Chapter 19: "Maybe he has to pee."

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Noelle's POV ||

We've been driving in such an aching silence, the lump in my throat not seeming to go away. I would jump out of the car just to not be here with him. Which is completely strange since I have seven thousand pictures of him in my phone plus two cardboard cutouts of him in my room. And posters. I promise you I am not obsessed this is completely normal. 

     But I think I was wrong about him, I thought he was a different person. At least he looked like that on pictures and interviews. Now I see that all those nasty rumours of Modest! Management were partly true. My best friend is being practically obligated- not completely though, if she would've read the damn contract- to be her celebrity crush's fake girlfriend for 6 to 8 months and he's a complete asshole to her. I still don't fully understand why they hate each other so much, Niall probably knows. But this is even weirder because Mareen is not really mean to people- except me when I tell her a joke- she can be sassy when she wants to though.

 "We're here." Niall speaks and breaks my thoughts quickly. I sigh quietly and unbuckle my seat-belt, the door suddenly opens and I look at Niall. He half smiles at me and I glare, I can do it by myself. He started walking towards some scary woods and I run towards him trying to keep up.

"What is this?" I ask quietly, he puts his hands on his pockets and ignores my question. Rolling my eyes at him, I decide to listen to some music while we walk in an awkward silence.

     We pass some weird looking trees before I smell wet grass. I like that smell, it smells like rain. My brain is jumbled right now from lack of sleep, maybe that's why my thoughts aren't really making sense. Frog.

The only light coming right now is from the stars, it's really beautiful. Niall walks a bit faster and stops once the trees come to an end. I stand beside him concentrating on my music and ignoring him. Maybe he has to pee. I turn my head up for a moment and see a road. A road?

"Why is there a road here?" I ask out loud and bite my lip. He doesn't answer and it's starting to hurt me in a weird way. He wants me to give him a chance now but he doesn't talk to me? Okay.  

"You confuse me so much..." I whisper hoping he didn't hear me. Unfortunately he looks at me with an unreadable expression. So now you hear me eh?

"I'm sorry.." he whispers back and I choose to ignore him. Why is he so sorry? Why can't he tell me what he's sorry about? Why am I asking so many questions? Why is there a bug in my shoe? 

He's concentrated at what is in front of him so I skip the song I was hearing, it was too cliche. I'm just kidding the shuffle just put me Torn and that song makes me too emotional. I finally look up and see the beautiful sight in front of me, besides Niall, there are some letters. The back of them to be more specific, and the sight of millions of lights illuminating the city. I've never seen something like this in my life, it's completely beautiful. The night sky makes it even more spectacular, the contrast of the star filled sky with the lights of each one of the houses here is incredible and breath-taking. I'm completely infatuated.

"This is--"

"Beautiful." he completed my sentence. We locked stare and I looked away quickly, I feel so hurt right now, what is he hiding? My hand feels a familiar warm shock and I look at it. Niall took my hand in his but he's still staring at the sky. I don't blame him, it's very mesmerizing.

"Why didn't we just drive here?" I break the short silence and he looks at me smirking. 

"The journey is the fun." he answers smiling at me, I blush stupidly and look away. His gaze never leaves me and i feel slightly uncomforta-- I'm just kidding it's actually quite pleasing that he's looking at-- yeah okay. 

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