Chapter 10: 'I'd sure wake up.'

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Chapter 10


*Mareen's POV


The evening was going well...


Okay no. It was not.


Liam has been a total arse face. He's always saying rude comments about the movie and to me. He's like a 15 year old girl on her period. GOD DAMMIT.


I don't even know why I signed that stupid contract. I'm totally completely regretting it.


But, as the contract says. I can't be a rude girlfriend, so I need to always be nice and kill him with kindness, even though we're not dating yet.


Louis and Alex were hitting it off well. Harry seems quiet, Niall and Noelle are really quiet, which is weird for both of them.


I was tapping on my phone and writing some random quotes on my notes, when my phone slipped off of my hands and fell on the wet slimy floor filled with popcorn and gooey stuff. I cussed bending over to grab it, me being a clutz, knocked over Liam's phone also.


'You just never stop being stupid huh?!" he rolled his eyes picking up the phone and leaving mine on the floor. By now, everyone of the boys and the girls had noticed what he said. He was silently still watching the film, Noelle and Alex looking at me surprised. I felt tears sprung into my eyes, not again. Not this bullying again. I already survived 14 damn miserable years being bullied by idiots and now my idol bullies me?! I can't handle this.


I stood up grabbing my phone and walked away. The girls knew why I was this serious about comments like that. I ran to the bathroom, I found the first stall and bent down on the floor crying.


Its been a while since I've done my daily dose of crying. Ever since that last day of school.



'Last day of school! I've been waiting for this years back!' Noelle hit some lockers jumping excitedly.


'I'm gonna miss this place.' Alex mumbled. We looked at her like she was crazy. 'I was just kidding gosh.' she looks at us seriously.


'No more school work, no more crazy teachers, no more idiots, no more bullies, no more gross food. Life's gonna be good.' I sighed. I felt the girls tense a bit after a familiar group of girls passed beside of us.


'Oh look. They're scared of us!' Marnie laughed. She's the goddess of the school. Everyone adores her and kisses her footsteps. She's only mean to people that study hard and get good grades. In other words, us.


'Oh whatever. Look at her shirt! Oh my God, no way.' Alexa laughed pointing at my shirt. It had 'Vas Happenin'?' written on it. I blushed of embarrassment, but not that kind of embarrassment, the one that you just want to disappear and cry.


'She's a directioner eh? No wonder she's so lame. What a b*tch.' Marnie pushed me to the group of lockers. I ran


'Her hair. Oh my God. She looks like a puffed up poodle. And girl, would it kill you to cover up the lack of sleep in your ugly face?!' they continued


What surprised me was that they were being nice! Yes. Nice. They are a hundred times worse than this. This is their mild teasing, you have to see their worse. I ran to the bathroom, finding the first stall and throwing myself to the floor and started crying. The girls found me eventually and bought me ice cream. That's how I spent my last day in high school.




I found myself in the same situation of that day. In a bathroom, crying and wanting some damn ice cream.

I wear this shirt proud, this represents the first word I heard my 5 idols say. The first word that changed my life completely, who knows were i'd be right now without those 5 boys saving my life. I looked down on my chest, I pictured me having the shirt on right this instant.


Instead, I had a grey shirt all wet because of my tears. Eventually my tears dried out, I stood up and peaked on the door to check if there were sings of anyone there. The bathroom was completely empty. I unlocked the stall and walked to the mirror. I washed my hands and splashed myself with water, making my shirt get even more wet. Round of applause to me.


I took my makeup bag out, deciding of not or if I will cover up my red and tired eyes filled with sadness. I added some mascara and couldn't even bother less of looking good right now. I looked at my phone, I had 57 messages, all of Alex and Noelle. One surprised me though, I had one message from Liam.


I didn't even know he had my phone number.


From: Unknown

Hi.. I'm sorry for acting that way. It's really hard to explain it. I'm never like this. -Liam x




The text made me feel better in a weird way. At least he apologized. A part of me wanted to ignore his apology and another part wanted to accept it and move on. My second part won and I found myself walking again to the movie theater and sitting down on my earlier seat. Liam sent me a weird look, I couldn't read his face well.


My phone beeped again twice.



From: Noe the toe

Are you okay baby? What's up? Do I have to beat Liam up? Do you need icecream? x





From: Alex the lex






I laughed at Alex's speed texting and choice of words. I responded with a simple 'I'm ok' and kept my eyes on the movie.


Once the movie was ending, I felt myself stare out of it. I place my hand on the handle, brushing Liam'a hand by accident. His face seems to go a bit red, I ignored it and touched my hair.


'H-hey..' Liam mumbled.


'Oh.. Uh. Hello.' I tried my best to not stutter.


'I-I'm really sorry.. I am just in a really bad mood. Excuse my rudeness.' he tries to smile but fails, his eyes look so distant and sad.


'Oh uh.. It's okay Liam. I understand. Can we try to get along better?' I asked.


'Yeah.' he smiled warmly.

*Noelle's POV

'So.. Do you uh... Like flowers and eh.. Stuff?' I try to make conversation with Niall. I thought this would be easier.


'Uh.. Yeah. I like, stuff.' he refuses to make eye contact. I've suspected that he doesn't like me one bit, that's fine with me. Its not like he is my entire world and I have three blogs dedicated to him and-- oh wait, I do.


'And... Are you liking the movie?' I asked, in cue Mareen walked again and I texted her. I looked worried and let it go and kept watching the boring movie.


'So are you staying at my house Mare?' I asked Mareen on the parking lot. She nodded and walked to Niall and Louis' car.


Liam said no goodbye to Mareen. That guy is getting on my damn nerves. He awkwardly moved to the car typing on his phone, Zayn and Perrie smiled at us and said goodbye and left. Harry and Alex have been laughing about a guy that just fell off of a motorcycle, Mareen is on her usual antisocial position of typing on her phone. Louis is eating a random pizza and I am standing beside Niall awkwardly. Ugh, these awkward moments never stop between us.


*Mareen's POV

'So then I told him, Orange you glad the guy fell off of the bike?!' Alex commented and laughed at her lame joke. Wow, she can pull the lame card harder than Harry on twitter.


'Ha. Hahaha..' I laughed awkwardly making Noelle and Alex laugh harder. I seriously think Alex is drunk.


'Are you drunk?' I asked Alex.


'W-what? Pshh. Noooo.' she slurred.


'You're drunk. How did you get drunk if there is no alcoholic drinks here?' I asked.


'Idiot. I was kidding, I'm underage. Remember?' she said seriously.


'Not until tomorrow you're not. Although you'd still be underage to drink but ya' know what I mean.' Noelle playfully punched Alex's arm which hurt her and slapped Noelle hard on the face. Yeah this is the normal scenario for us three friends.

The two poop heads got distracted by Pretty Little Liars and I hopped off the bed to go get some milk. Milk, come to momma bear please. Ignore that sentence.

It was late and suddenly it started raining with lighting and thunder. I look at the window watching the plants go wild, I got really scared once I thought I had watched something move, it was only a cat. I go to take a sip off my milk and a loud 'Live While We're young' music goes off making me jump out of my dear life and making my hello kitty pijamas get filled with milk. Oh great.


I picked up the phone groaning.


'Hello?' I spat rudely on the phone.


'Oh am I disturbing?' an Irish accent spoke through the phone.


'Oh sorry Niall, I just spilled some milk on myself.. What's up?' I asked cleaning myself with a towel.


'Well... A certain curly haired tall boy has been wondering and thinking about Alex the whole afternoon.. And he told me its her birthday tomorrow? So I was wondering if you know.. We could do something special for her 18th?' he asked smiling. It's amazing how warm and close he gets to people that fast.


'Mm. Course, we just did a simple sleepover but we can do something like that. How about...'




I woke up by the sound of birds chirping in my ear-- ok no. I woke up with Noelle yelling in my ear that she can't find the peanut butter and she gave me the excuse that I always find it before her. That girl and her peanut butter I swear.


Alex is on the floor sleeping, yes on the floor. She just "Felt like it". Niall and I spent an hour planning her birthday, I hope she likes it. My hello kitty pj's got ruined with milk and it's her fault.


'Are we making her a peanut butter aka "there's no cake for you to eat now because I ate it all" breakfast?' Noelle asked whispering in the kitchen.


'You don't have to whisper you know? She's still sleeping and even if we yell Keegan Allen is shirtless in our room working out and sweating she wouldn't wake up.' I whisper back.


'I'd sure wake up.' she said on her normal voice. I rolled my eyes and prepared her the breakfast.




Hello you beautiful sexy people. I'm here with an update<3 kind of short sorry and late sorry, but I am going to update this again probably today bc my best friend's bday is tomorrow and yeah. Ooh, I dedicate this chap to her :)


Ok so let me know what you thought of this chapter, was it too serious? Not funny at all? Too much of a filler? Ok for me it was all those things lol. I've just not been so funny writing lately.


Ok anyways, please comment and vote. I really want 22 comments and impossible but true, 35 votes? I'd raise it more but I know we're probably not going to reach that so fast but who knows. Anyways..


-Natnilozano xo

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