Chapter 17: "Kara-tea."

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Chapter 17 || Mareen's POV

'Yeah.. She is my uh girlfriend.' I hear someone say. I ignore it and keep sleeping.

'Can we take a picture with you guys? Omg!' a voice of a girl squeals. I open my eyes and find myself in Liam's arms. I want to yell at him and hit him but these two girls are staring at us in awe.

'Uh.. Hi?' I say awkwardly moving slowly out of his arms.

'Omg!! What's her name Liam?!' a little blonde girl squeals.

'Mareen.' he says smiling at her.

'Aw! You two are adorbss! Can we take a selfie with you guys?' a tall brunette girl asks us.

'Uh I don't think it's a good-'

'Sure.' Liam says smirking. That asshole is doing that to annoy me.

'Omg here!' the blonde hands him her phone. He snakes his arm around my shoulder and pulls me to appear on the picture. He's getting smacked later.

The girls get into the picture and Liam snaps it. 'Can I have one with you kissing my cheek please?' The brunette asks. 'Sure love.' he says grinning like an idiot.

I get out of the picture and watch how he slowly pulls his face and kisses her cheek. She smiles and takes the picture.

'Bye! Thank you so much!' the girls say and leave. Liam winks at them and they giggle.

That little...

I look out the window and cross my arms. He sends me a smirk and I hit him in the shoulder.

'Did you just wink at them?' I can't help but ask. His annoying smirk grows and I get more annoyed.

'Mm, yes. But it's not your concern sunshine.' He answers winking at me.

'You're an idiot. They were fans, and you told them we were dating right?' I ask laughing.

'Yeah.' he answers proudly.

'Then why did you wink at them if we're supposedly together?' I ask.

'Oh..' he says, all of his proud-ness leaving.

'Oh Liam. How you need to learn.' I comment laughing.

'You were really comfy in my arms tho.' He tells me grinning.

'I was asleep and I thought you were Justin Bieber so shut up.' I defend myself and he laughs.

'We are close to landing in LA, please secure your seat belts for landing.' the same woman's voice from earlier says.

'If it helps, I didn't slap you away because you looked great not being mad at me for a minute.' He whispers quietly and I gulp looking at my hands. 


After we landed, Liam practically took my hand by force and smiled his best. I hit him in his parts without anyone noticing and he bent down in pain. Sucks to be him. "What the bloody hell was that Mareen?!" He curses trying not to give out his pain.

"Search for my luggage asshole." I demand and he groans, the two girls from earlier look at us and I immediately fake a smile. "Please honey, I have too much in there for me to carry." I say sweetly and he looks at me confused, I move my eyes subtly towards the girls and they are taking pictures of us.

"Um, sure sweetie." He says smirking and leaving, I walk over to Niall and Zayn and say hello to them.

"How was your flight Mare?" Zayn asks politely. "Eh, nice. I slept through it all." I say yawning, they both laugh at me and Liam comes back.

"You two were really comfy back there." Niall says laughing to himself and hugging Noelle by surprise. Liam's face changes into a frown and I look at him questionably. "I'll explain it to you later." He says and his tone concerns me a little bit too much. I nod and take my suitcase.

"Had a nice flight Alex?" I ask and she groans, I laugh at her. "No! Louis wouldn't shut up!" she sighs frustratingly and I laugh, I knew he wouldn't shut up, he never does.

"Ahh, I see." I say giggling and we exit the airport, this time there are no fans and paparazzi so Liam and I don't have to hold hands, I mentally thank them. "Where are we going now?" I ask and the boys look towards my direction. 

"Some of us will leave into one car to check in the hotel we're staying at and the rest will go buy food. This includes you two, since you already made your first appearance." Louis explains and I nod, I groan and get into the car that Liam gets to. We're going with Noelle and Zayn, the others left in the other car.

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