voice.

'I brought pizza.' I simply say. She gets off the bed immediately and grabs a slice of pizza and walks down stairs. I roll my eyes and take the box and follow her.

'What is he doing here?' I ask her taking a slice.

'He got drunk..' she says disappointedly munching on her pizza.

'Huh?' I ask.

'Who got drunk?' Alex says joining us.

'Niall... Well. Long story short he got drunk and walked all the way to my house and tried to kiss me but I stopped him.. Then I let him sleep on the couch but he didn't want to. He only wanted to sleep with me, not like that Alex, but with me on the bed but I only let him on the floor. He still hasn't told me why he was drunk, but I know it's very serious.' she says drinking a cup of water.

'Oh..' Alex and I say at the same time.

'I'm gonna get changed.. We'll leave in about thirty.' she says getting out of the kitchen.

'That's weird...' Alex says eating two slices at the same time.

'What are you doing?' I ask looking at her weirdly.

'Eating. Hbu?' she says almost too casually.

'Watching a maniac eat two slices of pizza, talking with her mouth full, and using text language in real life.' I say getting annoyed. Alex has that thing that annoys me sometimes because she can get a bit too weird, but I find it kind of amusing sometimes. I still love her tho.

I dismissed Alex and walked into Noelle's room. I shook Niall to try to wake him up but he just kept snoring. I quickly did as my mind told me, it was a bit risky but it is worth the try. I quickly took my hand and caressed his face, drawing circles in his cheek and slapped him on the face, hard. His eyes immediately shoot open and they hold a bit of anger and uncertainty. His features softened once he saw me.

'What the hell Mareen? You can't just slap people awake!' he says clearly pissed of my most recent action. I quickly begin to laugh and he lifts his upper body so he can sit.

'Now, mister "I get annoyed when people slap me" guy, you need to answer some questions for me.' I say punching him playfully at his shoulder. He shifts uncomfortably and his eyes look away stopping eye contact.

'Why were you drunk?' I ask studying his face, it was emotionless.

'No reason Mareen. Go worry about fucking Liam or something, just not me.' he says madly and I can't help but feel hurt by his words.

'What the hell is wrong with you? I guess sleeping on the damn floor got you all fucked up.' I say gritting my teeth and getting out of the room. I usually never swear, but he got into my nerves.

I walk downstairs again and grab a banana. I eat it almost too quickly and Alex looks at me weirdly. 'What?' I ask harshly.

'Nothing.. Just that it looks like you're--'

'Oh, save the perverted comment for later Alex.' I say rolling my eyes and tossing the outside of the banana into the can. Noelle walks downstairs with wet hair and pulling Niall by his ear. He's wincing in pain but I could care less, he got all rude earlier so I can kindly say fuck you to him.

'Ready to go? I had to get Mister Lazy here to come because I don't want him stealing food from me.' she says laughing and pushing him forward making him loose balance and fall to the floor. We burst out laughing except for him, I would normally be concerned but he deserves it for being an asshole to me and coming drunk yesterday here.

After Niall laying on the floor for a good two minutes, he gets up. His eyes are red and puffy, and his nose is red too. He was crying.

'I can't go with you guys.. I need to do some... Stuff.' he says nervously.

'What stuff?' Noelle asks sipping on her Tangled coffee mug.

'Mind your own damn business Noelle.' he says annoyed storming off of the house and throwing the door closed. She looks down uncomfortably and sniffs.


'It's okay Mareen.. It's probably just some.. Band stuff.' Noelle says smiling fakely at me. I know her well enough to know she isn't okay and she is holding back her tears. What's wrong with Niall?

'Let's not let a rude Irish dude get in the way of us shopping, yeah? Let's have fun and get some man candy today!' Alex says smiling towards us. Noelle laughs and grabs her keys.

'Let's go.' she says jogging towards her car.


'The blue one suits your eyes better.' Noelle tells me while Alex nods. She said we needed formal dresses because my contract specifies that the third date with Liam will be in a damn club. I hate those things, I really do. It's boring and stupid.

'But I like the purple one..' I say honestly. The purple one is less, reveling.

'Okay. The purple one it is.' Noelle says pushing me to the fitting rooms to change back into my clothes.

I've been so deep in thought lately. What will Liam say when he sees me? He's probably going to hate me more than he does. I just still can't stop thinking about that kiss. Call me stupid, but it was the most amazing feeling I've ever felt in my life. He gives me some sort of weird feeling when he's around me. I want to know what that damn feeling is, I just don't really want to risk something that will never clearly happen.

And Niall. Sure, I've known him only like for a week but he never acts this way. I know he gets drunk from time to time but never aggressive. Something happened and I really need to find out what it is.

'Mareen! Let's go! We need to pay the dress and go to eat!' Alex says raising her voice clearing all my past thoughts.

'Okay.' I simply answer stepping out of the fitting room.


'What do I get you fine ladies today?' a cute tall brunette guys asks us in Starbucks.

'Well..' Noelle begins to speak but immediately blushes when he winks at her.

'Two caramel mochas and one frapuccino with three raspberry pumps please.' Alex speaks uninterestedly. I'm pretty sure I'm drooling and Noelle will faint in probably two seconds.

'Names please?' he asks smiling at us.

'Uh. Noelle, Mareen and Alexis.' Noelle speaks eyeing his lips. The guy has to be about 25 years old but he's hot so who cares.

'Right this way, Ladies.' he shows us to the counter waiting area.

'Holy crap he's hot.' Noelle whispers and I laugh.

'Oh my God he's staring.' I say squealing. We're sometimes a bit, fangirl-y.

'Here are your drinks.' he says winking towards us. We pick them up and walk out.

'He left a phone number omg.' Noelle says trying not to scream.

'He probably writes that down to every girl.' Alex says rolling her eyes.

'Shut up, let a girl dream.' Noelle glares at Alex and I laugh.

Liam's POV ||

'Mate, are you okay?' Someone says knocking on my door. Of course I'm not okay you idiots.

'Yeah.' I lie standing up from my messy bed and taking a random suit case beginning to fill it up with clothing scattered across the floor.

'Can I come in?' It's Louis.

'Uh... No. I'm naked?' I blurt out sounding more like a question.

'I see you naked everyday.' He says laughing.

'Uh.. Well I just don't want you to see me naked aga-' I begin to say but stop once he steps into the door causally.

'You're not naked, nor okay.' He says plopping down on my bed.

'Wrong. I am naked. Under these clothes.' I say winking. He stares at me with a "why are we even friends" look.

'Woah Liam. You got it bad mate.' he finally speaks up after an awkward silence.

'Shut up Louis and help me pack.' I order. He shrugs his shoulders and stands up from my bed.

I've tried thinking about the situation that passed almost two days ago, but my mind just starts playing games with me and I can't let that happen. What I have let myself think about is her big plump lips on mine.. They were so soft against mine and they fit perfectly. I had never felt the things I felt when I kissed her, not even Danielle. And that's a lot to say. I thought I loved Danielle.. But I don't think so anymore.

See? This is the type of tricks my mind plays with me. I felt nothing on that kiss. Nothing. N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Nada.

I'm going mental.

'Sup guys.' someone interrupts me with a slurred voice.

'Niall? Are you drunk?' Louis asks helping him from the floor.

'No. I'm Niall.' He responds giggling.

'Why the hell are you drunk?' Louis asks him sitting him down on my bed.

'Noelle.' he says with a sad expression on his face.

'What happened with her?' I ask concerned.

'I think I like her a lot.' he slurs again, tears running down his face. What?

'I thought we knew that... But why are you crying?' Louis asks.

'Because I can't be with her.' he says crying even more. I've seen Niall cry, but this time it's more serious.


'Because I--' he begins to say but passes out. Louis and I both stare at him to see if he's alive, but he does have a pulse. Seconds later he begins to snore slightly.

'He's a weird fella.' Louis says picking him up but failing and he lands on the floor.

'I'll take him.' I say picking up the snoring drunk from the floor and tossing him to my back.

The Payne train is back.


Noelle's POV ||


'See you guys tomorrow! Mom's taking us to the airport.' Mareen says getting off of my car.

'She is definitely suffering.' Alex says sighing. I nod and she takes off her seatbelt. I drive to her house quickly.

'Bye Noe. Thanks for the ride.' she says getting off. I sigh again and drive to my house. My parents are not here and will not be here until the week after Christmas, which I will not be here to see them. I'll probably spend it with Mareen or Alex. Or just by myself.

I get off and try to get the right key to open the door but I can't find it. I've always sucked with keys. I finally get the right one and before I can step inside I hear the bushes slightly move. I turn my head around to not find anything there. It was probably just the wind.

I walk into my house making sure I lock the doors and walk straight to the kitchen. I serve myself some cereal and my heart breaks immediately seeing the brand. Lucky Charms.

I throw it to the floor without thinking and the contents slip out fast. A loose tear falls into my cheek and I wipe it away quickly.

That's when I hear a crash outside.


hi sup.

I've been so absent lately! I'm so sorry! I was in Disney lol. So voting has gotten so low :( I want to catch up! And I think I'll update soon because I'm really anxious to write the next chapter! What do you think it was the crash?! Why is Niall getting drunk?! Why is Noelle crying?! Why is Louis so hot?!

You'll find out in the next chapter punks. AND THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 10K READS HOLY OK.

I'll call you punks from now on. Kay? Ok.

I love you all!


I don't want to sound to.. Yeah. But I mean it would be fair, I spend a lot of time on these chapters and I mean I'd love to get some feedback! Leave your theories below of what you think will happen with Miam (Mare and Li), with Larrex or Arry (Louis, Harry, Alex) (it sounds like a disease but I just made it up.) and with Noell (Niall and Noelle.)

Thank u so much again for 10k! I love all of you seriously, and the first comment gets a dedication! Bye!

-nat x

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