Chapter 30: "This is too cute to handle."

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songs for the chapter:

-Problem - Ariana Grande (omg)

-Strong - One Direction

- All Of Me - John Legend

- Sirens - Cher Lloyd

- Human - Cher Lloyd

Chapter 30: "This is too cute to handle."

liam's pov

"She's on a date man, with Luke." 

Zayn's words replay in my head over and over again. How stupid can I be? She's fucking mad with me, she really is.

I don't know what I did wrong, I was just distracted with Danielle.

Oh, Danielle..

Wait, but that means that she got jealous? Or was what she said to her? It had to be, I didn't defend her because I was too much in shock that she would say something like that to her. But now I come to realize it, I'm such an idiot.

Why am I so stupid? I need Mareen, for various reasons. More than I want to admit.

I like her, I admitted it to myself yesterday and I still can't believe it. I like her, I like her, I love her.

    Wait, no. Love is not in here, it's never going to be in here. I'm never falling in love again. I just feel some attraction to her, but she's just like Danielle. She'll leave me without a valid reason to do so, I can't fall.

     I should be happy for her, I should be happy that she found someone better to go out with. Although I feel like I should be that someone, but I'm not and I'll never be. She would never like someone like me, I'm still broken and I still want to be bad and do all the shit that I was doing before I met her, but I know that deep down she changed me. I love that she challenged me in ways I never thought anyone could, I have never been angrier with anyone in the world or have been as annoyed as I've ever been since she arrived. But I've never been happier.

These things are the ones that make me question why the heck do I fall in love, I should just stay single forever and that way life would be easier.

    I put on my flannel quickly and spray some cologne before sitting down on my bunk. I wait impatiently for it to be three a clock, where Mareen is supposed to be here to meet me and go to eat.

I should've ran out looking for her yesterday when Zayn told me it, but I knew I couldn't. What would I say to her? It's not like i can just tell her:

    "Oh yeah I'm sorry that I left my ex-girlfriend let me forget about you for five minutes but I can't let you go out with this boy because you're in a legal contract with me to be my fake girlfriend for six months but you can still see anyone you'd like but I don't want you to because I like you a lot."

That's not something  you tell a person, is it?




   Minutes pass too slow for my liking, Mareen is late. I've been texting her but she answered with a rude emoji and didn't answer my other texts so that must be bad.

Niall passes by talking in the phone and I jerk up. "Niall!" I interrupt him, his face sends me a glare but he finishes his phone call.

"I was talking with management man, they told me Barbara doesn't want us to fake date so it's over!" he happily exclaims and I smile.

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