Chapter 16: 'I'm not going to miss it one bit.'

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Chapter 16 || Noelle's POV

Suddenly, I heard a crash.

Oh my God... Don't panic. It's probably a racoon. Yeah. That's what it is.

There's no racoons in Miami aren't they?

Especially in the city..

Then. It was the neighbor's dog. Kenny. Mjm.

He died last month.

Shut up will you?!

I hear a knock on the door and my insides drop. Holy shit. Shit shit shit shit. I ignore the knock and pray it will go away, but a minute later it pounds harder. I've never seen a scary movie so I don't know how to react to this. Should I scream or run? I think running and screaming is the best way to go.

Before I could move my legs I stopped myself and heard music. Someone was singing out the door.

'My milkshake brings all da girls to da yard!!' was the sound of someone off key singing in my door. I began to laugh. It's probably Josh the front door neighbor drunk. I shrugged it off and went upstairs to my room.

'Noelle forgive me!' someone screamed downstairs. Someone with an irish accent. Oh God no.

'I need you! Please come out princess!' he keeps shouting, my heart breaks.

I run down the stairs almost falling and open the door quickly finding Niall crying at my door step with a bottle of vodka in his hands. How the hell can he drink here in the US? He's underage!

'There's my princess.' he says wiping his tears away. He stands up and touches my face but I slap it away. What the hell does he think?! Coming here drunk for the second time in a row! And breaking my damn plant vase!

'B-but I thought you liked it when I-'

'When you came fucking drunk to my doorstep?! No. I don't you ass.' I spit shutting the door in his face. No one interrupts my sleeping. No. One.

Minutes later the annoying noise from outside stops and I hear footsteps. Finally, I can eat something that doesn't remind me of him. After grabbing an apple and scarfing it down I begin walking upstairs. What an eventful night.

Now that I think about it. What was Niall apologizing for? He was even crying.. And he said he needed me.

A louder noise came from downstairs. Is he back?! What an asshole! I rush downstairs and shove the door open seeing him there with a guitar and another bottle of vodka on the floor. His eyes are red and puffy and he's still crying.

'What now?' I ask rudely at him.

'I-I don't know.. I thought I c-could sing you a song..?' he asks looking at me with hope.

'Now? At one thirty in the morning? While everyone is asleep?' I say sarcastically.

'You're not. And that's a pretty good darn reason to sing a song.' he smirks at me and I'm surprised his words aren't even that slurred. My heart flutters at the way he looks at my lips, but he's drunk.

'Niall. No.' I say about to close the door but he puts his foot there.

'Let me come in then? Please Noelle. Please.' he begs furrowing his eyebrows and wiping away his tears. Is he an emotional drunk?!

'Fine.' I sigh in defeat and he grins like a child on Christmas. He steps in almost slipping at some random puddle of water and I laugh. He's always falling for some reason.

'I'm sorry, I'll clean that up later.' I say giggling.

'What song do you want?' he asks plopping down on my couch. He sets the guitar in his hands and stares at me.

'I don't know..' I say honestly.

'I do.' he grins doing a C minor chord. I know guitar okay. 'I was kind of drunk earlier.. And I began to write a song.. And I wanted to show you.. It. Because.. I wrote it for you...' He says looking down blushing.

'Uh.. Then go on..' my heart fluttered a million times more than usual. He wrote a song about me? I'm not too thrilled about him being drunk, but it still is the cutest thing someone has done and probably will ever do to me.

'Here goes nuthin'' he says clearing his throat.

'My hands, your hands tied up like two ships. Drifting, weightless waves try to break it. I'd do anything to save it. Why is it so hard to say it?' he sings softly looking at my eyes. He never takes them off of mine.

'My heart, your heart sit tight like book ends. Pages between us, written with no end. So many words we're not saying. Don't want to wait 'till its gone. You make me strong.' he continues singing and stops for a minute.

'Can you grab me a piece of paper?' he asks kindly. I think he's a bit more sober now than he was before. Which I'm glad. I nod and grab a piece of blank paper from my school supplies and a pencil and hand it to him. 'Thank you.' he says half smiling at me. He scribbles down something on the paper and I try to peek on it. His handwriting is a bit sloppy but it still looks perfect. How? It's Niall Horan.

'I'm sorry if I say "I need you" But I don't care i'm not scared of love. Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker. It's that so wrong? Is it so wrong, that you make me Strong.' he sings taking my hand in his. He slowly leans in and his lips attach to mine. They taste like alcohol but with a hint of mint, just like the other time I kissed him. That memory seems so long ago, but it was about three days ago. He moves his lips into mine in sync and the guitar falls to the ground making a weird noise. He kicks it and it stops.

His hands travel to my back and pulls me closer to him. I tangle my fingers into his hair and tug at them slightly. He lets go of my mouth but hugs me tightly.

'I'm so sorry Noelle. But I think I'm falling in love with you.' he whispers too quiet and I feel a tear run down of his face. My heart breaks, completely. Why is he sorry? And why do I find it hard to accept that I am too falling in love with him?

*Mareen's POV ||

'Ugh.' I groan for the third time. I've been trying to freaking sleep for the whole night but I can't. These nerves are killing me. Nerves and fear. I fear that Liam will just scream at me, hate me or even worst, not accept me. The worst thing is that I know those things will happen and I cannot stop them.

I decided to just read the night off, I can sleep in the plane. I'm still stressed though, what if I get to sit beside Liam?! What will I talk about?!

I stood up from my bed and headed to my book collection. Just before grabbing one of my books my phone buzzed. I picked it up and read the text message from Simon.

*Need to get here at the office before the airport. It's important. Good night*

Nerves got inside me even worst. What is he going to talk to me about? I guess I'll find out tomorrow morning.


'Do you want some tea madame?' a handsome tall boy serving me asked. He looks a lot like Justin Bieber but even hotter.

'Mm yeah sure.' I said grinning like an idiot. He smiled and left the table. I began scrolling through my phone and saw lots of random tweets. The boy came back and put the tea in my table.

'Madame?' He said interrupting my drooling. 'Yeah?' I asked. 'Wake up Mareen! Wake up!' he said, I looked weirdly at him.

'What?' I asked confused.

'Wake up!' someone yelled hitting me with something soft in my face. A pillow.

'What the hell?!' I yelled at the two girls in front of me about to burst out in laughter.

'You told us to wake you up an hour early, and you didn't wake up when we shook you gently.' Alex said raising her arms in the air. I rolled my eyes and stood up heading to the bathroom. I washed my face and took a quick warm bath washing my hair.

After getting dried up I put on some skinny jeans and a white hoodie and got out of the bathroom.

'Want me to put some makeup on you?' Noelle asks while I cross my room to get my vans. I nod, she must've seen my red eyes and dark circles under them because of lack of sleep. She smiles and takes out her makeup bag and I sit down on my chair.

After Noelle applying makeup to me I go dowsntairs to find my mom making breakfast. I'm starving.

'Mornin' mom.' I greet her sitting in the dining room.

'Morning. We're leaving in about an hour so get ready.' she says smiling towards me.

'Actually, change of plans. I need to go to a quick meeting before heading to the airport. Can we leave..' I quickly checked my phone. 'Right about now.' I say getting the plate off of mom's hands and eating very fast.

'Um sure.' she says confused. 'We're leaving now girls!' she yells at the two weirdo's upstairs.

After I ate, my dad placed my suitcase on the trunk and I said goodbye to him. He was about to cry and I was too, but this is all because of my studies.

I climed into the car and looked at my house for the last time in 6 months. I'm not going to miss it one bit.


I sat nervously at a brown couch. The girls stayed outside waiting for me to come out. I've been waiting for fifteen minutes for Simon to finish up a meeting with some people from a show or something. The door opened up and a bunch of men in suits walked outside holding suitcases and with serious looks on their faces. They passed right by me and completely ignored me, which I do not complain.

'Oh, Mareen. Right this way! Sorry for the delay, I hope it wasn't a problem!' Simon says directing me inside of the room.

'Oh, it wasn't. I'm super early for the flight to Los Angeles.' I say warmly at him.

'Good. Good. So we'll have to wait a few more minutes-' he says but stops once the door opens. 'Ah! He's here.' Simon says. 'Now, come sit here Liam.'

Oh shit.

'Good morning Uncle Si..' Liam greets sitting down far away from me. He's wearing a tight shirt that shows off his amazing toned abs and some skinny jeans. I think I'm drooling. But his face is emotionless and he has bags under his eyes.. I wonder why.

'Good morning Liam. So we're here to discuss the job we had for you that well, you weren't supposed to know of but Mareen told you by mistake.' Simon starts off. A pang of guilt hits me but I decide to ignore it.

'I thought she would have the decency to not show her face to me.' he says calmly and without any feelings. Ouch.

'It's in her contract, which we cannot break.' Simon responds clearly annoyed of his tone. 'See Liam, you've been getting in a lot of trouble lately. Getting drunk, partying a little too much, hooking up with too many girls and causing a lot of trouble and bad publicity for the band and its music. With the new album coming out and the DVD we can't afford that kind of drama. So we decided to hire a professional actress to make it look as if you're in a serious relationship with her and distract with all the drama you've caused in the past two months. Now, if you do not go on with this Modest! will take charge and will take legal charges to not only you, but to Mareen and me. So I suggest you go along with it.' Simon explains and my nerves come bigger. He's getting forced into this, just like me.

'So this is just another stupid publicity stunt?! Aren't they sick of doing that to us?! It gets fucking tiring!' Liam yells standing up from his chair. 'And you had the fucking nerve to kiss me knowing we would get forced to it?! What a bitc-'

'Don't you dare call me that! I got lost in the damn moment you asshole! You made the damn move! And what if I didn't want to kiss you?! You kissed me and you have the nerve to call me out in front of Simon?! Fuck you!' I screamed back getting up of my chair. He's infuriating. How dare he?!

'Are you sure you're an actress? And not a who-'

'Calm down you two! This is for both of your well being! You want to have a career right Mareen?' Simon interrupts.

'Yes. I do.' I respond sitting down on the chair and rolling my eyes.

'And you don't want to loose your fans and record company, right Liam?!' Simon asks harsher.

'No. I don't.' he says folding his arms and groaning. Even mad he's still hotter than anyone else I've met. What?

'Then get your fucking act together and act like you're a happy real couple!' Simon yells emphasizing real. 'Now get out of the office. You have to get to the airport holding hands, paparazzi will be there. Remember your first date will be at the movies, second one at a small restaurant and the third one in a club. Now get out.' Simon says and we both get out, Liam closing the door a bit too harder than he should.

'Asshole.' I mumble opening up the door to get out of the office. He follows me and I touch a button to wait for the elevator. We both stand there awkwardly looking at a painting. It has a girl with curls being swept off of a tall masculine guy. The surroundings are a house being on fire and she looks like she's scared. I can't help but admire it. The elevator dinged and we both got in. He had his arms crossed and so did I.

The elevator reached the lobby and we both stepped out, but his hand accidentally brushed mine. The feeling I got when we kissed came back but I chose to ignore it and I walked away.

'Are we leaving now?' Alex asks reading a magazine.

'Yes. Now.' I say gritting my teeth. The screaming match I just had made me ten times more tired and all I want to do is sleep.


We have been driving for thirty minutes, I didn't think the airport would be so far away. Alex is passed out and Noelle is having a weird conversation with my mom about Christmas sweaters. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I quickly went to retrieve it. I had a text from Niall.

*You need to get off of the same car with Liam! We'll meet in the nearest rest stop so you can get into our van! Ok?*


Nerves came again. Me? Being in the same car with Liam? No way. At least the other boys are going to be there too so it will be less awkward.

'Mom, let's go to the next rest stop ok? I'm leaving in another car. We'll say goodbye there.' I say.

'Okay.' she tells me and I go back to trying to sleep, but fail again.

We drove more until the sign of the rest stop was there. I took a deep breath and my mom slowly pulled into the stop. I saw a big black van and I texted Niall to see if he was there. He said yes and I climbed out of the car.

'Bye mom. See you in 6 months! Merry Christmas!' I say giving her a big hug.

'Goodbye my little girl. Remember to text me everyday to see how you're doing! Stay safe!' she says letting go of the hug.

'Alex wake up!' Noelle yells at her and she jerks up with wide eyes. We both laugh and I open the back of the car and take my suitcase out.

After the girls took their luggage out, we began walking towards the van. The driver gets out of the front seat and takes our stuff and places it on the trunk. He tells us to take a seat inside and opens the door for us. The van is even more bigger inside than what it looks like from the outside. I immediately spot Zayn in the back seat texting, Niall beside him with a big grin on his face. The seat beside him is empty and I want to take it but Noelle sits there quickly. I mentally curse and the seat in the middle has Harry and Louis and a space between, but Alex took it. Crap.

The last available seat is besides Liam. I awkwardly take a seat beside him as far as I can and he looks away. I do the same and everyone starts their conversations about random topics. After driving more and more, we finally got to the aiport. Millions of cameras and girls were waiting for the boys.

'Make it believable.' someone tells me right before grabbing my arm. Electricity shot through me and the voice was Liam. The driver opened up the doors and flashes started blinding my eyes. All I could try to do was smile my best. Liam squeezed my hand and gave me a reassuring smile. Didn't he just call me a dog? Does he suffer of bipolarity? Then his words played around in my head. 'Make it believable.' I had forgotten it was for publicity, and I can't lie to myself that I am enjoying his big soft hands on mine.


Liam's POV ||

I can't help but feel all giddy inside.. Her hands are softer than what I imagined. I'm still trying to figure out why I feel like that, but I have nothing.

I push through the crowd of screaming girls and obnoxious paparazzi's trying to get through the entrance. I ignore the questions that they ask and try to get inside as quickly as possible. I finally reach the entrance and get inside pulling Mareen to stand beside me. After walking further to the middle of the airport I jerk my hand away rudely off of hers and the warmth I felt earlier leaves.

The boys all get inside, Noelle hugging Niall for dear life, and Alex standing awkwardly there holding Louis' hand. Our driver gives us our luggage and we walk into the luggage thing area.

There was a small line of about three people and we wait there patiently. Zayn goes first with Louis and they do the same routine of showing their passports and leaving their suit case. Next is Noelle and Niall, and then Harry and Alex.

'Are you okay?' I can't help but ask. Our fans are... Crazy sometimes.

'You are insane Liam.' she whispers leaving me standing there and going to the next turn. I follow her and I can't help but think she makes me insane and I don't mind really.


We're now waiting for them to call us to board the plane. Everyone left to get food and left me in charge of their carry-ons. Rude.

I scroll down on the tweets and see the same ones of 'Follow me' and weird pictures of us. I started looking at other tweets with a picture of me and Mareen just now getting into the airport.

'Is Payzer back?! Omg!! pic.twtter1829292829 '

They think Mareen is Danielle? My heart breaks a little thinking of her. I miss her. I haven't thought of her so much lately, since I met her. Mareen. She's made my life turn in different ways I didn't think were possible.

Niall comes back with a sandwich and interrupts my weird thoughts. He sits down beside me and takes a big bite out of his food.

'Sup Li.' he says trying to sound cool. I roll my eyes and take a fry out of his bag.

'Nothing mate. Just thinking..' I say closing the app and locking my phone.

'Mareen?' he asks.

'No.' I lie, he rolls his eyes and mutters 'sure.'

'Hey, why weren't you at your hotel room last night?' I ask and he breaks eye contact.

'I got drunk.' he admits putting the sandwich on his lap.

'I know your situation right now is bad, but you don't have to get drunk all the time y'know.' I suggest him. I should follow my own advice sometimes.

'I know..'

'And do you plan on telling her?' I ask.

'I do-- I just. I'm enjoying these last moments I have with her..' he admits looking towards me.

'You're going to hurt her a lot.' I say and mean it.

'I know. But it might just hurt me more than her.'

'When do you and ... have to...?'

'Tomorrow at a club..' he says sadly.

'Oh.. Try not to fall for Noe...'

'It's a little bit too late for that.. I let myself stay another night with her and I--'

'Hey guys!' Noelle interrupts us with a hamburger in her hands. Niall looks guilty. She sits on Niall's lap and his face lights up like nothing happened. Oh Noelle, sweet little Noelle.

'Do you want a fry Li?' she asks sweetly to me.

'I do.' Niall says snatching the chip out of her hands. She pouts like a baby and he laughs and kisses her cheek. She blushes and bites on her hamburger.

We're both getting obligated to do it.


Everyone got back and ate their foods. Harry was just writing in a book all the time. He's a weird kid.

'Flight F4 now boarding.' a woman spoke through a speaker. 'That's ours.' Zayn says standing up and grabbing his carry-on. We follow him to the line.

Mareen is first and I'm behind her. She's listening to music and looks adorable tapping her fingers. Wait what? No. She looks normal.

She's actually really short compared to me. I started to laugh because of that, it makes her even more adorable. We get to the line and she hands a guy her plane ticket. He winks at her and she smiles back at him. He holds a big grin and I hand him my ticket rudely. Anger boils inside me and he gives my ticket back. His annoying grin is still there and I huff. I hurry up towards Mareen.

'What the hell was that?' I ask mad.

'What was what?' she asked confused and taken aback from my tone.

'That! You just flirted with the guy in front of me! Why the hell did you do that?!' I remark and she stares at me surprised.

'He winked at me and I smiled politely at him! That doesn't mean I'm flirting! And why do you care? We're not even a real couple you ass!' she speaks and I can't help but feel hurt by those words.

I stare blankly at her. Why did I just react that way? She's right. She can do whatever she wants to do. It doesn't have to concern me.

I follow her inside of the plane and we step inside of it. My seat is way to the back and I hope I don't get to sit beside her.

We walk through the aisles and she takes a seat on the left side of the plane. I look at my ticket and it says my seat is in line H number 2. For my luck it is right beside Mareen's.

I place my carry-on on the top and sit beside her. She groans and rolls her eyes and I ignore her.

After everyone in the plane got seated, the flight attendants stood up front to tell us what to do in case of an emergency. I laugh to myself and begin doing and saying exactly what he says. Mareen looks at me with an amused face and I wink at her. She laughs and continues watching me.

The plane started moving and she looks outside of the window.

'How did you learn that?' she asks me laughing.

'I've traveled a lot..' I answer smiling. She looks at my face for a moment and smiles, and then looks away. I can't help but wonder what was she thinking when she did that.


Two hours.

Two damn hours in complete silence and awkwardness.

The only thing she does is look outside a window, and the only thing you can see are clouds. That gets pretty boring after two hours.

I take a peak on what she is doing and she is asleep. Oh okay, that explains why. My first instinct is to wake her up just to annoy her, just to hear her say my name, but she looks so beautiful like that. We're not yelling, crying, or kissing. She has a happy expression on her face that I can't dare to take away from her.

'I'm sorry, beautiful.' I whisper tucking a loose hair on her face behind her ear. She moves around and I get scared. Is she waking up?

She places her small arms around me and tucks her face into my chest. She's asleep.

I get warm and fuzzy inside.. She's holding me.. Wait, she is right? I'm not dreaming? No you idiot. Okay?

I am taken aback from her move, but I'm not complaining of it. I place my arms around her and I think I can get some well deserved sleep that I have missed for months now.

She is completely true. She drives me insane and I can't do anything about it.

Alex's POV ||

Harry was placing his carry-on. I saw how his back muscles moved and I couldn't help but gape at him. He looks beautiful even on his back... Wow.

A little familiar purple book fell out of his bag. I thought he would notice but he didn't. He got into his seat beside Zayn and Noelle. I picked the book up and hid it under my arm. I took my seat beside Louis and he was already asleep. I can read it.


9:15 am.

Sup John.

I'm going to see her soon... I can't wait! I hope Louis doesn't interfere. I can't wonder what she will be wearing. Will she have her hair straightened? Is she going to tie it up into a bun? Is she going to let it free? Is she going to wear makeup? I hope she doesn't. She looks so much better without it.

Will she say hello to me? Or will she ignore me? So many questions.. I just literally can't wait! Well, this is a short entry.. I'll write later!
-H.S. xx


Johnny my pal,

My answers are:
-She has her hair curled and loose.
-Pajamas on.
-Lipstick only.
-And Louis held her hand..

She still looks absolutely freaking gorgeous. I wonder if she looks like this everyday. Of course she does dumbass, it's her face. I can't help but stare at her. Thank God she never notices it.. I literally stare at her all the time. Is that weird? Of course it is dumbass. I like that word a lot. I need to pee. Bye!
-H.S. xx


Who is this girl?! Is she that beautiful like Harry describes?! I think she lives in L.A. since we're going there. She's blonde and has brown eyes. Taylor Swift? No, she has blue eyes and she's a female dog. Cara Delevigne? Probably.. Yeah.

Jealousy flies through me. Why can't I be her? I would kill to be her. I hope she doesn't break his heart or I'll have to break her face.


hi punksssss!

I updated again:O *gasps* idk, i just felt like it! And its freaking long so love me! And my phone went off and deleted part of this chapter, so boohoo! But i wrote it again! Lol. Anyways! It wasn't a serial killer lol it was a drunk Niall! OH AND THE SHIP NAME IS NOT NOELL ITS NIELLE THANKS TO THE GIRL THAT COMMENTED IT! And why do you think Niall is sad and said sorry to her?:( and Miam oh k.


(how i feel rn^^)

Miam is my life ok. Sorry. Oooh and Larrex! Ooooohhhh who is Harry writing about eh? Leave your theories down on the comments and be sure to vote! I want 20 VOTES and at least 6 different COMMENTS of different people! Thank you!

let me remind u again... VOTE AND COMMENT.

V O T E. C O M M E N T.

sorry if i sound so needy, i just love reading comments so much ahsksklds. And its 2 am and Im bloody tired so goodnight beautifuls!

-N.L xx (Like haz lol (-; )

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