Chapter 20: "Sorry I was having a wee.."

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songs for the chapter:

Towers- Little Mix

Better Together- Fitth Harmony

She Looks So Perfect- 5sos

Something Great- my boys

Chapter 20

"Which one first?" I asked the depressed girls in front of me. They all shrugged and kept staring at the wall.

"The 4th one." Lilly answers for them and I nod putting the disk inside of the console. It took a little bit of time to show up but once it did I clicked the game. The songs appeared and I searched for one to play; maybe I can play before them to see if they get a bit hyped? 

"Oooh! I like this one!" Lilly commented and I laughed.

"Call me maybe? That sucks Lilz." I said and she rolled her eyes and started laughing. Alex giggled and Noelle made eye contact with me. What Niall is doing with her is incredibly stupid, only to promote a stupid fashion show. I hope it's only for two weeks as Liam told me it would be. I hope he doesn't lie about that too..

"Let's dance On the Floor, okay Lilly?" I suggest and she shrugs taking the control in her hands. 


Twenty minutes passed by of me continuously playing this game making them laugh. I really suck at dancing, you'll never see me doing it right. It takes me over a month to learn a whole dance routine and I'd still have doubts with it. Yeah, I only act and eat.

Apparently Just Dance 4 sucks so we're putting the third one, which has more of an "edge" (words of Noelle not mine). She actually dances a bit better than I do, but she looks like a jelly fish dancing. Just don't tell her that. 

"Oh! Let's put the random songs shuffle thingy!" Alex suggests, we all agree. "Rules are, you can't stop dancing it even if you hate it, if you do then you'll sleep in the bathroom floor naked." she continues, I suddenly don't want to play..

"Mareen goes first, with Alex." Lilly says and she groans. I stick my tongue out to them and Noelle laughs. That's right I'm cool.

No you're no--

Shut up will you.

The first song that appears on the shuffle is Jump on it, great. My mind plays tricks with my feet and hands and makes them move the wrong way. I should get a new mind man. 

Go left because the man dressed like a retro indian boy thing is going right lmao let's make her dance really badly so she can loose the little bits of dignity she still had left. Oh look she has to jump now, let's make her fall down because of an unfortunate chair that was in the middle of the room where she's supposedly dancing. Lol she fell again. Kick the other way so she can hit Alex in the face hahahah! This is funny. Make her feet tangle so she can loose her balance and knock the water that was on the table. Ooh it landed on Lilly's face whoops. Poor girl man, let's stop torturing her for a little bit so she can be happy.

I should definitely get a brain transplant.

 The song comes to an end and Alex walks over to the table I hit and grabbed the bottle of water I knocked and drank from it. Thank God for lids, the whole floor would've been wet by now.  The next song starts by then and my jaw drops. No, not now...

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