Chapter 18: "Someone's on her period."

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Guys i just want to say something quick here. It's 3am, January 1st and my neighbor's are drunk and they have a karaoke shit thing and they are singing a song of love and they are crying.. like sobbing and singing at the same time. anD THE GUY JUST HIT A HIGH NOTE AND I SWEAR TO GOD HE SOUNDED LIKE PIGS GIVING BIRTH LIKE IM NOT KIDDING GUYS HELP ME NOW THEY'RE SINGING SALSA IM SCREAMING WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS WRONG WITH PUERTO RICO OH LORD.

ok and this is the first chapter of 2014 eyy lmao.

tHEY STOPPED SINGING wait ugh they didnt. okay on with the chapter and sorry lol.


||Liam's POV|| 


"I understand that Niall but you just can't--"

"I know Liam, but I have 7 fucking hours left with her and I'm going to enjoy them." he says just before hanging up. I roll my eyes and hope for the best. 

I scratch my head and the image of Mareen in the shower covers my thoughts, with only her shoulders showing and her hair wet. Her skin glowed even on the dim lights, and her unrecognizable innocent vibe came from her. She's beautiful, that's the problem. She's beautiful and distracts me from important thoughts and drives me insane. 

Just in cue, Mareen walked out of the bathroom wearing some lazy jeans and a slightly cropped shitty top. Her hair dripped into the floor and she looked beautiful still. How does she do that?

"Where are you going?" I ask her standing up straight from the small bed we have to share. She huffs and turns her attention towards me, before grabbing her phone.

"I'm going to Alex's room." she says coldly before opening the door. "Why?" I blurt out and curse myself. 

"Because I'm not spending my 1 hour break from my job with you in a spacious room covered in rose petals!" she spats and closes the door, storming off. 

Someone's on her period.

The room gets lonely and I decide to go to Zayn and Louis' room. I knock on the door and Zayn is on his usual spot, drawing something. Louis isn't here and I climb onto the bed. So they have two beds and we don't?

"Hey mate," Zayn greets me and I let out a sigh. "Zayn, I'm exhausted and I hate Mareen." I speak up covering my face with a pillow dramatically. He laughs and I turn to look at him. 

"What?" I ask clueless, he rolls his eyes. "Yeah, sure you do." he speaks sarcastically and I huff. 

"I do, she's too annoying and bitchy." I try to reason with him. "If you say so, but the way you protect her and tease her says otherwise." he says back and I roll my eyes.

"She's annoying and she's getting paid for me to protect her." I reason but something inside of me knows that it's not about her job, but something more.


||Mareen's POV|| 


"Why didn't the skeleton go to the party?" Harry asks us and I groan for the 7th time in 15 minutes. Noelle looks as excited as he does and Harry laughs loudly. Niall is staring at Noelle and drooling, Alex is pissed, and Louis is past asleep in her bed. 

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