Chapter 21: "Will you give me the honor in calling you my Feyonce?"

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chapter 21

songs for the chapter:

-Nothing Feels Like You by Little Mix

-Word Up by Little Mix

-Better Together EP by Fifth Harmony


mareen's pov

     It's been two hours, two stupid and boring hours for me. Zayn and Lilly keep being awkward and shy, which has me pissed because it means they have a history and I don't know zAYN IS GETTING MARRIED? Oh yeah ok. Plus, Harry has this thing about making jokes in awkward moments when it's not the time to do them and they just suck okay, he doesn't know how to make jokes. Someone please take the damn phone off his hands because he has like an app where he writes down all his non-funny jokes and tells them to people.

Alex is asleep. When is she not.

And I'm here daydreaming about food because I'm stupid and hungry, I just feel like Noelle. I get myself in her mind and think were she would've run off to, I tried every single restaurant by the hotel plus the candy store. And Walgreen's, but she wasn't there, she has a strange obsession with Walgreen's.

To make things worst I really need to pee...

"GUYS I HAVE ANOTHER JOKE!" Harry practically screams and we all groan, he has an endless supply of jokes doesn't he?

"Please, this is the last one of the day I promise." he begs taking Alex's hand and entwining their fingers. Wasn't she mad at him?

"What did Jay-Z say to Beyonce when he proposed?" he asks with a playful stupid grin in his face. 

"What?" we all harshly asked and he started laughing, what.

"Will you give me the honor in calling you my Feyonce?" he says and bursts out laughing.

That was. Nope. I can't. Why.

"I don't get it..." Zayn says staring at Harry confused. 

"Too bad Zayn, you're missing out in one of the bests jokes ever." Harry answers him trying to sound swerve but failing miserably.

"Guys I need to pee." I say yawning and going inside a strange looking restaurant. I step inside and see people eating and drinking alcohol. I've never liked it, plus I'm underage. I try to search for the bathroom but there's nothing visible, I'm sure if I ask some of the employees they'll know.

Of course they would know you idiot, they work here. 

My mind is my enemy i swear.

"Hi excuse me," I lightly tap a guy an employee on the back, he turns my attention towards me. "Is there a bathroom here?" I politely ask the bored out of his mind guy in front of me.

"Yeah." he answers and goes back to what he was doing before. 

"Um, can I use it?" I ask again sounding a bit more harsher. Yeah that's right I can be harsh when I want to.

No you can't.

I seriously need a new brain.

"No, employees only."

"Please I really need to pee, please." I beg the man and he rolls his eyes.



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